
BluesKajHi all13:05
=== Droid is now known as Mekaneck
BluesKajlatest upgrade on 21.10 removes pulseaudio-utils, media players like smplayer and vlc didn't decode the audio track properly til I reinstalled pulseaudio-utils and pulseaudio itself.13:47
BluesKajeven with pipewire installed and enabled13:49
santa_good afternoon everyone14:17
santa_RikMills: hey, how is kdenlive/mlt going?14:17
blazeBluesKaj: choose one or the other. you don't need both of them at the same time14:35
RikMillssanta_: I have had an ill relative to look after, so have got nowhere with that14:47
BluesKajblaze, yeah, removed pulse* and am using pipewire which seems to be working correctly14:51
santa_RikMills: oh, I'm sorry to hear that, let's see if I have time to assist you with that14:53
santa_RikMills: another thing: except for that problem with that plasma respin, have you hit any other problem with KA? I'm considering to do the 2.4 release and deprecate the 2.3 which is very obsolete now14:55
santa_... and if we do anything about massive respins, do it in 2.514:55

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