=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB === bigpod0 is now known as bigpod === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [08:40] https://9to5linux.com/debian-edu-11-bullseye-released-as-a-complete-linux-solution-for-schools [09:55] hello [09:57] welcome grey-matter [09:57] I am new to irc === popey5 is now known as popey [09:59] grey-matter: you joined the ubuntu discuss channel, welcome to the community! [10:03] grey-matter: if there's anything we can help you with, let us know [10:10] hello [10:11] hello [10:11] are you here ? [10:13] hi [10:17] hello === jelly-home is now known as jelly [14:13] ubuntu sunday support does that pay double? :p $$ [14:29] twice the karma [14:29] yay [14:32] welcome Nitrousoxide [14:33] fire up your topic here if you like [14:33] Will do, thank you. [14:33] What’s are y’alls preferred pronunciation of Ubuntu? [14:35] Nitrousoxide: ask Nelson Mandela... https://askubuntu.com/questions/34980/what-is-the-correct-pronunciation-of-ubuntu [14:36] Well of course there’s a correct pronunciation but that doesnt mean its used by all haha [14:37] in dutch we pronounce it oo boon too [14:37] that’s probably the most common one, right? [14:38] I say you-boon-too [14:38] More of like a shorter “you,” kinda like a “yuh” [14:39] yeah i bet thats the US way 'you' [14:40] You’re probably right, all of my friends and coworkers say it like that [14:40] Nitrousoxide: Nelson Mandela's video was shipped on the original Ubuntu releases installer and desktop to teach us how to pronounce Ubuntu [14:42] Oh wow [14:42] Interesting piece of oo-bun-too lore [14:49] or desmond tutu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftjdDOfTzbk [14:52] funny how some of my customers prounce it u bun tu, the first time they learn its existence [14:53] linux you say? never heared ot that [14:54] Ly-Nux? [14:54] Ive actually heard that one before [15:19] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Linus-linux.ogg [15:43] Just booted a 6.06 to find the Mandela video. It's in Desktop/Examples/ "Experience ubuntu.ogg" [15:44] package is "example-content" [15:46] Can be found in http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/example-content/example-content_21.tar.gz === ornob is now known as grey-matter [16:23] haha [16:35] in norwegian there's really only one way to pronounce ubuntu [16:35] and linux [16:49] "the correct way™" [16:57] they both are :) === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [18:10] Hello, is there anyone to help me? I have VirtualBox and in it I have a ubuntu server in which I have ssh port redirection on the host 2222 ports. I installed chromium in it, but I can't redirect to the HOST system . [18:10] but dillo browser working [18:12] error message : chromium [18:12] X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. [18:12] [1939:1939:0815/180938.704898:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(1412)] Unable to open X display. [18:35] webchat47 got a response to this in #ubuntu-server