
wonko[m]what is `libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0` and why is it being installed?15:18
wonko[m]maybe this is more of a question for #ubuntu:libera.chat 15:18
OvenWerkswonko[m]: "bad" means bad licence. That is, plugins that most people expect to be able to use but that do not have an open, free, etc. licencing.15:26
OvenWerkswonko[m]: so not debian acceptable15:27
wonko[m]something is jacked up with my packages. :(15:28
OvenWerksI can't help there :P15:29
wonko[m]removed that and now I get: ```dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/avldrums.lv2-data_5%3a0.4.1_all.deb (--unpack):15:29
wonko[m] trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/lv2/avldrums.lv2/Black_Pearl_4_LV2.sf2', which is also in package avldrums.lv2-soundfont 0.4.2~repack1-115:29
wonko[m] trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/lv2/avldrums.lv2/Black_Pearl_4_LV2.sf2', which is also in package avldrums.lv2-soundfont 0.4.2~repack1-115:29
wonko[m]Why won't this render right, going to try without the markdown15:29
OvenWerksYeah, that makes sense15:29
wonko[m]dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/avldrums.lv2-data_5%3a0.4.1_all.deb (--unpack):15:30
wonko[m] trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/lv2/avldrums.lv2/Black_Pearl_4_LV2.sf2', which is also in package avldrums.lv2-soundfont 0.4.2~repack1-115:30
wonko[m]OvenWerks what's the studio version of ubuntu-desktop^?15:46
wonko[m]Ah, ubuntustudio-desktop. 🤣15:49
wonko[m]There, all fixed.16:31
tomreynincl. the avldrums package issues?18:22
wonko[m]Yes. I removed the madlinux source (still don't know how that got there) deleted all the stuff with dno on the version and reinstalled ubuntustudio-desktop.18:25
wonko[m]I think it's good (got logged back into the desktop)18:25
wonko[m]But then I rebooted and grub has zero Linux kernels in the list just the windows os on the second drive. So that needs to be fixed next18:26
tomreynhmm that's weird.20:28
tomreynsorry, i missed your reply earlier, but i guess i have nothing to add anyways.20:29
wonko[m]Ok, grub sorted20:30
wonko[m]what a mess20:30

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