[12:41] Hello! I have a problem with Ubuntu Studio Installer. When I install my chosen packages, it tells me that I have "held broken packages". I tried troubleshooting it through synaptic and apt in the terminal. No luck so far. [12:42] hi san-guest 😉 [12:43] howdy :) [12:44] remember that there's #ubuntu too, for general ubuntu support (not specific to studio) [12:45] understood! :) [12:45] Thank you! [12:46] (and consider using matrix too, it's actually pretty cool) [12:46] It does seem pretty cool 🤔 [12:46] I can send confetti [12:46] this is really the selling point [12:47] cool! [12:47] But yeah, I really need help with Ubuntu Studio please :sob [12:47] * But yeah, I really need help with Ubuntu Studio please :distressed: [12:47] * But yeah, I really need help with Ubuntu Studio please :sob: [12:48] do you have any other ppa installed [12:48] googling a bit and that seems to be the reason , often [12:49] I do! I was about to say that I did some ricing on this install [12:49] hmmmmmmmmm [12:49] ppa-purge \o/ [12:49] I use all the ppa I have right now 😓 [12:50] It's part of my workflow [12:50] I get that [12:50] * rgh uploaded an image: (26KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/jVgVjjhyjjSuhwNYyYIMYgVT/image.png > [12:51] (on matrix you'd see this image right away 😉 ) [12:51] and ... you can join the #zrythmdaw:matrix.org and #clearlybroken:matrix.org channels \o/ [12:52] san_tagoy: maybe give this a read https://itsfoss.com/held-broken-packages-error/ [12:53] oh! `dpkg --get-selections | grep hold` [12:54] rgh: what is the command meant to do? 😅 [12:55] So far nothing's being held [12:55] until I reinstalled ubuntu-studio-installer [12:56] that command shows you what's being held [12:57] rgh: I'm aware now! The package was held before, but then I reinstalled it after completely removing it [12:58] same result with broken packages unfortunately [12:59] my guess is that the installer depends on package that's already provided by one of you ppa,but with a wrong version [12:59] maybe find out what the dependencies are [13:00] anyway, multiple ppa can mess up your system and that's not a problem of ubuntu(studio) itself [13:01] ppa are nice, but there's a reason things like snap/flatpak/appimage exist :-) [13:01] I have to go to work now [13:02] maybe bump your question after some time [13:02] sure thing! Thank you for the help regardless :) [13:50] Ooooohhhh, got my hands on the 5.8 drivers for the AudioFire4 and now not only does the audiofire work in windows I no longer need to poweroff the PC before booting into linux! [18:43] BrianHechinger[m: Is that the alsa drivers? [18:43] My audiofire12 has not worked with the alsa drivers since 20.04, I have had to use ffado/jackd [18:45] BrianHechinger[m: If you mean the snd_fireworks driver (alsa driver for the audiofire), what is the lowest latency it will run at? I found that 256 was the lowest I could set it to with alsa, 16/2 with ffado. [19:10] Windows drivers. It updated the firmware as well [19:11] Ah, ok [19:11] Not sure I would want mty firmware updated. There are specific versions that are known to work really well with linux [19:13] Yeah, I can always downgrade it if I need to. [19:14] But the fact that Windows no longer leaves the audiofire in a weird state fire Linux after I reboot I'm pretty happy. [19:14] However, I would like to be able to save the mixer setup... powerup defaults I have now are :P [19:14] I never got this one working with alsa [19:15] The alsa module hasn't worked on anything beyond 20.04 [19:15] and 20.04, jack will not start with the latency set below 256/2 [19:16] ffado drivers with jack are wonderful, more stable than alsa all around [19:26] I couldn't get alsa to work at all on 20.04 [19:26] It just want y having it [19:26] Wasn't [19:27] But, ffado is better in every way anyway so I didn't put a lot of effort into it [19:28] My next project is getting jack (with ffado) working nicely with pipewire [19:29] That'll be cool [19:43] it will be a apin though. The user has to be able to choose to work in PW or jack. So getting the session "jack api" to point at pw's libjack oe jack's libjack will be an issue. [19:43] s/apin/pain/