
daftykinsmorning all10:53
penguin42yawning daftykins10:55
daftykinspenguin42: the NICs have made it to me via a circuitous route, having been 'muled' over by my pal Andy's parents who must have been visiting him :D10:57
penguin42right, rtc battery replaced in mums pc; poor thing thought it was 201012:44
penguin42she noted it had been taking longer to startup and seemed to restart as it was powering on, I'm wondering if it was that12:45
daftykinsmaybe it just wanted to feel young again ;)12:46
ballWell that doesn't happen often to me: Ubuntu just crashed.13:47
daftykinsentire OS or just desktop?13:48
ballAt least the desktop.  I was eventually able to get to another virtual console to perform an orderly reboot.13:49
ballWhen it eventually came back up it said something about an "internal error".13:50
ballI clicked [Send], in case that provides breadcrumbs that will eventually help someone else down the road.13:51
daftykinshave a read of what you find in /var/crash/ dated today13:52
daftykinsyou only need to restart the desktop service, not the entire system :D13:52
balldaftykins: I don't know enough about Linux to do that.13:52
ballIf it was BSD I'd have a clue.13:53
ball(well, that and I don't know Gnome)13:53
ballIs there a good VNC viewer for Ubuntu?13:56
daftykinsgiven the history of that being a completely insecure protocol i would caution against using it 13:57
daftykinsunless there's some kind of modern spin that's got encryption and passwords implemented now13:57
ballThere are and it's also possible to tunnel it through ssh.13:57
ball(where "it" is traditional unencrypted VNC)13:58
daftykinsyeah but that's a little bit daft if you can't just run something saner to begin with13:58
daftykinsfor my client sites i prefer to have OpenVPN as the means to reach the 'site', then go from there13:58
ballI'm not aware of anything else that can do what VNC does.13:58
ballYes, I wouldn't run it across the Internet or a big LAN13:59
daftykinsi popped xrdp on a xubuntu VM the other day and use the Windows remote desktop client to hit it13:59
ballI've used RDP a lot but never to serve up an X desktop.14:00
daftykinsi was a bit surprised that it was even a thing14:00
daftykinsanywho i've seen Remmina before, that seems to handle VNC and RDP, not sure if it fits the bill14:01
daftykinsi don't know how possible encryption additions may have complicated all that side of things14:01
ballLet me fetch it and have a look.14:01
ballOoh, thought I was going to have another crash then.  Desktop locked up for a second or two.14:02
daftykinsworth watching a process monitor to see if something is going nuts?14:03
ballLet's see what shows up in top.14:04
ballI'll keep that open.14:07
ballRemmina looks promising.14:07
ballLet me test the clipboard integration...14:07
ballI don't see it.14:09
daftykinsif it's just basic top, i don't recall if it sorts by CPU % by default14:13
daftykinsi started dabbling with htop a bit more recently14:13
safiyyahbefore I break my fresh install. I need to set up mu Kensington expert mouse which is a trackball. It isn't happy with the scroll wheel and two other buttons. I goodgled and found a patch for xorg.conf.14:14
safiyyahbut I want to ask about it firts14:14
safiyyahthe patch is here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~pmaydell/misc/expertmouse.html14:15
safiyyahthe current contents of my xorg.config are here https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/V2NQVJSzyh/14:17
daftykinsi don't really see why you even have one at all given that's just setting intel which should be default, i forget if you said that machine had additional graphics hardware14:19
daftykinsin fact you need to remove that because you're not running intel anything14:26
safiyyaham I the only one with handpain and shoulderpain from the mouse and keyboard?14:29
safiyyahremove the xorg.conf?14:29
daftykinswell just remove everything and stick in the contents from your link instead14:29
daftykinsi have a couple of clients that developed issues but i think they are mostly down to their poor chair + desk arrangements more than anything14:30
safiyyahokay... brace yourself.... here comes the stupid questions but I dont know how to open a superuser pluma14:30
ballWhat's a pluma?14:30
safiyyahtext editor for mate14:31
* ball looks for a superuser currin14:31
daftykinsfirst mistake is trying to do it with a graphical application14:31
daftykinsfire up a terminal and just edit it with something nice and simple like nano14:31
daftykinsball: i almost called Mario and Luigi ;D14:31
ballMore of a joe man myself but I put that down to my CP/M background.14:32
safiyyahnano makes no sense to me it never did14:33
safiyyahdoesn't gksudo work for all editors?14:34
daftykinsall you need to know is that you open the file with it, Ctrl+K lets you delete all the current lines, copy the contents from that website and paste it in by right clicking... then Ctrl+X, hit yes and enter to save14:34
daftykinsi was under the impression that was a long dead package14:34
daftykinsthat or it was a bad move to try and run most programs with it these days due to changes, not sure14:35
daftykinsstill graphical, doesn't change the task14:37
ballI don't gedit.14:37
daftykinsi've just outlined how to do it all in one - what more do you want?14:37
safiyyahokay I am at the directory14:37
ballsafiyyah: Do you own the file in question?14:38
safiyyahdaftykins, I did it!!!!14:41
safiyyahi have been scared of that nano thing for years!14:41
safiyyahit wasn't so bad14:41
safiyyahdo I reboot?14:42
daftykinsif you don't know how to restart just the desktop, yeah14:42
daftykinsno date on that website's post so mentions of kernel 2.x make it seem ancient xD14:43
safiyyahi couldnt find anything newer but the mouse is ancient to be honest14:44
safiyyahthey never improved the design just repackaged it with the little USB connector and bluetooth14:44
safiyyahI dont think the bluetooth work14:44
safiyyahwill have to try it later14:45
daftykinsrubbish protocol anyway14:45
safiyyahI don't see that anything changed at all14:50
safiyyahand I don't know why the text is soooo tiny on here (hexchat) I need a magnifying glass14:52
safiyyahoh that is better!14:53
safiyyahI suppose this means I need to google harder14:55
daftykinssuspect your .conf is in the wrong place14:57
daftykinseasy to read the logs to confirm14:57
safiyyahit is in /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-intel14:59
safiyyahisn't that where it is meant to be?15:01
ballsafiyyah: Any idea what the resolution of your monitor is?15:01
daftykinsthat's not where xorg.conf would go, nah15:03
daftykinsand as mentioned earlier you are no longer intel15:03
safiyyahmy monitor is 1920 by 108015:04
safiyyahwhere is that meant to be?15:05
daftykinsdon't know, too much has changed in desktop land... i'm not current with it15:06
daftykinsanyway i'm heading out to check progress at a client's place15:07
balldaftykins: Good luck!15:08
daftykinshehe thanks, thankfully we're still a ways off but muggins here will have a patch panel to re-terminate and a telephone DP to identify all the unlabelled phone cables of at some point 15:09
ballsafiyyah: That's a mode, not a resolution but I get it.  I just wondered whether the OS (or its GUI) knew the resolution of your screen.15:09
ballIs a DP like a butt set?15:09
daftykinshey, family friendly :P15:09
ball(test telephone)15:10
daftykins1920x1080 *is* the resolution15:10
balldaftykins: No it's not ;-)15:10
ballI was looking at some monitors recently where 1920x1080 could be either 82 DPI on a 27" monitor or 102 DPI on a 21.5" one.15:15
ballHey what's a DP, anyway?15:15
daftykinsthat's just a semantic argument15:15
* ball nods15:18
ballIs the patch panel 8-pin modular jacks or 4-pin?15:19
* ball tries to think whether he's actually seen 4-pin.15:19
* ball googles15:19
ballOver here I usually see 1 to 3 lines on a 6-pin or 8-pin modular jack for proprietary PABX or key system.15:21
ball...or Ethernet for anything new.15:21
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