=== genii is now known as genii-core [08:06] is there a recommended dput workaround for uploading to Ubuntu PPAs from Debian, and hitting the "Unknown upload method: sftp" ? Looks like Debian hasn't added sftp support for 13 years! [08:29] Worse yet, it doesn't have host argument support. I use a forked version of dput that has a few extras. [09:21] is dput-ng better for this? [09:31] mwhudson: not sure - I eventually figured it can be solved by scp-ing /usr/share/dput/dput/methods/sftp.py [09:38] When I try to debug calls form apt to dpkg I only see the command-line but apt doesn't execute dpkg! "sudo apt -o=DPkg::Options=--force-all -o=Debug::pkgDPkgPM=true -f install" ... doing this because --force-all doesn't seem to be being passed to dpkg (man apt.conf says DPkg:: has an 'options' but other resources say it is 'Options') [10:08] to be fair i would love for the ftps support! https://salsa.debian.org/debian/dput/-/merge_requests/4/diffs [10:08] Merge 4 in debian/dput "Please add ftps (RFC 4217, not sftp) support" [Opened] [10:08] no idea why dput is not being maintained / merged =( [10:13] xnox: does seem weird given the original Debian bug report was filed in 2008 :) [12:35] Shouldn't https://people.canonical.com/~doko/ftbfs-report/test-rebuild-20210805-impish-impish.html be updating? It was last generated two days ago. === genii-core is now known as genii [14:46] rbasak, update is running, the last one didn't finish [14:47] Thanks [17:15] Hi bdmurray, do you have time to look at the FFe request at bug #1940925? [17:15] Bug 1940925 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Do not activate spread view on first boot" [Wishlist, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1940925 [17:19] GunnarHj: some desktop team sign off on this would be nice [17:21] bdmurray: Problem is that l_aney is on vacation. I'm an ubuntu-desktop member, but indeed not a release team ditto. [17:21] bdmurray: I'm ready to answer any questions you may have, though. [17:24] bdmurray: I suppose that my comment on the bug can be seen as my sign off. [17:24] GunnarHj: I'm happy to approve it as an ubuntu-release team member but just want to know the rest of the desktop team is a +1 on this. [17:28] bdmurray: Hmm.. It has been discussed back and forth, but mostly between me and Daniel. Maybe ask some desktop members to provide their +1 tomorrow. [17:36] bdmurray: I added a comment to the bug with such a request. Let's await the desktop team members' explicit approval. [17:36] Okay, thanks I'll have a look at it tomorrow! [17:37] thank you