
=== genii is now known as genii-core
xnoxdoes the test require machine isolation? then it didn't run on armhf, and we don't test on riscv64..... hence all arches?!10:12
schopinslyon: could you please run this test again ? It seems to fail when acquiring an external resource... https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=armhf&package=dub&trigger=dub/1.24.0-110:29
schopinslyon: meh, scratch that, someone already tried.10:31
mwhudson"livecd-rootfs/amd64 in main cannot depend on brz in universe" oh ffs11:48
mwhudsoncc vorlon11:49
vorlonmwhudson: oh yes, there's that too15:08
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jawn-smithI've determined that aspectc++ autopkgtests will pass with glibc and gcc-11 from impish-proposed20:14
jawn-smithso I think I've cobbled together a URL to make that happen if a core dev is so inclined: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=amd64&package=aspectc%2B%2B&trigger=glibc/2.34-0ubuntu1&trigger=gcc-11/11.2.0-1ubuntu320:15
ginggsjawn-smith: clicked20:22
jawn-smiththanks ginggs!20:25
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mwhudsonvorlon: ideas? we might be able to download a tarball of the translations branch via loggerhead20:59
mwhudsonhttps://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/subiquity/translations-export/tarball/5?start_revid=5 -> HTTP 50021:02
mwhudsonmaybe we get the translations from subiquity git and try to be strict about updating them from lp regularly21:03
mwhudson(not that anyone is translating them at the moment because we haven't told anyone where the translations are)21:03
jawn-smithappears I was wrong about the gcc-11 thing. continuing to investigate21:21
vorlonmwhudson: putting them into subiquity git seems like a good idea21:35
vorlonmwhudson: part of why we're doing this is to support translation updates separately from updating subiquity, but that's also mostly for supporting targets/layers that aren't necessarily part of the Ubuntu build?21:36
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mwhudsonvorlon: yes23:33
mwhudsonvorlon: we'll need to add the names / decriptions of the layers to the subiquity source so they end up in the pot file23:34
mwhudsonwe'll need to think about where translations for the desktop installer's source catalogs live i guess23:34
bdmurraymwhudson: Come to find out an apport change like this has happened before https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8SmKsyP8bp/23:36
mwhudsonbdmurray: sigh23:36
bdmurrayanyway I did a bunch of stuff to convince myself its fine then found this23:37

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