[00:29] my OS has audio issues [00:30] i use these command through online help [00:30] sudo apt remove --purge alsa-base pulseaudio [00:30] sudo apt install alsa-base pulseaudio [00:31] still no improvement [00:33] earlier it was showing audio in my system settings [00:33] now its not after using those command [00:34] which OS is your OS, though? [00:35] kubuntu 20.04 [00:35] and what are its audio issues? and when did they start, what may have triggered it? [00:36] i installed the os just few hours ago, [00:36] so audio never worked? [00:36] intially it was working, suddenly it stopped [00:37] atleast in trial version [00:37] so you're saying it never worked after installation? [00:38] or are you just testing the 'live' (usb) system, and that's where audio stopped working? [00:38] (i assume that's what you mean by 'trial') [00:39] it worked after installation too but i don't know what triggered it to stop working [00:39] okay. now have you rebooted since you did the purge of those two packages and reinstalled them? [00:40] yes [00:40] hmm, i would have expected the audio control to reappear in system settings then [00:41] can you run sudo /usr/sbin/alsa-info [00:41] okay [00:42] when it asks "Automatically upload ALSA information to www.alsa-project.org? [y/N]" say "y" [00:43] then tell us the url in red [00:45] user|62: to get my attention later, type my full name here: tomreyn [01:04] any help? what to do after that [01:08] @tomreyn , sorry to disturb you, but could you help me after that step [01:20] user|62: then tell us the url in red [01:20] http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=b627c3493a0352e83589acdde081d5d2c56f62c6 [01:21] looks like you installed ubuntu, not kubuntu [01:21] did you convert the ubuntu installation to a kubuntu installation then? [01:22] no, i did install the kubuntu [01:22] i see, i must have misinterpreted this part of th eoutput then [01:23] so you have an intel HDA onboard audio chipset [01:23] those are usually well supported [01:24] Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller [8086:27d8] (rev 01) [01:26] Codec: VIA VT1708S [01:31] did you find anything which could help [01:32] still looking, this all looks fine for now. try setting the volumes using alsamixer or pavucontrol [01:36] user|62: i don't see a reason why audio would not be working [01:36] user|62: any luck with the above tools? [01:36] i am looking into it [01:36] also, is there any error message when you try to play audio? [01:37] no error msgs, no sounds [01:38] okay, let's see what alsamixer and pavucontrol gives [01:53] also do a cold boot if you haven't [01:56] okay [02:02] user|62: there are two hardware revisions of your mainboard. do you know which one you have? [02:03] old https://www.asrock.com/mb/intel/g31m-s/ vs new https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/G31M-S%20R2.0/index.asp [02:03] the most visually notable difference will be the location of the red sata connectors bottom left [02:05] journalctl -b | grep DMI: may also tell us which one you have [02:12] ASRock g31m-s [02:14] that's the part i already knew [02:15] you don't seem very dedicated to fixing this, and i need some sleep soon, good luck! [02:16] sorry if it seem like that [02:17] this is the first time i am using linux [02:17] i have been up all night too..... [02:17] ah, i didn't know this is your first time! [02:18] just point it out when you don't understand questions, because folks here on IRC can't watch over your shoulder [02:18] i was able to install the os after 3rd chance [02:18] hmm i see, if you tried to customize it too much maybe that's where it failed [02:19] let's try the audio again another day, though :) [02:19] no, i didn't customize it.. [02:20] and thanks a lot for helping though... [02:22] you're welcome! if you want to go on right now, try asking the same question again here or in #ubuntu (which can be a little more busy). but i think we both earnt a bit of sleep ;) [02:23] it must be really late night / early morning in india by now [02:23] see you! [02:23] yes, its 7:53 AM [02:23] i truly appreciate your help.. [02:24] thanks a lot === antoine is now known as Guest8943 [05:51] hi [05:51] hi [05:52] um hello [05:53] !hi [05:53] hi [05:53] 👋hi. Write down problems dude. (re @IrcsomeBot: um hello) [05:55] im back [05:55] Screen tearing issues on kubuntu (im on nvidia optimus PC) [06:27] Hi NUCO [06:28] Hi NUCQ [06:30] Hi all !! On Kubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on Gigabyte Motherboard with Intel Xeon Processor. No problems till now. Will ask if it arises === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [07:42] hello [07:45] colin_: you don't need to say hello all the time; this is a support channel, if you need help, just paste your question [07:45] (of course "hello" is welcome; just saying that you don't need to hear back before you ask) [07:45] ok alkisg [07:46] i am using linux mint 17.3 [08:40] alkisg: don't mind colin, he's a know troll on the mint channels and get's kicked off or banned often [08:41] know/known [08:41] OK, thank you :) [08:41] np, yw === mila is now known as mila__ === popey5 is now known as popey [12:37] Can anyone find me a live iso for windows 10/8/7 which I can flash in a usb normally with Balena ethcher [12:37] 😭😭😭 [12:37] Anyone please help me [12:54] - there is no live iso of Windows [12:54] - use WoeUSB-ng to make bootable windows usb. (re @ADHIVP: Can anyone find me a live iso for windows 10/8/7 which I can flash in a usb normally with Balena ethcher) [12:55] Will it create live usb? (re @ri5h46h: - there is no live iso of Windows [12:55] - use WoeUSB-ng to make bootable windows usb.) [13:05] So you refused to take pain 😆 (re @ADHIVP: Anyone please help me) [13:06] what [13:25] 😢 (re @DPRanjiida: So you refused to take pain 😆) [13:25] There was some issue while running that softwares win to usb in virtualbox [13:25] Why because there are live iso for kali , then try kubuntu/ubuntu (re @ri5h46h: - there is no live iso of Windows [13:25] - use WoeUSB-ng to make bootable windows usb.) [13:26] Why not for windows 😭 [13:26] Brother the. Create a disk partition for sometime and make live usb within windows. (re @ADHIVP: There was some issue while running that softwares win to usb in virtualbox) [13:26] Hi all [13:26] Oh then how do it in a already kubuntu installed system 🤔 [13:27] Because windows wakes up late and then got amazed... O what i should add this feature in our os🤪😀 (re @ADHIVP: Why not for windows 😭) [13:28] ✋ (re @IrcsomeBot: Hi all) [13:28] Haven't you any free disk partition? (re @ADHIVP: Oh then how do it in a already kubuntu installed system 🤔) [13:29] Nope [13:30] @ADHIVP, Hi [13:30] Google about it. [13:30] How to make disk partition within kubuntu. (re @ADHIVP: Nope) [13:30] Ok [13:31] Gpardted will help you (re @ADHIVP: Ok) [13:31] Ok [13:31] Let me try [13:32] Your indian right where are you from (re @DPRanjiida: Gpardted will help you) [13:32] R u a software engineer? [13:32] Umm U.P. India (re @ADHIVP: Your indian right where are you from) [13:32] U.P [13:32] Me from Kerala 😁 [13:32] No i just passed my intermediate. Will take bac this year. Am student. (re @ADHIVP: R u a software engineer?) [13:33] Why not Btech CSE [13:49] high cutoff man. Not easy. I am also struggling. (re @ADHIVP: Why not Btech CSE) [13:49] Oh [13:49] Jee Main right [13:50] Jee main is my secondary option [13:50] I was planning to go in CANDA or USA IF got scholarship [13:50] And that's a Big If 😂 [13:51] Why don't u guys private chat. It's not your classroom 😆 [13:55] 😅 [13:57] no sms here, please use real English [13:58] Umm. Is there fake English also?😛 (re @IrcsomeBot: no sms here, please use real English) [13:58] yeah sma is fake here [13:58] sms [14:03] Oh so you guys don't do sms ? [14:04] Where are you from? (re @IrcsomeBot: yeah sma is fake here) [14:15] Guys one question - is there any future planning for TPM2.0 support in GNU/Linux and device ineligibility if tpm is not there in motherboard in the future for GNU/Linux like it is now presently being required for Windows 11 ? [14:25] Canada here @ADHIVP [14:25] Windows 11 is running on almost only 1% windows users. Because of tpm. New device are capable but old one are only can go with win 10. [14:25] I don't think linux will make tpm must requirement to run it. And about to have support of tpm. I think if a Device have tpm then linux will detect it. (re @Tshering1980: Guys one question - is there any future planning for TPM2.0 support in GNU/Linux and device ineligibility if tpm is not there in motherboard in the future for GNU/Linux like it is now presently being required for Windows 11 ?) [14:36] Thanks [14:36] 🙏 [15:15] Sir! If it's your need then you can search about it on internet that how to check and enable TPM in linux. You will find it easily.🙏 (re @Tshering1980: Guys one question - is there any future planning for TPM2.0 support in GNU/Linux and device ineligibility if tpm is not there in motherboard in the future for GNU/Linux like it is now presently being required for Windows 11 ?) [15:17] Thanks. Just gathering information regarding it now to know when and how to upgrade motherboard and related accessories .... [15:22] If you're using an AMD CPU, you can enable the build-in TPM [16:24] Thanks for the info [16:26] But as far as AMD - I think there is an ftpm or something like that module and for Intel it is ( I forgot the name ) module - source YouTube. But for each of them Hardware TPM module needs to be installed on Motherboard. [16:31] https://www.notebookcheck.net/Windows-11-No-Trusted-Platform-Module-Many-AMD-and-Intel-processors-can-run-Microsoft-s-new-OS-without-a-dedicated-TPM-2-0-chip.548267.0.html [16:31] Sorry, you are correct - New source [20:42] Why is the print command not executed? [22:03] Ahmed: you'll need to provide a lot more information to get help with this