[13:16] hello [13:21] im gaving trouble with policykit authorization [13:22] having* [13:22] i can download any apps, or change any settings. and the popup window only shows for .2sec [13:23] cant* [13:31] BlakeRenville[m]: try sudo apt update in a temrinal, does it report any errors or warnings? [13:32] its saying im not a root user. i dont know what i did haha it was working fine one moment than i tried to get fancy, ill find the log [13:34] Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-session:3 (system bus name :1.61, object path /org/kde/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) [13:34] Operator of unix-session:8 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action org.freedesktop.packagekit.package-install for system-bus-name::1.167 [/usr/bin/plasma-discover] (owned by unix-user:blake) [13:35] BlakeRenville[m]: did it not ask for your password? [13:36] only once. now it only pops up for a millisecond. no time to click or type [13:36] then it goes straight to the log [13:36] i mean apt [13:37] sudo apt update should ask for your password [13:37] sudo apt update did help. now its asking me for [13:37] if it doesn't run sudo -K and try again [13:37] username and password [13:37] i should be able to get it now. idk why i didnt think of that [13:37] THANK YOU!! [13:38] or not lol not the same username as before [13:43] i'm not exactly sure what you did there, or how i helped ;) [13:43] i was just suggesting to run sudo apt update in a temrinal to see whether there are problems with some of your configured apt sources [13:43] haha. well i may just have to reflash worst case [13:44] nope all good its user error [13:45] i think you can also use packagekit commands from a terminal, or the application you use for installing updates (which is bahving incorrectly). doing this can also provide warnngs or error messages which can hint on what the problem is, and how it coul dbe solved. === pigwink_ is now known as pigwink