[05:21] HI everyone I have a problem updating my system N: No se puede actualizar de un repositorio como este de forma segura y por tanto está deshabilitado por omisión. [05:21] N: Vea la página de manual apt-secure(8) para los detalles sobre la creación de repositorios y la configuración de usuarios. [05:21] obviosly should be in English but for some reason is displaying this in spanish [06:26] Good morning === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [06:58] Hey Hello there [06:58] I am having some issues with my Kubuntu Desktop [06:58] My desktop has loaded but I am not able to connect to a network [06:59] Are you using a wired connection or a wireless one? Was it working before? What happened that broke it? [07:00] I am using a Wireless Connection. Realtek Wireless Lan Driver. Previous it was working completely fine but after an update of "linux-header", it broke. [07:01] Insert the adapter, type `lsusb`, check the device id, and paste it here [07:02] Ok [07:02] Just a minute [07:02] maybe he cat load the previous kernel. [07:02] can* [07:03] Sure; he probably needs to recompile the module for the latest kernel [07:03] When I am writing lsusb it is not showing anything [07:03] What adapter model is it? [07:05] Realtek rtl8188ftv wireless lan 802.11 n [07:07] I was using this driver [07:07] https://github.com/kelebek333/rtl8188fu [07:08] /about@join_captcha_bot [07:08] What is the output of this command? dkms status [07:12] rtl8188fu,, 5.11.0-25-generic, x86_64: installed [07:12] rtl8188fu,, 5.8.0-53-generic, x86_64: installed [07:12] rtl8188fu,, 5.8.0-59-generic, x86_64: installed [07:12] rtl8188fu,, 5.8.0-63-generic, x86_64: installed [07:12] Cyber, did you compile your own driver? [07:12] !paste [07:12] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [07:12] No, I didn't compile it, I just installed the ppa [07:13] Did you rerun those steps after the kernel upgrade? [07:13] Ahh... No... [07:14] I mean, sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade will do it right? [07:14] Don't think so. Apt doesn't know about external things you might have installed. [07:15] No no I had added the ppa [07:15] And when I ran sudo apt update [07:15] It shows the package by the developer kelebek333 [07:15] *showed [07:15] Ah, right. What does `lsmod |grep rtl` show? [07:17] It shows [07:17] rtl8188fu 1265664 0 [07:17] cfg80211 888832 1 rtl8188fu [07:19] Could you pastebin console output, makes it more readable 😉 What is the output of `sudo iw dev`? [07:21] I want to do it but I can't do it because there is no way to copy the terminal of my computer to my phone as both usb internet and file transfer is not working. [07:21] And it doesn't work. It just shows nothing [07:23] No ethernet backup connection available? bummer. Interesting that the module is loaded but not device shows up. Does `sudo dmesg|grep rtl8188` return anything? [07:24] No, it shows nothing [07:25] And actually for backup internet, I can use the internet from my phone on my pc but currently that is also not working [07:26] Does `sudo modprobe -vr rtl8188fu && sudo modprobe -v rtl8188fu` show anything? [07:30] No 🥲 [07:31] Cyber, you can select the previous 5.8 kernel in grub; wifi should still work there [07:31] I believe your driver doesn't yet work with 5.11 [07:32] When was 5.11 released? [07:32] You'd need to find another package that works, or wait until the ppa is updated with a newer driver version [07:32] If I could connect to the internet at the first place [07:32] Recently, I'm on 5.4 so I don't know exactly when [07:32] Hey listen [07:32] Cyber: Also nothing in `sudo iw dev` after reloading the module? [07:33] But people with 5.8 went to 5.11 recently [07:33] Hmm [07:33] Just one update [07:33] *upgrade [07:33] Reboot, select "advanced ubuntu options" in grub, then select 5.8 [07:33] Then you'll have wifi to be able to paste things and have iw working [07:33] It showed something like "linux-headers" I did it and boom computer doesn't work now... [07:33] That's why old kernels are kept; to be able to work around through such regresions [07:34] Hmm [07:34] Will it delete my files? [07:34] No, it doesn't install or uninstall anything [07:34] It's just a reboot, select grub menu, press enter [07:34] Oh ok good [07:34] You don't need to type any commands [07:34] But how do I enter grub? [07:35] Don't you see the grub menu when your pc boots? If not, hold down left shift while it boots [07:35] Ok [07:35] Trying doing it... [07:35] There are screenshots in the 3rd answer there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/82140/how-can-i-boot-with-an-older-kernel-version [07:36] Don't follow the 1st answer; see the screenshots in the 3rd answer [07:36] Hey listen [07:36] Grub loaded [07:37] What I find odd is that `lsmod` shows the module being loaded, while `dmesg` doesn't say anything about it. [07:38] Hey listen [07:38] I am at advanced ubuntu options [07:38] I see many kernel [07:39] I guess I should select 5.8.0-63 right? [07:39] Select the most recent 5.8 one [07:39] Ok [07:39] 63 is the most latest [07:39] Ok so what is it's number? [07:40] I don't know, I have 5.4. Go ahead and boot it [07:40] Booting older kernels is not a risk [07:40] Don't be afraid to press enter there... [07:40] Ok [07:40] I pressed it [07:41] Things are happening [07:42] Wait is it real... [07:42] GUYS IT IS WORKING!!! 😍😍😍 [07:43] Oh wow [07:43] I didn't expected this would work in the first try [07:44] alkisg: i do not agree, booting older kernels can be a risk because they could contain security vulnerabilities [07:45] Mekaneck: he was working on that kernel until yesterday or whenever 5.11 came. This is a new user we're talking about, don't scare him with such details... [07:45] Mekaneck: Same argument applies to booting newer kernels... [07:45] Mekaneck: it's not an arbitrary old kernel. It's the previous ubuntu kernel, which is maintained and supported by the ubuntu security team [07:46] sure, right [07:46] Cyber, now you need to continue troubleshooting etc and make the driver work with 5.11. Unfortunately I don't have time to help there, maybe Olivier or someone else can. [07:46] Ok [07:46] I am making it concrete [07:47] So that everytime 5.8 boots up ok? [07:47] I'd compile the driver manually against 5.11 and see if you run into errors. [07:47] What is most surprising to me is that the module is completely silent when loading and unloading. [07:48] 🤔 I don't understand but I think you have knowledge so go ahead [07:48] And thanks very much to all of you [07:48] * alkisg has bumped into the same issue with his rpi; the previous 5.10.17 kernel was working, while the new 5.10.52 broke things, and now I'm reverting to the old one... [07:51] Btw how can we save grub files? [07:51] Nano edit files [07:51] I have edited my grub default to always load 5.8 kernel [07:51] Now how can I save it? [07:51] Ctrl + S isn't working [07:54] Oh I did it [07:54] Never mind [07:56] Hey, when I reboot it is showing something memtest86 [07:56] It is normal right? [07:59] As a grub option or is it booting into memtest? [08:00] No it is booting [08:00] From memtest86 [08:00] Blue Screen [08:00] Bad Design... [08:00] Things happening that I can't understand [08:01] It is testing your memory, as the name suggests. Probably not what you intended. You'd need to reboot and select a Ubuntu/Kubuntu entry. [08:01] Oh okok [08:02] It is saying press F1 to fail safe mode [08:03] Erm? In response to what? [08:03] That memtest [08:04] Listen I turned off my computer, turned on again, pressed shift, selected ubuntu [08:10] Yes [08:10] It worked completely fine [08:10] Thanks all [08:10] Have a wonderful day [10:04] Is Kubuntu good for battery life? [10:38] Compared to? [10:39] If you are willing to really dive into these matters you can get your consumption down to relatively low values. [12:28] Hi,I have a question about zoom. When I was on windows there was an option where you pressed space and the mic turned on,but in kubuntu it does not seem to work.Any way to do that in kubuntu [12:56] Hi all [13:52] Hi [13:58] 👋 === genii-core is now known as genii [14:24] cc === Yoan is now known as Yoan__ === Yoan is now known as Yoancc === genii is now known as genii-away === genii-away is now known as genii [16:52] Antone that knows an app "to do list" that works on kubuntu, Android and ipados? [17:16] hi, how do i transfer mp3 to iphone === booda_ is now known as tw3ml0w === WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft === WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft === genii is now known as genii-core