
dreamonhello. what is the default display manager for xfce. I installed lightdm and having trouble with it. how can I change back to its default.12:24
diogenes_dreamon, it depends on the distro, display managers are 3rd party and usually it's lightdm.12:25
dreamondiogenes_, ist ubuntu. think xubuntu 20.04.2. it have issue by locking screen. after locking I wake him up. it shows me normal desktop, like it runs. but I cannot interact with it. login screen is not visible, but after typing password and enter its unlocked and I can use it normally. 12:30
diogenes_dreamon, try this:12:33
ubottuIf your system is unstable or power management does not work well and logs show ACPI issues, you can try to make the Linux kernel pretend it was Windows during boot (which can help on hardware which was only tested with Windows): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html12:33
dreamondiogenes_, Thanks.. will give it a try12:37
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