[15:01] tsimonq2: it's good that ublockorigin is now blocking that, but that won't affect all ad blockers and such. [15:02] tsimonq2: unrelated, you have messages in your PMs you ignored [19:44] hello everyone [19:44] I need help please [19:44] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/0e620d76cc19df4508be490c95a13586/pasted.txt [19:45] can anyone told me why I have this error when trying to install lubuntu? [19:45] tell* [19:45] _panic_ [19:45] You should use our support channel. [19:45] !support [19:45] For Lubuntu support, please join the #lubuntu channel on IRC or https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support for Telegram. Also, at https://forum.lubuntu.me you can find our Discourse forum. [19:45] ok