
Unit193bryceh: Re: LP 1938957.  I can't really reproduce it well enough to test, first autopkgtest run passed fine, uploaded a git snapshot and the first one failed but a retry fixed it.  So, can you try http://paste.opendev.org/show/ba5gN3U1bYaRVxEFQbGR and see if the results differ?05:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1938957 in limnoria (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest failure 'AssertionError: CanonicalNameDict({'http://xkcd.com/rss.x[101 chars]l')}) != {}'" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193895705:13
dokoGunnarHj, I'll have a look. need to find out why the LTO information is kept on arm6407:30
GunnarHjdoko: Ok, good.07:40
schopinxnox: hi :) regarding openssl 1.1.1k (LP: #1939544) do you plan to look at it?07:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1939544 in openssl (Ubuntu) "Merge the 1.1.1k version from Debian" [Wishlist, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193954407:57
juliankschopin: I can sponsor if xnox doesn't want08:26
schopinjuliank: duly noted, I'll take you up on that later today if need be. Thanks!08:44
sem2peieafter i updated my pc to kernel 5.11 (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS), the ath10k driver for my QCA9984 card is broken and loads only 3 fimrware versions of 1510:13
sem2peie>> https://www.mail-archive.com/ath10k@lists.infradead.org/msg13655.html10:13
sem2peiesforshee: is it possible to apply the patch so that we can load all firmware versions again? (the firmware versions that work are already over 2 years old)10:13
sil2100hm, does anyone else see trouble in getting their PPA packages published?10:49
cjwatsonsil2100: There was an outage overnight and the publisher is still catching up10:50
xnoxschopin:  the merge looks sane, but I am busy with other things to sponsor it =) plus don't want to be on the hook to chase migrating it.10:59
xnoxsem2peie:  heya. can you please open a bug report and we will check where that patch is? and if it's not in stable, figure out how to get into our kernels?11:00
schopinjuliank: looks like you get to sponsor the openssl merge, then ;-) (LP: #1939544)12:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1939544 in openssl (Ubuntu) "Merge the 1.1.1k version from Debian" [Wishlist, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193954412:22
slyonddstreet: hey! do you have any pending changes for systemd (impish)? I'm planning an upload early next week to enable the cgroups v2 functionality (after discussing it with snapd and release teams). I already discussed some pending s390x/udev changes with schopin that we will most probably NOT include with this upload.12:48
sil2100cjwatson: thanks! :)14:16
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bdmurraylaney: Earlier you'd said something about fix released bugs and the rls- reports. Is your point that beecause bug 1877524 is fix released that it won't show up on the report?15:39
ubottuBug 1877524 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-tray error /home/username/.cache/blueman-tray-1000" [Low, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187752415:39
bdmurrayjuliank: Have we talked about https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/01c0a00316e11efe691e2f03e1c48fd2411b5103?16:15
juliankbdmurray: no16:16
juliankbdmurray: needs a reproducer anyway if that's a bug in apt and not a local issue where people chmod files16:16
juliankbdmurray: If it were a bug, it's status were Incomplete :D16:17
bdmurrayjuliank: I suspect its a local issue but it happens a lot16:17
bdmurrayor maybe a fair bit is more accurate16:18
juliankthere's chmod code in apt and possible interaction with umasks or stuff16:18
* juliank has never used umask in his life16:20
bdmurrayjust face masks I hope16:20
juliankBut it seems like apt would write lists files not readable by users if the umask is set accordingly16:20
juliankSo I set umask o=,g=16:22
juliankbut I still get -rw-r--r-- files16:22
juliankso this seems fine16:22
ddstreetslyon only additional thing for impish is a backport for https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/2019917:15
ubottuPull 20199 in systemd/systemd "cgroup: do 'catchup' for unit cgroup inotify watch files" [Merged]17:15
ddstreeti think hlemon will have a MR for impish for that today17:15
juliankschopin: ooh yeah, i forgot a bit17:27
juliankschopin: sponsored17:32
laneybdmurray: That sounds right17:41
laneylike you can't nominate it for backporting or whatever, via the rls process17:42
laneyddstreet: I'm off, but I received your mail and I'll reply when I'm back next week. Also, did you get the one from pitti I copied you into, about an API key for systmed's autopkgtest reqursts?17:42
ddstreetlaney yep, but it looked like xnox did the updating stuff, anything else need to be done for that?17:51
laneyddstreet: nothing done afaik, the secrets aren't updated on our side anyway18:37
vorlonschopin: hi, regarding pam process: I've been doing these as git merges in lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/pam/+git/pam.  I'd appreciate it if you would do the same.  The history of version 1.1.8-1ubuntu1 shows my typical approach; patch fixups usually consist of 'quilt push -f; fixup; quilt refresh; quilt pop; git commit'20:59
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