[03:48] is there any actual reason for syslinux to be in main any more? [03:50] maybe we still need pxelinux === Laney is now known as laney [10:12] mwhudson: are you copying glibc from from a ppa later? if so, where if you don't mind? [10:12] I would like to test something against it [11:02] RikMills, see my email about the test rebuild [11:05] doko__: I had. However I wanted to test build the latest upstream version of something, not the one in your rebuild. hence wanting the PPA for new glibc [11:06] anyway, thanks. I found the PPA to depend on [11:07] and confirmed that the latest upstream version available is also broken with new glibc, so I can now report taht to them :) [11:08] yes, the email also has a pointer to the PPA with the glibc 2.34 ... [11:27] doko__: apologies. I was looking at a copy someone had replied to, and seems they had 'snipped' that info out! [14:11] I am trying to package lxqt-archiver 0.4.0. I am in doubt, if the copyright notice in https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-archiver/blob/0.4.0/src/about.ui should be added to debian/copyright. === genii-core is now known as genii [17:36] Huh, is X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts= in desktop files no longer a thing? [21:14] RikMills: it's not going to be a copy but the source will be the same as ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/volatile apart from the changelog [21:15] mwhudson: chers. I found it in the meantime. sorry for not saying so [21:15] *cheers [21:55] oops forgot the -v in my util-linux upload [23:18] and there goes glibc === genii is now known as genii-core