=== pedro_ is now known as pedro__ [02:54] Greetings all. [02:55] Would someone be willing to try and ping store.kde.org ? I'm having issues with accessing themes from the Settings App. The web opens without issue [02:59] it works for me [02:59] must be a me thing. [02:59] Thanks for checking [03:01] iNeedKoffee, could you try pinging store.kde.org for me? just curious if you get dropped packets [03:06] randomxusr: but you need the web to work, not icmp, right? [03:07] it's hosted on cloudflare, they may drop icmp packets, but does it matter? [03:07] I'd like to know if the Store and content is available. [03:07] that's helpful [03:07] https://www.site24x7.com/tools/public/t/results-1628218864708.html [03:08] is the packend using store.kde.org or pling.com? asking because it's a bit confusing. I'll check down detector and cloudflare to be sure [03:09] hmm,i wouldn't know, sorry [03:09] no worries. [03:09] Suspect it's timing out on me. So possibly and ISP issue === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [06:27] Good morning [06:27] o/ [06:28] Morning alkisg , how are you doing? [06:28] It's summer, so it's great :D [06:28] Winter = work, summer = sea :D [06:28] How are things at your end? [06:29] Doing alright, last day before my holidays :) [06:29] Yey! [08:55] Hello. I'm having issues with fonts. I think some fonts are missing from my computer. How can I find the default fonts and install them [08:55] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/8CT8iK7J/image.png [08:55] For example I see the distrowatch website like this. [09:29] Metamorphosis: here are my fonts, they're probably the default ones: https://termbin.com/gsvtd [09:29] You can see yours with: dpkg -l fonts-* | grep ^ii [11:17] ... I wonder if this just some setting somewhere, but ... if I want the inspector as a separate window, this window always occupies the whole screen, no matter if it's the screen where the firefox window resides or not and is not resizable - is this as it should be on Kubuntu 21.0.4?? on any other box with different OS I can resize it [11:18] eh, the application i'm talking about is mozilla firefox [11:19] but I guess it's a firefox-only thing [11:47] omegatron I know this is offtopic but if you are the same person who runs bots in Team Fortress 2, for heaven's sake please remove your bots from the game. If you are not, please ignore this message. [11:48] alkisg thank you very much. I can notice a large number of Indian fonts, are these necessary for a western speaking user? [11:49] hey there kubuntus [11:49] I don't like Team Fortress or any kind of shooter games - therefore I ignore it .. =D [11:50] I play strategy games or hack'n'slay [11:52] omegatron most of the bots in the game are named either omegatron or omegatronic [11:53] alkisg I installed the fonts you mentioned. My issue still remains. I don't know what might be the case [11:54] believe me, if I should ever meet a human in real life, who brags about his bots in any kind of game, I would punch him .. - I despise them [12:24] thank you omegatron sorry for taking your time. [12:27] no prob === joynahid is now known as joynahid_ === joynahid_ is now known as joynahid__ === joynahid__ is now known as joynahid [15:09] whois [15:11] Feels like a spam [15:13] yeah [15:17] Hi all === genii-core is now known as genii [18:55] hi [18:58] I installed kubuntu18.04 and configured kmail [18:58] is normal to view (in htop) akonadiserver and mysqld at 100% cpu? [18:59] Unfortunately, yes [19:01] and in "iotop -o" 4 or 5 threads "mysqld" that write on HDD [19:04] if I upgrade to 20.04, would it improve? [19:04] Not dramatically [19:10] After it's initial run the CPU usage should drop [19:15] unfortunately this is not my case ... [19:17] is possible to stop akonadiserver and mysqld and use kmail? [20:12] Hi [20:15] sacarde: Kubuntu 18.04 is EOL (End Of Life) [20:15] so you either have to upgrade or clean install 20.04 [20:16] I tried copying a file from a folder in Kubuntu to a folder in a USB drive. [20:16] So I opened Terminal in Kubuntu and did cd into that folder. [20:16] And then entered [20:16] sudo cp -f USB path [20:16] This returned the following error [20:16] cp: cannot create regular file 'USB Disk/filename': Read-only file system [20:17] Can you please help? [20:23] run a fsck on that drive, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting [20:24] mounted RO is often the result of a bad block/something [20:37] also, in the CLI you will probably have to escape USB path because of the space [20:38] like "USB Disk"/filename [21:43] Thanks [21:44] how do I know file_system_type? [21:44] as mentioned here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration/Fsck#Running [21:48] Is this the command lsblk -f ? [21:51] fsck -N /dev/sdb [21:51] fsck from util-linux 2.36.1 [21:51] [/usr/sbin/fsck.ext2 (1) -- /dev/sdb] fsck.ext2 /dev/sdb [21:51] fsck -F fsck.ext2 -y /dev/sdb [21:51] fsck from util-linux 2.36.1 [21:51] Usage: fsck.ext2 [-panyrcdfktvDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize] [21:51] [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal] [21:51] [-E extended-options] [-z undo_file] device [21:52] These are the outputs if the command. [21:53] *of the command, I meant [22:01] why fsck -N ? [22:02] well :D [22:02] about that monitor XD [22:02] I finally got the cables [22:02] and I can confirm, its 100% plug and play. Didnt even have to restart the computer. [22:03] it doesnt care its on a different monitor whatsoever XD [22:03] nice [22:03] dfferent GPU* [22:03] Actually not nice, I was scared it wouldnt work so I spend 4 euros on a vga->displayport connector [22:03] 4 euros never getting back XD === genii is now known as genii-core [22:07] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/52c31547/file_46685.jpg [22:07] I like how the windows snap into place on the smaller screen automatically [22:34] okay, I officially dont understand [22:35] on both kubuntu 21.04 AND windows 10, it ONLY works with it connected to the onboard GPU. That works perfectly on both just plug in and done, but as soon as I put it in the same GPU as my main monitor, both didnt give any image anymore, and I literally had to pull out the power and plug it back in to get the dell monitor working again! [22:36] no idea why or how, but given windows 10 and kubuntu are both perfectly happy with this setup and its completely seamless extended screen, I am just happy and wont touch it anymore 😅... I will live with the 4 euros XD