
daftykinsgood afty gang11:34
daftykinswoohoo one replacement pcengines APU4 pfSense machine arrived this morning from LiniTX - my replacement after the first was faulty11:34
m0nkey_any of you lot got one of these Raspberry Pi 400s?  I was thinking of picking one up to drive my 3D printer and to have a simple computer on my maker desk.16:08
daftykinsno sir, but i think i read they only come in the lower RAM configuration in case that matters 16:10
m0nkey_they come with 4GB, should be enough.16:13
zxm-pii don't have a pi 400 but i do have 2 pi keyboards which are the same type of keyboard sans the pi part. quite nice. the 3 port usb hub built in is very nice16:18
zxm-pinot a fan of the half size arrow keys or the lack of pgup pgdn home end insert but they are hard to find on small keyboards16:19
m0nkey_i wouldn't be using it much beyond octoprint, web browsing and youtube. so they keyboard part would be used infrequently enough to be an issue.16:20
m0nkey_i may also compile the odd bit of arduino code too16:22
knightwisehey peepz18:10
knightwiseplaying around with helium linux18:12
knightwiseon an old chromebook :) 18:12
knightwise daftykins: do you have any experiences with installing snaps and running them via the command line ? 18:12
daftykinsi don't touch snaps personally!18:12
knightwisei think i need to figure out a way to add the snaps to my path18:13
waveformm0nkey_, I can't say I particularly like the pi400's keyboard (I'm more partial to the deafening clack of cherry blues reverberating around the room), but as a machine it surpasses even the pi4 due to the better cooling on the C0 stepping of the SoC, and the stonking huge plate of metal that serves partly as heat-sink and partly as keyboard-stiffener19:52
daftykinsooh didn't know it got a revision19:53
waveformm0nkey_, as a further vote of confidence: my 6y/o daughter used one during lock-down to connect (over google meet) to her classroom -- it (just about) handled ~30 hyperactive primary school kids all bouncing around in front of their cameras which genuinely impressed me :)19:53
waveform(just don't expect to manage chroma-key to change your background to "spaaaace" like one of the kids frequently did!)19:54
waveformdaftykins, yes the CM4 and the 400 both use the C0 stepping of the 2711 which is rather better at thermal management (and a couple of other things) than the SoC in the "regular" pi419:55
m0nkey_ok, thats good to know. i'll only be using it to manage the 3d printer, program an arduino or two and maybe some youtube/web browsing20:22
m0nkey_or a just buy a 8gb pi kit20:26
m0nkey_more ram would be nice, but not a massive requirement20:27
m0nkey_huh, so you can install regular ubuntu on it too20:30
zxm-piloads of oses you can bung on a pi these days. 20:32

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