[14:27] rick_h_: did you announce where you are going post Canonical? [14:27] or are you retiring? [14:36] Didn't see the announcement [14:37] https://twitter.com/mitechie/status/1432305633139830790 [14:37] cmaloney: ^ [14:37] Thanks. [14:37] it's merely a tease [14:37] Naturally [14:38] oh! I didn't see the replies. [14:38] oh, replies, /me reads [14:38] ah, right on [14:38] congrats rick_h_ ! [14:39] woo woo! [14:39] Looking forward to pestering you for talks about this at MUG. ;) [14:40] I too start a new job soon. Still at Cisco. A different team found me on Linked-in and poached me internally. [14:41] Is that legal? :) [14:42] Congratulations on the new position [14:48] I think rick_h_ is the last of this group to work for Canonical [14:50] https://pluspora.com/camo/f7ecdc8ad28afa1d27138718c1e75142e01e61c5/68747470733a2f2f6c696272616e65742e64652f70686f746f2f31303533343638343434363132633262396464393865383337333936363239342d302e6a7067 [14:50] Yes, that link looks suspect. It's an image. [15:00] *facepalm* [15:00] cmaloney: and I think you're right re Canonical infiltration [15:00] * greg-g pours one out for the OG homies [15:21] <3 [15:45] it is legal. kinda cool too, new boss actually talked to my old boss about stealing me before actually making the offer. [15:46] yeah, i don't know anyone else in SEMI at canonical anymore. [15:46] Adam Israel maybe? but he was chicago & windsor. I don't think he ever actually lived in MI [15:56] yeah, he was usmi-adjacent [15:56] I think I know more ex-canonical than actual canonical now [15:56] though that's been true for a bit [15:59] same. [16:00] did you see jorge's spat on twitter yesterday? I :popcorn: that. [16:22] good news! https://ubuntu.com/blog/fips-certification-ubuntu-20-04-lts [16:31] the rant about snaps? saying how Canonical is just pushing tech debt to the app/snap authors? [16:32] yup. [16:32] and gustavo saying it isnt' so. [16:42] Honestly I can't make a good case for snaps [16:43] they're updated less often than appimages, and have more overhead on the system [16:43] they're an experiment that hasn't panned out [16:44] and yes, they are pushing tech-debt downstream [16:44] though one might argue that Docker does the same thing, but folks have more reasons to use Docker than snaps [16:50] Anyone looking for work? I’m changing roles at Cisco and my old job in a very security minded threatgrid team is open. It is a programming role on a security product. [16:50] snaps are terrible. [16:50] i hates them.