
mupBug #1941028 opened: make syncdb can't find database command <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1941028>04:20
mupBug #1941050 opened: When deploying a machine as LXD host, a version higher than 4.0 should be installed <MAAS:Triaged by ack> <MAAS 3.0:Triaged by ack> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1941050>07:11
mupBug #1941050 changed: When deploying a machine as LXD host, a version higher than 4.0 should be installed <MAAS:Triaged by ack> <MAAS 3.0:Triaged by ack> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1941050>07:17
mupBug #1941050 opened: When deploying a machine as LXD host, a version higher than 4.0 should be installed <MAAS:Triaged by ack> <MAAS 3.0:Triaged by ack> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1941050>07:20

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