[08:58] Where's the best place going to be to get FFADO support? The mailing list I guess? [09:07] Brian Hechinger yes, i would say so. But you can try shoot your question here, i for one use ffado for all my sound production [09:08] I'm just trying to figure out why it can't start the AudioFire4 at 16/3 or 32/3 running the stock 5.11-lowlatency but can running 5.12-liquorix. Other info is it used to be able to just fine on 20.04 with the stock low latency kernel. I was even able to run 16/2 just fine. [09:14] Brian Hechinger I take it you are doing this on ubuntustudio since you are here...? did the problem start when you installed 5.12-liquorix? I haven't ran into any such issue, but maybe try boot on Low latency after putting in a blacklist for the alsa firewire suff. That's been the magical solution for basically all my problems. let me find the doc for you... [09:16] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/JACK_Audio_Connection_Kit#Firewire [09:16] don't forget to delete the blacklist if this isn't your solution Brian Hechinger [09:16] The problems started when I built the new machine and put 21.04 on it. lower than 64/3 has never worked with the stock studio lowlatency kernel under 21.04. [09:17] I can definitely try that though, sounds like a good idea. [09:27] try it, but if it works at 64/3 i doubt this is the issue Brian Hechinger [09:27] does 64/2 work? [09:27] or lower, but with 2? [09:28] I've booted back into 5.11-lowlatency to try things [09:29] oh, also I updated the firmware on this thing so that may affect things. [09:29] but, so far 64/2 works [09:30] ok 32/2 is a no go [09:31] i've never bothered bellow 256 lol, but let me try and see if i can. I have a fairly fresh install to compare with... [09:31] https://gist.github.com/bhechinger/2778b8ca1b9f7030f2ea1278ed50a1da [09:31] `ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...` [09:31] that seems to be the thing I don't get with 64 [09:32] Brian Hechinger: after upgrading the firmware, did you start ffado and reconfigure it? [09:32] when I googled that I think it was a FFADO error [09:32] start ffado and configure it? [09:32] how so? [09:33] FFADO mixer in the desktop menu (given you are on ubuntustudio) [09:33] it might need a new ID... [09:33] i started ffado mixer [09:33] then i tried to start jack at 32/2 [09:34] and it hung ffado mixer which is no longer updating the window [09:34] How are you starting jack? [09:34] Studio Controls [09:35] After stopping jack ffado mixer shows this: [09:35] * wonko[m] uploaded an image: (60KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/4amlunch.net/52d48f2be9a052dc02a7b3a16510c2cdde54b1d4/image.png > [09:36] Ouch... [09:36] and then after clicking retry it loaded the UI but then stopped responding [09:36] Do you have another cable or another port to try with? [09:36] I do, yes [09:37] * sakrecoer[bpist] holding thumbs for Brian [09:37] but the fact that it runs fine under liquorix tends to make me believe it's not hardware related [09:37] true... [09:37] but it could also be a glitchy cable that just happen to be in fine position the times it succeeded [09:38] that's pretty unlikely considering nothing moves when I reboot and it's very consistent in behavior [09:38] i'll switch ports just for fun though, not sure where the other cable is. :) [09:43] FFADO mixer is supposed to start even if jack is not running. So i get the sensation something is up with how the firewire stuff is installed with your lowlatency kernel [09:44] it started and worked fine [09:44] until I started jack at 32/2 [09:44] then it died [09:46] will FFADO start if jack is stopped? [09:46] normally it'll run in either state, yes [09:46] now things are all sorts of screwed up and jack won't start even at 64/2 [09:47] going to reboot back into liquorix and try all this again [09:48] well... it seems like my firewire isn't working either :/ [09:48] First time i try it since i reinstalled... [09:50] But the FFADO mixer works [09:50] Just JACK refuses to start [09:50] are you on 21.04? [09:50] yes [09:51] 5.11.0-25-lowlatency, i take it you too? [09:51] when I'm not booted into liquorix, yes [09:52] let me see if the blackllist works for me though... i haven't added it and i think OvenWerks made it so that alsa gets black listed when one choses FFADO Firewire Modules in Studio Controls [09:54] Hmm, I can no longer start at less than 64 even on liquorix. I get: `ERROR: firewire ERR: Could not start streaming threads` [09:54] which is at least different. :) [09:54] oh wow... that broke my install [09:55] oops. :-D [09:56] no it just made my DE very sad... but i've had problems with that since start [09:57] i seem to be back in now.. but i have to go eat now so I don't become a hangry monster 👹 brb [09:58] Yeah, I don't know if the new firmware is helping or causing issues. I think I'm going to put 5.7.6 back on it [10:00] let me know if that made it [10:00] otherwise, try eating also. 😅 for me it has proven to be one of the most effective way to solve my computer issues [10:02] heh, I need to go run errands so I'll eat while out doing that. :-D [10:03] I don't expect the firmware change to make a difference though, the behavior is about the same as it was [10:41] still failng to get jack to start at all... [10:43] wasn't there a button to access logs in studio control previously? [10:46] maybe? It's all in ~/.log though so easy enough to find. :) [10:47] you probably want the stuff in ~/.log/jack though as that's the actual jack process logs [11:23] i don't know what i did, but it seems the typical insanity technique worked: doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different result AND getting different result... [11:24] now let's see how low i can get on the buffer size. Currently 256 [11:24] 16/2 working. I haven't started any applications though... [11:32] 99.9% DSP lol... quite noisey too for some reason... [11:33] well probably because 99.9 😅 at 128 it's all good [11:39] I guess I'm just going to be ok with 64/2. :-D [11:39] I should find another drive to install 20.04 on and see if I can still run 16/2 on there [11:40] I don't see how it would matter, but other than the FW card and AudioFire4 the rest of this machine is completely different. [11:43] ok, this is silly [11:43] I powered the machine completely off [11:43] booted it back up [11:43] and now I can run 32/3 under liquorix again [11:47] 32/2 doesn't work [11:49] 16/3 does, 16/2 doesn't [11:55] 40% DSP to run 16/3 though [11:55] and xruns are definitely going to be an issue [11:55] 64/3 it is. :-D [12:03] At least until I can get threadirqs sorted on liquorix