
=== falcojr3 is now known as falcojr
Marzwhat happened to the minimum server install iso?03:09
tomreynMarz: the one based on debian installer? it does not support uefi and was deprecated and finally removed. you can still netboot.07:14
tomreynfor 20.04, i think it still exists as "legacy server installer"07:14
=== Droid is now known as Mekaneck
=== y0sh- is now known as y0sh_
Marztomreyn: the server installer adds a lot of unnecessary packages. I would like to install just what I need. Are there any options for this similiar to what debian offers?16:11
TJ-Marz: what unnecessary packages?16:49
Marzthe install is 4GB. My debian install is less than 1GB17:00
TJ-That wasn't what I asked17:17
Marz i never checked 17:21
=== uc50ic4more_ is now known as uc50ic4more
=== y0sh- is now known as y0sh_

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