
=== orange97 is now known as icecoldjava37
lubot[telegram] <jafarabbas33> A quick question - if I copy my boot files and then replace them with the corrupted boot files in the future, without upgrading my initramfs or kernel version, will it cause any problems or work perfectly?05:10
tomreynjafarabbas33: i am reading your question as: "if I copy all the files from my current, bootable, /boot file system and then, later, use those to replace broken / non-booting files in /boot, without regenerating initramfs or upgrading the kernel image, will it cause any problems or work perfectly?"07:04
tomreynjafarabbas33: if that's what you asked, then i'd say it will probably boot fine, as long as the file systems (identified by file system UUIDs and/or block device paths) and partitions (identified by partition UUIDs UUIDs and/or block device paths) these point to (for the "/boot" and "/" file system primarily) still exist, and you do not move the /boot file system07:07
tomreynalso, if you  have hardware specific initrd / module parameters in your kernel command line, this could get in the way if hardware changes (but you should be able to overcome this rather easily by 'live' editing those out from the grub menu)07:09
=== icecoldjava37_ is now known as icecoldjava37
=== Droid is now known as Mekaneck

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