
kjetilhohmm.  how do I specify a route with a target device rather than a via value?  this is what I need to express in Netplan: `ip -6 route add 2a02:c0:1002:10::/64 dev eth1 table 1`09:23
kjetilho"The routes block defines standard static routes for an interface.09:26
kjetilhoAt least to and via must be specified."09:26
schopinkjetilho: hi :-). Just to clarify, you want to move the routes of a subnetwork that's directly reachable from eth1 into rt 1, right?09:31
kjetilhowell, I need to duplicate that route due to a routing policy which switches routing table for traffic from 2a02:c0:1002:10::/6409:32
kjetilhowithout it, traffic to the local network is routed at the default gateway, which just sends a redirect09:33
kjetilho(the default gateway in table 1)09:33
schopinkjetilho: I think https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1789862 would solve this as well.09:34
kjetilhoseems like my exact problem, yes09:35
kjetilhohmm, what does that PR do, though?  I am running 0.102-0ubuntu1~20.04.209:37
schopinOK, so following the various links, it seems `to: 2a02:c0:1002:10::/64 \n scope: link \n table: 1` *should* do what you request.09:38
kjetilhoyes, just tried a debug run, it is accepted09:39
kjetilhomust pick up some nerve to try it.  hang on ;)09:39
kjetilholooks good!09:40
schopinkjetilho: can you confirm that the table is taken into account?09:40
schopin(the reason why the above bug remained open)09:40
kjetilhoyes, it is added to the correct table09:41
kjetilhoso there are two PRs on the horizon: one for the reference manual, and one for the error message09:41
kjetilho"Error in network definition: unicast route must include both a 'to' and 'via' IP"09:42
schopinLooking forward to it :)09:42
kjetilhodo you have the git-links handy perchance?09:42
kjetilhoI have it on my screen since I read the PR :)09:43
kjetilhohrm.  put a "global" into that error message?  the hint to use a different scope may be a bit subtle, but ...09:45
schopinWe can always nitpick on the wording on the PR itself ;-)09:47
schopinas for the link, for future reference you'll find one in the channel description.09:47
kjetilho*really* staring me in the eye09:48
schopinslyon: (or whoever is +o here) would it be possible to add a link to the lp bug tracker as well?09:48
slyonschopin: yes, that's a good idea!09:53
=== slyon changed the topic of #netplan to: netplan.io 0.103 | Backend-agnostic network configuration in YAML | https://netplan.io | https://github.com/canonical/netplan | https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan
schopinkjetilho: for the record, which backend are you using?09:55

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