[01:46] hi [01:47] bye [02:56] awa [02:57] MAP [02:57] awa [02:58] awa === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === stefanmatic is now known as fallen [08:20] 柒頭 [08:21] 睇路呀 咪好串既 傻西 [08:24] !cn [08:24] 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw === muh2000__ is now known as muh2000 [12:21] I have setup keyboard shortcut to change system volume. Wondering is there a way to see the volume level on volume change? [12:34] hi [13:00] Hi all [15:34] LFDO [15:34] LFD0 [15:34] Wtf [15:35] LFPO [15:35] Bro.. [15:36] LFDO [15:36] Fuck you [15:38] time to ignore IrcsomeBot again [15:38] please keep this chat clean. (re @eth333: Fuck you) [15:39] mind your language. [15:40] first time using irc [15:41] can somebody tell me if there is a default location service functionality on kubuntu like there is on ubuntu so that i can disable it? [15:41] Data connection (re @IrcsomeBot: Internet connection data, or disk space data? How much and how do you measure it?) [15:41] And i can't check which application is taking data (re @Midhun_xD: Data connection) === nikolai is now known as nikolai_ === nikolai_ is now known as nikolai__ === nikolai__ is now known as nikolai [16:03] Midhun_xD, haha that was from days ago.... [16:04] can somebody help mem [16:04] me? [16:56] !ask | ea [16:56] ea: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:41] can somebody tell me if there is a default location service functionality on kubuntu like there is on ubuntu so that i can disable it? [18:10] ea: there is not [18:13] ty