
nanoceliHello, recently I knew cloud-init, if somebody here can give me help with a funcionality? I have a VM running in azure, and inside it I am running a server en local host in diferentes ports, I need expose the local host to a external browser, can i use cloud init for that?13:42
akutzblackboxsw / falcojr: Pengpeng from the GuestOS team just notified me that the new VMware DS is not selected by default on Bionic, Focal, and Hirsute. They mentioned you have to run dpkg-reconfigure (much like I did when I upgraded from Focal to cloud-init 21.3 in my testing). I indicated this may simply be because 21.3 is not yet built into those images, but I do not know if that is the case. Is this behavior still expected? Thanks!15:07
falcojrakutz: if they're upgrading an existing instance to proposed and not running `cloud-init clean` (not that they necessarily should) after upgrade, then yes, this would be expected15:11
akutzI did not think cloud-init clean would automatically add the VMware DS (or any DS) to the list?15:11
falcojrnanoceli: there are no specific modules that I'm aware of that would make that easier, but you could use the runcmd module https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#runcmd or just pass a shell script as user data if nothing else you're doing requires a cloud config15:13
falcojrakutz: right, my bad15:14
akutzNo worries.15:26
akutzfalcojr: FWIW, because I searched for the previous conversation about upgrades and dpkg-reconfigure for my colleagues anyway, I will also post that link here for others wanting additional context - https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/08/18/%23cloud-init.html16:42
Guest42how do I luks encrypt during install?16:47
blackboxswfalcojr: https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib/pull/161/files +1'd for your SRU test improvemenst. If you want to keep adding to it  as you go through SRU verification feel free.19:46
ubottuPull 161 in canonical/pycloudlib "Sru issues" [Open]19:46
blackboxswhrm smoser per https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/827 we merged Vultr Datasource which has an interesting vendordata format that doesn't really seem to align with typical patterns for vendordata overriding cfg on disk. There is a followup Vultr PR up for review where I'm sort of wondering whether we want to continue to let this datasource  drive in a custom vendordata format route.21:51
ubottuPull 827 in canonical/cloud-init "Add Vultr support" [Merged]21:51
blackboxswif you or falcojr or rharper get a chance to peek at the following https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/987/files#r698832379 and have opinions one way or another I'm game for discussion.21:51
ubottuPull 987 in canonical/cloud-init "Cleanup Vultr support" [Open]21:51
blackboxswmaybe I'm misreading the datasource21:51
rharperblackboxsw: I've not followed along very well with vultr ; it appears that vendor-data is a collection of DataSource specific config, that is _not_ actual cloud-config;  AFAICT, each one of those should really be in just the plain meta-data;    vendor-data IIUC, has historically been  *valid* user-data but supplied by the vendor as "default" values for certain user-data options. 22:14
blackboxswThanks rharper; that's kindof what I thought. It looks like Vultr added the datasource with vendordata that **isn't valid user-data**. So it has a smell of something not quite right, or something that doesn't align with how we process vendordata on all other datasources (given our merge logic in cloudinit.stages).22:31
blackboxswthe thing that's strange is that the original implemetation appended some cloud-config to the data https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVultr.py#L86-L88  which looks to be a list of cmds to execute on CLI (via ethtool etc for user_scripts) and a supplemental #cloud-config user-data section as vendordata_raw.22:34
blackboxswso without their `cloud-init query merged_cfg` or `cloud-init query vendordata` I can't really understand how it's being interpreted by cloud-init22:35
blackboxswanyhow they've been responsive, so will let that conversation play out22:35
rharperit's hard to say without seeing the scripts, but it *sounds* like they're sending an array of scripts, which may include #cloud-config snippets, and then when _process_vendordata() runs it'll run through each one; 22:39
rharperwhich isn't too far off from say vendordata being a large multi-part mime payload 22:40
rharperI don't know how much control the datasource needs to have; if they just send multipart mime as vendor-data, then the datasource doesn't need to do anything at all , right ? 22:41
rharperthey could be using sources.convert_vendordata() like OpenStack does; and post multi-part mime scripts as vendor-data 22:48

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