
klebersxnox, hey! the riscv meta update was already published to -proposed in case you want to test it. Also, do we need those Breaks to it?07:24
laneybdmurray: almost all packages will have that. As part of initialisation we look for a pass in the history, so that we can determine if a failure is a regression or not.08:06
kleberssil2100, hi! Sorry, I missed your ping yesterday. The default riscv meta switch to 5.11 is already in -proposed, we can promote it to -updates as soon as all the pieces are tested together.08:28
klebersbut we also should check with xnox if adding the Breaks he suggested will be necessary. In that case we'll need to start a re-spin asap.08:29
dokofyi, gcc-defaults pointing to GCC 11 is now in impish-proposed, but not yet built on all archs. will follow-up once it it built everywhere09:45
utkarsh2102hey, what's the correct link for reading the ubuntu-policy?10:40
utkarsh2102sometime back, it was hosted on http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/10:40
utkarsh2102is it https://ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies?10:41
xnoxdoko:  i am getting illegal instructions after building u-boot. It's using gcc-10 still, but uses gcc-11-base things. It shouldn't matter. Will try rebuilding u-boot from impish in hirsute to check if that is any better.10:59
dokogood start ... :-/11:01
xnoxit's on riscv6411:42
GunnarHjHi rbasak! Would be good if you could revisit bug #1938747 and accept the focal upload too. Trevinho seems to be on vacation, and the uploader is on the alert with verification.13:15
ubottuBug 1938747 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] can't adjust output volume through volume-slider after changing output-device" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193874713:15
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  doko: uploaded http://launchpadlibrarian.net/551745370/debhelper_13.3.4ubuntu1_13.3.4ubuntu2.diff.gz to hopefully fix setuid and setgid bits that go missing after dh_strip.13:33
dokoxnox, did you revert the "cat" approach that I added?13:34
xnoxi wonder if any other similar commands that do things to binaries need to do the same. I.e. in case strip_nondeterminism operates on setuid or setgid13:34
xnoxdoko:  i am keeping cat, because that preserves ownership13:34
xnoxdoko:  i did not test if chmod --reference $file-to-modify $tempfile; followed by chmod --reference $tempfile $modified-file => does everything right.13:35
xnoxor i.e. if chown is also needed. does binutils looses owner/group too?13:35
xnox"loose" -> mangle / destroy13:35
dokoI think that thing is reverted in 3.37, which we now have in the archive13:36
xnoxalso I was confused about umask. Rules-Requires-Root: binary-targets and Rules-Requires-Root: no are different umasks, no? 0022 vs 0002 no idea if that matters.13:36
xnoxah, so we might not need anything anymore?!13:36
dokoI haven't looked to rrr yet13:36
TrevinhoGunnarHj: not in vacation :-)13:38
GunnarHjTrevinho: Ah, good. Then can you please visit that bug and clarify the situation.13:40
TrevinhoGunnarHj: mh I checked, but I wasn't involved on that, was i?13:43
LocutusOfBorgxnox, please forward in Debian too13:47
LocutusOfBorgI don't want this delta13:47
LocutusOfBorgin Ubuntu, for vbox13:48
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  i'm not touching anything in virtualbox yet; trying to fix debhelper/binutils incompat in ubuntu13:53
LocutusOfBorgalso hirsute needs fixes, or we can just set R^3: no after its EOL :D13:54
GunnarHjTrevinho: You became involved indirectly since you had pushed a hirsute fix of another bug to the repo, and I uploaded that. Please see comment #11.14:04
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rbasakGunnarHj: thank you for following up. I'm happy to just accept the Focal upload. I just want to confirm that Trevinho is happy with that, but sounds like he is?14:36
GunnarHjrbasak: I'm trying to find out. :)14:37
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rbasakGunnarHj: I just went ahead and accepted gnome-control-center into Focal, seeing as nobody has objected by now.15:21
rbasakIf that's wrong, we can always upload over the top if necessary.15:22
rbasak(I didn't want to hold up _this_ bug any more given we have people actively working on it)15:22
rbasakGunnarHj: and thank you again for sponsoring and following up!15:22
GunnarHjThanks rbasak15:24
juliankLooking for feedback on whether delta upgrades would be a meaningful improvement for Ubuntu users, and which18:01
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sarnoldjuliank: at first I'm skeptical -- the pdiff things for debian package lists always felt vastly slower for me than just grabbing new lists entirely18:12
sarnoldjuliank: delta updates sounds appealing for folks on slow connections, but those folks also often have high-latency connections, and doing a bunch of little bursty things can take as much time as fewer larger things18:13
julianksarnold: it's the same number of delta deb files as it is for deb files, though18:13
sarnoldjuliank: *iff* you allow downloading a single exact jump from whatever previous package the user has installed to whatever latest is, yeah18:14
sarnoldjuliank: if the way to jump four versions involves downloading four diffs, it'll be much more18:14
julianksarnold: no jumps allowed because the delta is just passed to dpkg to install like a normal deb (it patches the installed files directly; well into .dpkg-new files)18:15
sarnoldjuliank: ah so in the case of jumping four versions, apt would just download the new version like it does today?18:16
julianksarnold: yeah if no such delta exists, sure18:17
julianksarnold: there was the question of how to check for the delta and verify it18:17
julianksarnold: The approaches were to have an index file like Packages, just called Deltas with SHA256 and Filename fields (we just so we get a SHA256 for the delta), well and size; and then use Pdiffs for that18:18
julianksarnold: And of course, my approach with a bloom filter file and an additional index file per source package18:19
sarnoldjuliank: ooo. I initially quite like that bloom filter with index-per-source idea.18:20
julianksarnold: See repository layout v2 https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/Spec/DeltaDebs18:21
juliankThere's some stuff about unique package ids that's needed to, and it's different unique ids than what reproducible builds people want, which is distracting18:22
sarnoldjuliank: I'm reminded of perfect hash maps, eg https://docs.rs/boomphf/0.5.9/boomphf/18:22
sarnoldjuliank: .. of course using something like this would make it awkward to add new packages to a release, so at least kernel packages would be miserable..18:22
julianksarnold: not _really_18:23
julianksarnold: so the deltas are between package ids, and can hence be across source packages18:23
julianksarnold: Basically you'd look at the new ID, download the delta index if you see old ID -> new ID in bloom filter and then see if there18:23
juliankis really a delta18:24
julianksarnold: All you have to do in the end I think is to add rename support to the delta generator18:24
juliankWell, maybe you want to avoid delta lookups for new installs, and hence want that rename support in apt too18:24
juliankSo yes it can be a bit to wrap your head around18:25
sarnoldjuliank: is there a way to unapply these diffs? I'm really surprised how often I need to tell people about /var/cache/apt/archives/ to help them unstick things..18:26
julianksarnold: so you'd have to have the complete deb for that18:27
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