
TurboTechOh my gosh the second time in a week I had to reinstall Ubuntu.  I can not for the life of me to get Wine installed in Ubuntu Studio 20.0403:45
rghTurboTech: sudo apt install wine doesn't work ?05:55
wonko[m]Are you trying to use the distro wine or install the official wine stuff? I would recommend wine-staging. It's always been very stable and you get all sorts of fun new stuff.09:14
=== Iamthehuman is now known as Iamthehuman1
TurboTechIn standard Ubuntu 20.04 it worked ok.  I was able to just download it from the store and it worked fine.  I tried to download it in multiple ways for Ubuntu Studio 20.04 after I updated from 18.04 and it does not seem to work.  I need it so I can run my Photographic ROES system with my color lab.  11:09
TurboTechjohn@Office:~$  wine -version11:31
TurboTech0009:err:module:__wine_process_init L"C:\\windows\\system32\\-version.exe" not found11:31
wonko[m]two --11:31
wonko[m]wine-6.14 (Staging)11:31
wonko[m]➜ wine --version11:32
wonko[m]wine-6.14 (Staging)11:32
TurboTechOk let me figure this out. 11:32
TurboTechI think I tried wine staging and i might have run into some issues with previous packages that I could not remove.  there is always something that stands in my way.  I know just enough to be dangerous so that is why I usaully screw things up leading to me having to do a full new install. 11:35
TurboTechThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:50
TurboTech winehq-staging : Depends: wine-staging (= 6.14~hirsute-1)11:50
TurboTechE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:50
wonko[m]Did you follow this? https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu11:53
wonko[m]also, did you put the right repo? hirsute is 21.0411:54
TurboTechohn@Office:~$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38611:55
TurboTechjohn@Office:~$ wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key11:55
TurboTechFile ‘winehq.key’ already there; not retrieving.11:55
TurboTechjohn@Office:~$ sudo apt-key add winehq.key11:55
TurboTechI will try the hirsute main11:55
TurboTechI thought I did that last night and maybe i needed the focal main11:56
wonko[m]but did you put the focal one or the hirsute one?11:56
wonko[m]you want the focal one11:56
TurboTechjohn@Office:~$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ focal main'11:57
TurboTechHit:1 https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu hirsute InRelease11:57
TurboTechHit:2 http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease        11:57
TurboTechHit:3 https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu focal InRelease      11:57
TurboTechHit:4 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InRelease           11:57
TurboTechHit:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security InRelease11:57
TurboTechHit:6 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates InRelease11:57
TurboTechHit:7 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports InRelease11:57
TurboTechReading package lists... Done11:57
TurboTechfor some reason the hirsute is in the repository11:57
TurboTechI uninstalled wine every way I know how and the hirsute repository is still there. 11:58
TurboTechHit:1 http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease11:59
TurboTechHit:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InRelease                      11:59
TurboTechHit:3 https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu hirsute InRelease               11:59
TurboTechHit:4 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates InRelease     11:59
TurboTechHit:5 https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu focal InRelease      11:59
TurboTechHit:6 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports InRelease 11:59
TurboTechHit:7 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security InRelease11:59
TurboTechReading package lists... Done11:59
TurboTechJust went into software updates and unchecked that repository12:00
TurboTechFocal main is the only one checked now12:01
TurboTechOk seems to be working12:03
TurboTechIt is actually installing something now. 12:03
TurboTechAnd just like everything else.  It failed. 12:27
TurboTechThis is beyond frustrating.12:27
TurboTechwine-6.14 (Staging)12:28
TurboTechThat is there. 12:28
TurboTechOk it set up my ROES link automatically.  Unfortunately the program gets hung up at creating products as it tries to load.  It worked fine under standard 20.04.  12:53
TurboTechOh well. 12:53
TurboTechTried to fix.  When clicked on the icon it says Unrecognized configuration section <user Setings> 12:56
TurboTechWell I tried to go into my older Ubuntu Studio 18.04 on my other disk and Wine did not work.  I came back to this one (20.04) I tried to install a different program MSI program from a different color lab (Same basic software)  and it works ok.  The ROES software from White House color lab seems to not want to play well.  It gets stuck in the program startup.14:25
TurboTechIf anyone is willing to give it a go here is the link to the ROES program Click on Launch ROES and it will download the MSI file.  If you can get to the log in page then it is successful. https://www.whcc.com/customer-service/ordering14:27
TurboTechMine is getting hung up on "Creating Products"14:27
wonko[m]I don't even get that far14:54
wonko[m]are there any dependencies that need to be installed in wine like dotnet or something?14:54
wonko[m]`Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIpAddrTable function failed`14:55
TurboTechThe funny thing is that it worked fine in Standard 20.0415:01
wonko[m]I'm on 21.0415:02
wonko[m]as a datapoint15:02
TurboTechThis is from a different color lab.  Same program with their style. 15:03
TurboTechIt is a little hokey, but I can work with it.15:03
wonko[m]same exact error for me15:04
TurboTechI do not get it.15:04
TurboTechFor me there has always been this with Wine.  15:05
TurboTech"Like this"15:05
wonko[m]It's all just Java, I wonder if you can't somehow extract the java bits and just run them natively.15:06
wonko[m]Although it could be java wrapped in some windows bullshit so that may or may not even work.15:08
TurboTechBut the problem is the Java program was dropped 1.615:09
TurboTechThey upgraded to 1.8 and it does not work with it. 15:10
TurboTechICEDTEA that is.15:10
wonko[m]ah, that's a hassle then15:10
TurboTechI had so many broken packages on my old Ubuntu Studio 18.04 it could never fully update or upgrade, so the MSI file worked until I had to reinstall and all the updates went along with it. 15:12
EickmeyerWoah there....15:53
Eickmeyer!paste | TurboTech15:53
ubottuTurboTech: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:53
TurboTechSo what part was off topic?15:57
EickmeyerTurboTech: No, wasn't off-topic, just pasting into the chat is not OK.15:57
TurboTechNoted. 15:59
TurboTechDid not have my Webserver set up yet.  Will not happen again. 15:59
EickmeyerTurboTech: NO, you don't need to have a webserver set up. We have paste.ubuntu.com for your convenience.15:59
TurboTechI understand that too.16:00
EickmeyerMatrix also has a built-in mechanism for multi-line text if you wish to use that.16:00
TurboTechNo problem. 16:01
TurboTechThank you all for your help and again thank you for working on the Flatpak Display Cal16:01
EickmeyerTurboTech: To be fair, I only discovered it. I'm working on the snap, but am running into roadblocks. Unfortunately, ${DAYJOB} has me quite busy.16:02
TurboTechUltimately it I think there is some room to grow for Ubuntu Studio  for professional photographers.  There might be a Capture One coming for Debian.  Pay for of course but professional grade Raw converter.  Understand about real job.  I am a Clinical Lab Scientist and I work with Sars CoV-2 Virus 16:03
TurboTechSo these days I am extreamly busy at work.16:04
EickmeyerTurboTech: Wow, you have your work cut-out for you. As far as software for Ubuntu Studio, anything that is in the Debian repositories also exists for Ubuntu (and therefore Studio since it is Ubuntu). 16:35
EickmeyerTurboTech: However, inclusion in Ubuntu (Studio) requires that the software first be licensed as free and open source.16:35
EickmeyerTurboTech: For instance, we can't include software that is packaged to be installed by Debian but not actually in the repositories.16:36
EickmeyerTurboTech: Capture One, for instance, would not be allowed.16:37
EickmeyerHowever, a great alternative would be Darktable. I encourage you to try it out.16:37
TurboTechI have been using Darktable and Raw Therapy and Gimp for the last three years with Ubuntu Studio and that is all I use with the exception of the Stand Alone Neat Image.  My point was that there are many professionals who I know that are waiting for a reason to leave windows and Apple.  The current open source derivatives are not doing it.  My point was that if they do come out with a pro level stand alone version for linux, you m16:52
TurboTechht see a good deal of pros leave the dark side and moved toward Linux and hopefully Ubuntu Studio. 16:53
rghIt requires a dedicated mindset to leave apple/windows behind for linux16:54
rghthe most important thing to learn is that's absolutely not a replacement for those two OS16:55
rghbut seeing the sh#t windows and apple is putting their users through, I get that people want an alternative16:56
rghbut again, usually they want Windows/OSX .. without the crap, and I'm not sure any linux fits that bill16:56
rghthis is probably more a topic for the 'cafe' 16:57
TurboTechWell, I have talked with Phase one and they are looking into it since they are getting daily inquiries on the message boards with people saying they run both Linux and windows and only use windows because they have to for photography.   You are right this is more for the cafe. Sorry again. 17:03

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