[07:18] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b5c0b63f/file_3084.jpg [07:18] [telegram] trying to update [07:18] [telegram] i got this [17:38] [telegram] You are asking on the other channel about the composer for low-resource computers, I don't use it, it slows down my computer a lot. [17:44] [telegram] same here (re @N0um3n0: You are asking on the other channel about the composer for low-resource computers, I don't use it, it slows down my computer a lot.) [18:09] [telegram] try and see, you can try: picom, compton, xcompmgr (re @Hjil_l: same here) [18:10] [telegram] I'm not sure if xcompmgr is still in the repos [19:11] is there a pop! os chan?