=== genii is now known as genii-core [09:14] The membership of Jonathan Riddell (jr) in the Ubuntu Members [09:14] (ubuntumembers) team has expired [09:14] anyone can poke him ? [09:14] either he notice or not about his expiry.. [09:22] He also had his core-dev expire, which I know he knew about. He had lost his one time password list for launchpad's 2 factor authentication, so could not renew. LP admin told him who to email to fix things. That is all I know (re @myfenris: The membership of Jonathan Riddell (jr) in the Ubuntu Members [09:22] (ubuntumembers) team has expired) [09:25] do let me know if he managed to settle about his LP problem so that i can change his status + inform the board members .. [14:05] https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/1426545055548985352 [15:14] RikMills: Thank you for your efforts. We all greatly appreciate it. :) [17:49] Looks like all kio plugins became nonfunctional all of a sudden [17:56] Had to restart the session [22:15] Did you upgrade KF5 without restarting KDE? That would probably be why.