
=== genii-core is now known as genii
lubot_[telegram] <profetik777> cant seem to connect to irc.libera.chat from quasell irc19:54
kc2bez[m]It should out of the box on a new install.19:56
profetik777_test test 19:57
kc2bez[m]all good19:57
lubot_[telegram] <profetik777> was in a vm and for some reason had to bridge my network connection19:58
lubot_[telegram] <profetik777> usually it picks it up automatically in a vm , but must be a virtualbox config thing19:59
profetik777_where are the default lubuntu wallpapers stored? 20:15
profetik777_but its empty20:18
profetik777_gonna use lubuntu for work in a vm20:49
profetik777_#join lubuntu-offtopic20:49
kc2bez[m]profetik777_: try `/usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers`20:53
profetik777_giving that a try 20:56
profetik777_i already installed wallpapers from muon20:56
ManskiHello all! What specs does a PC need to have for Lubuntu version 20.04.2?21:12
kc2bezManski: It doesn't take much to run Lubuntu itself. It mostly depends on what you want to do with it. It does require a 64bit processor. 21:26
ManskiHi Dan! Thanks for your info! Is it as light as version 18.04?21:44
kc2bez[m]I think it is close. The most demanding thing these days is the modern web.21:46
kc2bez[m]There are a few things that can be disabled to catch a 100 mb or so if you try. It is lighter than most other desktop environments and approaches the levels of a basic window manager.21:49
kc2bez[m]If you are on a lower end system it might be worthwhile to add a swap file. https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/how-to-create-a-swapfile-in-lubuntu-20-04-20-10/1959?u=kc2bez21:52
guivercManski, fyi: I used pentium M laptops with 1GB of ram to QA-test lubuntu 18.10 & 19.04 with LXQt until x86 ISOs were dropped; it is light22:01
Manskiguiverc: Nice22:11
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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