[01:01] focal has pam 1.3.1-5ubuntu* versions available, but 'apt source libpam-modules' pulls down version 1.4.0-9 from debian instead; is this expected? apt policy libpam-modules only shows the ubuntu versions [01:01] does this happen for others on focal? (I only ran it because someone in #debian on oftc mentioned it, and I thought it highly unlikely.. but it happened to me, too :) [01:11] `apt-get source libpam-modules` got me pam (1.3.1-5ubuntu4.2), fresh chroot of focal. [01:11] apt-cache showsrc says? [01:13] Unit193: cool, thanks, then it's something about security team's crazy configs -- plus whatever the other guy did, hehe -- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gx5hFqyKT2/ [01:13] Eh? One has to log in to even view pastes now? [01:14] oh weird. that'll be a serious deterrent to using the things. [01:14] Line 454 [01:15] You appear to have a lot of deb-src lines, `inxi -r`? [01:15] so many lines [01:15] deb8u2, is that stretch? [01:15] oh right, my archive is turned off to save heat.. no inxi for me [01:15] it probably is [01:16] ...Now I do kinda want to see your sources. :P [01:16] :) [01:20] Unit193: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DVWhpSqmP7/ [01:20] it took a bit to scrub passwords from the thing [01:23] sarnold: Can you look into using auth.d? `man apt_auth.conf` [01:23] And, wow fun! [01:23] Needs updated for bullseye, fyi. [01:23] Unit193: I really should; I never saw a point of it until just now :) [01:24] Unit193: thanks for the reminder, hehe [01:25] Sure thing! === mardy_2nd is now known as mardy === sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie === sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie === krzk_ is now known as krzk === krzk is now known as Guest320 === Guest320 is now known as krzk === sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie [13:44] hum, does anyone knows what's going on in example https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-impish/impish/i386/libs/libssh/20210826_184633_15cd8@/log.gz ? [13:44] /usr/lib/gcc-cross/i686-linux-gnu/11/../../../../i686-linux-gnu/bin/ld: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2: undefined reference to `_dl_addr@GLIBC_PRIVATE' [13:45] doko_, ^ is that a gcc problem? several of the i386 autopkgtests are failing with similar errors [14:00] mwhudson, ^ or you but you are probably eow now [14:18] Unit193: AIUI the rule is now that you have to log in to view pastes that were created by a non-logged-in user. It's an unfortunately necessary mitigation - we were apparently seeing increasing numbers of takedown notices for illegal material of various kinds. [14:19] Unit193: (The initial plan was to disallow anonymous posting entirely, which I pointed out would be a bit of a problem for pastebinit) [15:05] seb128: i think with glibc 2.34 one should simply link against libc only without a need to link against libdl. Hence like the symbol should be in libc directly, instead of libdl.so [15:05] seb128: and also cross-toolchains appear to be busted at the moment a little bit - see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cross-toolchain-base/+bug/1941710 [15:05] Launchpad bug 1941710 in cross-toolchain-base (Ubuntu) "buggy libc.so created for non-default 32bit multlibs" [Undecided, New] [15:20] xnox, thanks === doko_ is now known as doko [15:26] seb128, no glibc issue. likely to go away once glibc migrates [15:29] could also be a hardcoded dependency on libdl in some file in which case it needs a rebuild [16:12] Got a couple of test retries. If a core dev could start these I would very much appreciate it. [16:12] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=armhf&package=boost1.74&trigger=icu%2F67.1-7ubuntu1 [16:12] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=ppc64el&package=boost1.74&trigger=icu%2F67.1-7ubuntu1 [16:44] jawn-smith: . === smoser1 is now known as smoser [16:46] Thanks ginggs [18:47] cjwatson: Huh, thanks for the further detail and backstory on the paste change.