[03:14] good morning [05:46] Heya [06:46] good morning === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ === reverbtank1 is now known as reverbtank === PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga === arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali === daftykin1 is now known as daftykins === jelly-home is now known as jelly === sarnold_ is now known as sarnold === eliocamp0 is now known as eliocamp === eliocamp3 is now known as eliocamp === eliocamp72 is now known as eliocamp7 === eliocamp7 is now known as eliocamp === eliocamp3 is now known as eliocamp === eliocamp9 is now known as eliocamp [23:05] https://gist.github.com/tomreyn/8d7675840d7bc7389b32e4d8887ca449 [23:05] I drafted this piece yesternight because it's a rather common support topic these days and i noted i'm too lazy to explain it every time [23:06] heh I don't recall seeing LTSE before [23:06] feel free to reuse and improve upon as you seem fit. it's certainly far from perfect - i hope it's not wrong [23:07] ltse was mentioned on ubuntu.com for a while. i searched for it yesterday, but could not longer find it [23:07] hmm. maybe I'm just going senile.. [23:07] I hand out *this* link all the time https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [23:07] more likely, i'll be [23:08] I've always hated the name of this thing [23:08] hmm i think i got senile and that's what i really meant [23:10] so it's probably always been s/Evolution/Enablement/ and I just made this up [23:11] (still a terible name, if less so ;-) ) [23:12] tomreyn: having both GA -> LTS and LTS -> GA commands on one page is going to be so helpful :) [23:13] this was what i wanted initially, but then i realized i also need to explains those acronyms. and that this is just for LTS, and that that is another acronym, and ... [23:14] you mean GA -> HWE and HWE -> GA, right? :-P [23:14] or LTSE? [23:14] :) [23:15] because LTSE is really the short term supported kernel and maybe X and maybe more [23:16] (compared to GA) [23:16] tomreyn: hah yeah I meant HWE .. sheesh. [23:17] :)