[02:45] good morning [03:07] Morning callmepk [03:07] hi duflu [06:34] good morning, hi callmepk and duflu [06:34] hi jpnurmi [06:57] good morning [06:57] hi didrocks [07:00] Morning jpnurmi and didrocks [07:01] hey didrocks [07:02] heyu callmepk, duflu, jpnurmi [07:07] good morning desktoppers [07:07] salut oSoMoN [07:07] hey oSoMoN [07:12] Good morning all [07:12] hi oSoMoN jibel [07:13] Hi callmepk [07:15] Hi oSoMoN and jibel [07:16] hi duflu [07:19] salut jibel [07:19] Salut didrocks [07:23] salut didrocks, jibel [07:23] hey jpnurmi, callmepk, duflu [07:24] hi jibel [07:30] Hi jpnurmi oSoMoN === Laney is now known as laney [15:38] good morning desktopers [15:38] hello hellsworth [15:38] hi there oSoMoN hope you're having a nice day :) [15:39] it's not going too bad, thanks :) [15:39] wonderful [15:40] hey hellsworth [15:41] hi ricotz ! [15:49] Good morning hellsworth [15:50] hi jibel ! [17:00] tillkamppeter, hi :), I asked in #ubuntu-release to get ghostscript removed from -proposed, it didn't built in debian experiment either [18:44] hey ricotz i ping'd tillkamppeter in mattermost about ghostscript [18:44] he said "I did not know that. Because of FF I have simply synced Ghostscript, so that Impish has the current version." [18:44] "I cannot remove it. I can only upload Ghostscript and hope that Debian guys are aware and fix it before Final Freeze" [18:44] and wants to know if it's blocking anytihng besides ghostscript.. [18:44] tillkamppeter: ^^ [18:47] hellsworth, I expect it to block a bunch of things (like currently libreoffice in a PPA), I saw the debian experimental build failed over 3 weeks ago [18:48] I don't see Debian being in a hurry to care of builds in experimental at this point [19:02] ok chatted with Till more.. sounds like we need to submit an upstream patch so i'll give it a go [19:13] hellsworth, thank you [19:15] np