[00:08] Guest08: Do you do regular checks for updates yourself from terminal ? once can edit ' gsettings set com.ubuntu.update-notifier no-show-notifications true ' from then on it should never tell you when updates are available. [00:09] Bashing-om, yes i check manually and don't need the popup to alert me cause i already know the situation, i'm gonna try this command [00:10] Guest08: ^ assumes the GDM DE :D [00:11] Bashing-om, yes i check manually and don't need the popup to alert me cause i already know the situation, i'm gonna try this command [00:11] sorry [00:11] yes i'm using the gnome thing [00:11] default stuff [00:15] gotta say after 20years i've finally removed windows from my life and i'm super happy about it, hope ubuntu and linux in general keeps improving but so far it's been great [00:17] Guest08: thats great to hear [00:17] Guest08: Well, on a good note - I left Windows after XP service pack 2 and have never looked back :) [00:18] sp3 here [00:19] i never looked back either [00:22] Guest08: If you prefer terminal to control updates - see the most excellent: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2246229 post #4 . [00:28] thats a bit low level for me right now i'm trying simple stuff :D [00:31] Guest08: Feel the power - you will get there :P [00:32] maybe :D i go sleep, thx guys have a nice day !! [00:41] is there any terminal globaltime app? [00:41] to show time from different timezones, live [00:41] also, with minutes and seconds counting [00:47] @gneeriiloeepdeer: script one away. the `date` command is your friend [00:47] gneeriiloeepdeer: once upon a time I had a script in ~/bin/dates that did something like: echo friendname ; TZ=Europe/Whatever date ; echo other friend ; TZ=Asia/whatever date .. etc etc [00:48] gneeriiloeepdeer: granted there's no 'counting' on that kind of display, but I usually just wanted to know roughly what time it was for pals [00:49] @gneeriiloeepdeer: matter of fact. `systemd` can also list the timezones for you since it abstracts what you can do in a script by hoisint the filesystem's /usr/share/zoneinfo files [00:50] `timedatectl list-timezones` [00:51] then you can just hack a script that leverages that command and takes a search $var as an input and grep away the output with the formatting that you want === M4he is now known as mahe [01:21] will cuda for ubuntu 20.04 work on ubuntu 21.04? [01:40] o [02:09] vnstat-php front end not showing data. Please help. [02:09] does it have log files? do they have any errors or warnings? [02:12] sarnold: vnstat works perfectly. But php not shown data. [03:12] How do I catch the reason why my Firefox is keep crashing, like 12 times a day? Xubuntu 21.04 . Is it because of this , is it because of that.. how to catch it. [03:13] maybe you have a virus [03:13] :o [03:14] Laso I moved from AMD RX480 back to using integrated HD4600 graphics in i5 4570 / HP 600 G1 TWR and every time , like Anydesk or some other app starts, screen on monitor 1 (DP to HDMI) goes black ofor second or two. [03:15] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/IZgiOrWn [03:15] Sure, I have many tabs, but I had those also before, difference is I switched off SWAP (14G RAM) [03:15] 16Gb RAM, sorry [03:15] Help me to resolve this [03:17] swap is important [03:17] LnxTen, is it about PHP in general, maybe PHP support? [03:18] nikolam: vnstat-php not showing data, so I need help === BitsnBytes is now known as help === help is now known as BitsNBytes === Ringtailed_Fox is now known as RingtailedFox === rud01f2 is now known as rud01f === RingtailedFox is now known as ItsNeverAWasteOf === ItsNeverAWasteOf is now known as Time === Time is now known as RingtailedFox === RingtailedFox is now known as ElIsWrong === ElIsWrong is now known as RingtailedFox === RingtailedFox is now known as ZnevnaIsATroll === ZnevnaIsATroll is now known as RingtailedFox === RingtailedFox is now known as Ringtailed_Fox [05:38] sorry drone. had to put some people in their place in #libera === diskin is now known as Guest6925 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [05:55] is de.archive.ubuntu.com down? [05:56] i got problems connecting with two different internet connections [06:04] theoceaniscool: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/de.archive.ubuntu.com >> It's not just you! de.archive.ubuntu.com is down. [06:06] TheBigK: ^^ dsoirry bout the bad highlight theoceaniscool :( [06:12] Can somone help me set A DNS record server side. I use cloudfare as my name server [06:29] How can i prevent a sshfs fstab entry from failing boot? [06:29] i tried nofail and nobootwait but both don't exist [06:29] ubuntu 20.042 lts [06:29] you may want to try on #linux, it's linux-related question (wider) [06:30] ah you have :) [06:32] mattf, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/169697/how-does-netdev-mount-option-in-etc-fstab-work [06:33] cool === stevenm is now known as mnol [06:49] Hi all, ssh to an Ubuntu machine prints error message "-bash: /etc/profile: Input/output error" and "-bash: /home/test/.profile: Input/output error" .. How to resolve this error? === mnol is now known as mno|mnol === mno|mnol is now known as stevenm === o is now known as niko [07:06] sub526: try to login locally, if it's a disk error it will happen there too [07:08] alkisg: cat: /etc/profile: Input/output error ... I can't read any log files too.. [07:09] sub526: run `dmesg` and see the disk errors; then try to backup and either format or replace the disk :) [07:09] alkisg: -bash: /bin/dmesg: Input/output error [07:12] Boot from a live cd if your disk has failed completely :) [07:30] what's up everyone [07:43] 20.04 keeps disabling wake on lan. how can i tell it not to do that? [07:48] lavaball: what are you using, network manager, /etc/network/interfaces, netplan? [07:49] E.g. in network manager, it's a setting in the connection properties [07:49] the standard? i'm guessing network manager then. [07:49] (i.e. something is supposed to set it on boot, it doesn't persist across reboots magically) [07:49] Then run `nm-connection-editor` and set wol in the connection properties [07:50] well, it just worked on 18.04. doesn't since i updated. [07:50] anyway, nm-connection said Unable to init server so i'm guessing not that. [07:50] i did sudo. [07:51] Don't do sudo [07:51] does the same. [07:51] ohhh [07:51] is that a graphical thing? [07:51] Yes, "the default" [07:51] because i only have ssh here. [07:51] ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ === Starmina_ is now known as Starmina [07:52] Do you see connections there? [07:52] If not, you're not using network-manager [07:52] (or you haven't configured a connection ...) [07:52] connection is there. i'm using network manager! [07:52] yay! [07:53] The command-line way to edit nm connections from ssh, is: nmtui [07:54] Or, google about the exact `nmcli` command to enable wol in a connection [07:54] hm, config looks the same (execpt for addresses of course) on my 18.04 box. [07:54] E.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wake-on-LAN#NetworkManager [07:54] and there it doesn't get disabled. [07:54] But that information doesn't help at all though [07:54] So you might try the correct way, and search for the difference later [07:55] you link the arch wiki? how quaint. [07:55] Feel free to google the ubuntu wiki, in my experience the arch wiki is a whole lot better [07:55] I'm not a distro chauvinist, all have their pros/cons [07:59] i just don't like google. [07:59] anyway [07:59] thanks so much for your help. [08:00] ¿alguien que hable en español? === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [09:37] Hi, does anyone else has issues with Zoom app consuming much CPU when running on Linux? [09:38] its a shit piece of software. so yes. [09:42] you should lsof it to see what it's doing [09:43] you should uninstall it === jgee7 is now known as jgee [10:10] what is better ubuntu or kubuntu? [10:14] bellowss: which is better for what? [10:15] bellowss: same backend but different front end, pick which one you like best [11:05] is there a way to register a python script as a media player in ubuntu so that it shows up in the notification area? [11:12] VLC already does this, pops up notifications when starting a new song. Is that what you're looking for? [11:16] i tried to use python-vlc module but it doesnt show any notification or give an interface for media control like it does in case of the main application [11:16] summonner [11:31] if you're just wanting to make pop-ups, the direction is "notify" [11:43] Hello [11:44] Hello Eric [11:45] Can someone help me with Wine and AMD GPU Drivers? [12:00] Hi all [12:13] noob needs help [12:14] !ask | mx19n00b [12:14] mx19n00b: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [12:22] Back to the land of the living tis I and just finished 2nd breakfast, ready to work. === ecormier_ is now known as ecormier [12:44] is there a rule of thumb whether to pick aspell- or myspell- packages? or is this more highly depending on the language in question? (https://askubuntu.com/questions/482257/adding-languages-to-gedit-spellchecker) [13:08] how would I route to an ubuntu server I want view a neo4j server running on the defined port [13:16] black_13: if you need help with routing to different networks, try #networking. If you need help with how to access/use neo4j, you should read it's documentation. If you feel something isn't working correctly in ubuntu, please detail those issues here. Along with what version of ubuntu you are running and pastebin any error logs you might have [13:17] thanks [13:45] Hi [13:45] is there any meta package which installs linux-tools and upgrade its version to match installed kernels ? [13:45] instead on needing to install linux-tools-$(uname -r) [13:48] its what linux-tools-generic is [13:48] ok [14:21] Do I need to do anything special to make sure DPKG respects my `nodocs` config file in `/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/` [14:22] `path-exclude /usr/share/doc/*` [14:23] This is the important line in there. There are a few other path excludes, but I can see that these are ignored. Not sure why [14:27] Hi. I'm having a hard time figuring out the proper way to have Ubuntu Server automatically installed using virt-install. I've tried different iso files (live and non-live) and 18.04 as well as 20.04 with preeseed and kickstart - no success. Can anyone point me to an up to date documentation on how to fully automate Ubuntu server installs? === stevenm_ is now known as stevenm === Nei_ is now known as Nei [14:52] oki dokey for my MBR disc drive - I plan to have two Windows 7 primary partitions PLUS one primary for root and two more logical ones : the swap and the home [14:52] would such partitioning scheme click well with Ubuntu ? [14:56] s/logical/extended [14:57] memoryleak: have a look at https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall if you haven't yet [14:57] "But is quite unlikely any GNU-Linux Distro, now a days, will install over MBR, for a fresh installation " [14:58] gulp so how Ubuntu installer would react to an MBR hard drive disc ? [15:19] you can put MBR or GPT on any drive [15:43] i did something to my user account [15:43] gui login just cycles back to gui login [15:43] mx19n00b: know how to get to a console? [15:43] hadta login as root to get desktop [15:44] yes [15:44] as root, create a new user [15:44] useradd -m testymctest; passwd testymctest [15:44] check .bashrc to see what's going on, too [15:44] then see if the desktop works as that user [15:44] ok sec [15:44] if so, you can probably mv ~/.cache and possibly some other things for your ordinary user [15:44] ^ [15:45] could be an error in one of those dot files that is causing issues [15:45] yarp [16:04] created user but login just cycles [16:04] check /var/log for any error logs [16:04] let me see which ones in particular [16:05] can you log in as root? [16:05] mx19n00b: a new user does the same thing? [16:05] yes [16:05] mx19n00b: are you out of space? df -h; df -i [16:05] term login works [16:06] no its a new os new drive [16:06] and by that you mean it's mostly empty? [16:07] yes something filled it [16:07] 0 free [16:07] okay [16:07] if that's a big surprise, then you better check /var/log/ for just huge damn logs [16:08] du -hsx /var/log/* | sort -h [16:08] 0 bytes of free space definitely explains it [16:08] time to find out which files ate up all your free space and why === genii-away is now known as genii [16:09] root is given an extra little buffer of space for situations just like this [16:09] most likely something will stand out like a sore thumb [16:10] but there are general disk freeing approaches listed here: https://wiki.debian.org/DiskFreeSpace [16:10] won't take much free space to allow your GUI to work, unless whatever filled up the disk is still rapidly constantly doing so, which is entirely possible [16:11] there must be a way to search for files over say... 50,000 KB in size, to determine what's eating everything up [16:11] a 50 MB file will be pretty noticible [16:11] yes [16:11] found it [16:11] oh? [16:11] create a vm too big [16:11] mysql/mariadb log? [16:11] lol, yeah that would do it :P [16:11] gotta be careful with that sorta thing! :) [16:12] deleted the cow2 [16:12] so repairs [16:12] ? [16:12] find ~/ -type f -size +500M -exec du -hs {} \; | sort -h [16:12] should work now or? [16:12] mx19n00b: if you can do without having that cow2 [16:12] it'll probably work now [16:12] yes it wasnt even finished [16:12] dleted it [16:12] occasionally running out of disk space has side effects you have to clean up also [16:14] ok seems to be back..whew [16:14] thanks a bunch [16:15] except now i have differet desktop? [16:15] my mx19 desk is different [16:15] you mean like LXDE instead of KDE? [16:16] sec [16:16] does Ubuntu 20.04 support burning BluRay discs? currently I've got Brasero installed [16:16] s_o_v_i_e_t_w_a_, i imagine it would, if the hardware can do it... blu-rays are just UDF volumes [16:17] we're talking BD-R for data archival right? [16:17] Ringtailed_Fox I've just upgraded to BluRay burner but I don't have clean disc atm to try [16:17] yup, BD-R data [16:17] ohh [16:17] good [16:18] was gonna just say that data backup and burning your own home movies to it are perfectly legal but piracy and dulplicating legally-purchased media is a huge no-no and cannot be supported :) [16:18] no i think desktop is same animal config profile or something changed [16:18] lost the default mx19 styling [16:18] Ringtailed_Fox duplicating legally purchased media is legal where I live btw :) [16:19] i know, but it's not allowed *everywhere* and it's best to just avoid the whole topic entirely to be safe [16:19] but I just want to burn actual files (photos and VPS backups lol) to read-only media lol [16:19] so yeah, no legal issues here ;) [16:19] that's fine. okay. so what you'll need is a BD-RE disk or two in order to test it out [16:20] ok new user accts fix that so [16:20] you can test with a DVD-R to confirm that your hardware is wroking properly [16:20] should I care if it's 25 or 50GB disk? my burner supports both [16:20] mx19n00b, sounds like a configuration .file got corrupt due to low space [16:21] well, if you put a 25 GB disk in, you'll have a lower capacity. if you put a 50 GB disk in, you'll have more space to work with. putting a 50 GB disk in a 25 GB drive... might not work properly [16:21] Ringtailed_Fox already tested with DVD media :) got it from a friend who tested DVD capabilities on Windows 10 lol [16:21] alrighty. so.. we know the drive *probably* works just fine [16:21] mx19n00b: might be ~/.cache at this point, but yeah, running out of disk space can confuse configs that try to write constantly [16:21] Ringtailed_Fox I have one 1080p movie on BluRay so maybe I could test reading capability this way === s_o_v_i_e_t_w_a_ is now known as sivietwave [16:22] mx19n00b, might want to try deleting ~/.cache (or copying it to ~/.cache-old first) and then rebooting [16:22] sure! === sivietwave is now known as sovietwave [16:23] you don't want to waste time burning optical media [16:23] rip maybe, and store & transfer & have on hand in digital form (USB stick/drive), but not burn [16:24] matsaman: why not? another different media to store stuff [16:24] he said he wants to archive data in a safe read-only format [16:24] already have important things on RAID1 NAS but it's nice to have more copies [16:24] i can understand that. i usd to burn my necesary documents to CD-Rs and DVD-Rs back in the day [16:24] it's ages of effort and education to do it right [16:24] well you don't want to store anything important on RAID1 either [16:25] why not lol? RAID1 keeps two copies of everything, if one drive fails no data is lost [16:25] especially with ZFS [16:25] two local drives and one remote drive, when one dies replace it; that's all you need [16:25] yeah but ZFS is a pain in the ass to configure [16:25] RAID is about throwing hardware at the problem of _access_ to data [16:25] it's not about preserving data [16:25] Ringtailed_Fox I run XigmaNAS (FreeBSD based OS), very easy to configure [16:25] it's multiple drives or FS areas pretending they're one, for the sake of speed [16:26] RAID literally kills hardware [16:26] it's worth it if you need the extra speed [16:26] what lol [16:26] not kidding [16:26] matsaman you're confusing RAID0 with other modes [16:26] RAID is not for backup, least of all RAID1 [16:26] I am not [16:26] yes you are lol [16:26] RAID is in no way for backup [16:27] nor is it for data redundancy for the sake of data preservation [16:27] if you see that as distinct from 'backup' [16:27] stick to ubuntu support guys [16:27] sorry === Ringtailed_Fox is now known as God === God is now known as RingtailedFox [16:59] h [16:59] i [16:59] I have a problem where a process (snapserver) runs into a timeout after a while, but the process itself is still "active", which is why systemd doesnt restarts the service. Anyone know what I could do about it? [17:00] systemctl status just shows Aug 26 20:32:09 raspi-02 snapserver[522]: Watchdog timeout: 7800s [17:14] what are the standard keyboard short-cut keys in Kubuntu for accessing an application's Window control menu (min/max/move/resize/close) - expected Alt+space but the triggers a global search dialog [17:15] TJ-: ALT+F3? [17:15] 'Window Operations'? [17:16] matsaman: thanks - any idea what happened to the expectation of accessing menus via Alt+f, Alt+e, etc ? [17:17] stuck on a mouseless system with a Kubuntu ISO boot for recovery! [17:18] TJ-: no I don't really follow KDE, but there's long been a lot of momentum in the UI world to hide everything and generally be automagical nonsense [17:18] maybe #kde can inform [17:18] i asked earlier in #kubuntu but no replies [17:18] never mind; I've got a full-screen terminal now which'll do [17:20] huzzah [17:25] So, i have an Ubuntu 20.04 system, configured for de_DE and en_US utf8 locales, but all de_* and en_* locales get generated, e.g. de_BE and en_IN. I don't need or want these locales and would rather not spend time generating them. I ran `dpkg-reconfigure locales` to see what was enabled, ohne two locales selected, but 25 generated, all en and de utf8 locales. [17:26] s/ohne/only/ [17:29] !info localepurge [17:29] localepurge (, hirsute): reclaim disk space by removing unneeded localizations. In component universe, is optional. Built by localepurge. Size 33 kB / 127 kB [17:30] ioria, are the selections in debconf set by locales not what is relevant here? [17:30] co0n, ^ you can check 'localepurge' pkg; but i suggest to read the man page first [17:31] My colleagues rightly won't let me install packages because there is new cruft. I am looking for a way to preempt this. [17:32] well, so I've got myself clean 25GB BD-R media and tried to burn around 23GB project using Brasero [17:32] the only thing I've got was drive ejecting disc and Brasero showing following error: [17:32] Checking session consistency (brasero_burn_check_session_consistency brasero-burn.c:1739) [17:32] Unsupported type of task operation [17:32] Session error : An internal error occurred (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2854) [17:32] how do I proceed lol? [17:33] SovietWave, I assume the disk is unreadable upon reinserting? [17:34] co0n: disc is properly recognized as clean 25GB BD-R [17:34] 23GB and an error [17:34] co0n: after trying to burn it it's still recognized as clean and ready to use [17:34] this is kind of what I was talking about, about not wanting to do this [17:35] SovietWave, you should still be able to see that the disc was being written to, looking at the data side? (I have a BD-writer, but no remembrance of using BD-media) [17:35] co0n: disc looks untouched [17:36] SovietWave, how long did it take Brasero to eject the disc? [17:36] literally under one second [17:37] also dvd+rw-mediainfo still says that this disc is blank [17:38] co0n: so I'm pretty sure it's blank [17:38] SovietWave, have you used the same system/configuration to burn discs, and especially blu-rays, before? [17:39] co0n I was able to burn DVDs but with a different burner (which I've exchanged for better one today) [17:39] i have lots of clean DVD+R media so I can verify if DVD still works fine [17:39] SovietWave, use an RW if you have one ;) [17:40] only DVD-RAM lol [17:40] (and I don't want to unwrap brand new disc this expensive just for testing) [17:41] I think its something with the new drive and the medium is fine. Did you check dmesg for strange messages? [17:42] co0n after ejecting BD-R I still have its icon in system tray lol [17:42] and another one for DVD media [17:42] SovietWave, Icon issue is probably unrelated. [17:45] SovietWave, the drive is properly detected using lsblk, isn't it? Should be /dev/srX, with X being some number. [17:46] co0n yup, it's /dev/sr0 and it seems like DVD burning works fine (it's finalizing) === sharperguy__ is now known as sharperguy [17:47] co0n yup, no issues burning DVD even on old and low quality media [17:48] SovietWave, I got a "Check Integrity" option under "Tools" in Brasero, but no idea if it works on blank discs. You might want to try this? I think Nero offered verification of blanks back in the days. [17:49] co0n this option only works with already burned media :( [17:51] SovietWave, try starting brasero from a Terminal, we might be able to see why it fails before not touching your blu-ray. [17:56] lsblk [17:57] Back to my original question: Can someone help me on why Ubuntu does not respect my debconf locales presets and decides to generate all locales for any language I select a single locale of? [17:57] hello, after power loss my system went down and when i started it it has default mouse cursors in some apps and notify-send just hangs indefinetly [17:58] could you help me track the culprit? [17:59] rud0lf: reboot to recovery and run a file system check [17:59] it ran fsck at boot [17:59] successfully? [18:00] co0n huh K3B works fine with same burner and same BD-R media ;) no idea why [18:00] i don't know :( [18:00] co0n it just started burning happily [18:00] rud0lf, if the boot continued, it did not error out fatally, [18:01] rud0lf, do you know if you have smartmontools installed? [18:03] SovietWave, glad you got it working :) [18:04] !smart | rud0lf [18:04] rud0lf: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools [18:05] rud0lf: maybe post your journal while you prepare for running sudo smartctl -a /dev/XXX [18:05] journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:46] hey fellas, quick question for ya in terms of iscsi & mail servers... [18:46] currently we've an NFS share where our main mail repo resides in, and multiple mail servers that handle the routing dump the data into this NFS share [18:47] by setting up an iSCSI LUN and connections to each Ubuntu host that is handling the mail, would I be running into any sort of file lock issues when processing occurs w/the mail queue? [18:49] Muligan: I've never done anything that complicated but I think if you're doing iscsi of a single LUN to multiple hosts, you'll need somethign very specialized [18:50] sarnold, what's got me questioning my CTO's statement is I've a SAN w/iSCSI LUNs in place, but I present the multiple LUNS to a multitude of ESXi hosts within our vSphere cluster [18:50] and it simply works flawlessly [18:50] so I'm just trying to bridge this gap between the (2) file structures and understand better [18:51] I didn't know if a certain file system overlaid on the iSCSI LUN could make this happen or not... [18:53] Muligan: yeah, I have to admit I don't know off-hand any cluster filesystems that are designed to share a LUN among multiple hosts.. normally people run filesystems on multiple hosts to try to reduce contention on a storage device of some sort, not add contention :) [18:57] Muligan, why do you need multiple mail servers which use the same storage? If you want segregation, you have to have separate storage, if not, you can run a single MTA. [18:58] Muligan, mail can be forwarded pretty well. [19:00] I found a wikipedia thing that claims to have shared-disk clustered file systems, but (a) I have to doubt that there's *that* many "give a single LUN to multiple hosts" filesystems in the world (b) as co0n said I can't imagine it's worth it :) https://twitter.com/nicolearbour/status/1432539854479503361 [19:00] siigh not that. [19:00] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clustered_file_system#SHARED-DISK [19:33] anyone know how to install openjdk7 on ubuntu 20.04 or higher? I find no solution so far [19:36] transhumanist: the oracle pages appear to offer 'java se 7' through oracle support https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html [19:37] transhumanist: maybe your application vendor has some suggestions on how to run such an old jdk? [19:41] its not my application, its a conversion utility for openfoam [19:41] converts models to openfoam format [19:47] transhumanist: what you are asking for is unsupported. You'll need to contact the developer of the tool you are trying to use [19:58] hi, I have accidentally deleted a folder with very important data using rm -rf command [19:59] is there a tool in ubuntu which would help me to recover the deleted data? [20:01] masber: the extundelete package has a tool that sometimes helps; the autopsy interface to SleuthKit is pretty good for it, too [20:01] masber: if the data you deleted lives on the filesystem you'll use to install the packages, it might be better to use a live system [20:01] masber: depending upon how valuable this data is, perhaps even image the entire disk before doing the work [20:04] masber: backups [20:08] fuuck, to make things worse I just realised I restored an older version from the trash bin [20:08] fuuck my life [20:11] !language | masber [20:11] masber: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [20:13] sorry [20:15] extundelete gives me errors when trying to run make command, could someone please help me to understand how to fix this https://dpaste.com/CS7YKQM5S.txt? [20:16] masber: sudo apt install extundelete [20:16] masber: why not just install the package from the archive? [20:16] ok, I was just following their instructions [20:17] masber: in ubuntu you should stick with packages available in ubuntu [20:24] I assume that by restoring an older version of the folder from the trash bin would make extundelete useless? [20:26] maybe it depends whether the original files were using the same blocks? [20:28] hmm, sorry, no ideas there; I wouldn't expect that alone to be the reason why it doesn't work, but there's really no guarantees at all [20:31] and why does it suggests to unmount the divice in order to recover the data? [20:32] masber: because the device is constantly being written to, potentially writing over the blocks you are trying to recover [20:32] mmm ok [20:32] thank you === genii is now known as genii-core [21:33] how do I log in to ubuntu for pastebinit paste it doesnt seeem to want to take my username and password, and I reset it to no special characters to see if that was the problem [21:33] transhumanist: what's the original problem? You can't log in? [21:34] right cant log into canonical to get pastebinit to wokr [21:34] work [21:34] login where now? [21:34] pastebinit.ubuntu.com [21:34] you shouldn't need to log in to use pastebinit [21:34] from terminal so the command works [21:34] to do a pastebin [21:35] it should work without logging into anything [21:35] it just returns the paste url http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ [21:35] no set of characters after [21:37] -u -p doesnt seem to fix it, but it doesnt generate an error either [21:37] is there another pastebinit site i can point it to [21:37] transhumanist: pastebinit is still allowed to paste anonymously [21:38] ok is there another url I can try to paste it to you know of? [21:38] transhumanist: maybe you have an invalid ~/.pastebinit.xml [21:38] transhumanist: you can use: cat /etc/issue | nc termbin.com 9999 [21:39] thanks [21:40] transhumanist: there was a lot of illegal content being pasted that generated lots of take down notices and big admin burden, so browser users need to sign in via Ubuntu One now [21:40] I see it just doesnt seem to want to do it [21:41] oh dear [21:41] looks like they broke the site [21:41] transhumanist: it was ok when I tested it yesterday! [21:41] popey: not again! [21:41] i just pasted something, and it worked fine, but it forced me to login to see it [21:42] does it show a list of pastebins somwhere that you have pasted [21:42] Still works for me (no login I think it has me cached) [21:42] "You need to be logged in to view this paste." [21:42] ok so how do i log in from a terminal [21:43] so your saying noone else can view it, what good is a pastebin then? [21:43] no, it just made me login first time [21:43] after that it's fine [21:43] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zYYn5ZCFQ4/ [21:43] can you see that? [21:43] popey: cjwatson said it is supposed to be viewable without login if pasted by a logged-in user [21:44] ok [21:44] there was some talk about it in -devel a few days back [21:44] ok so its just broken for now , good enough, I will use the other magic I have never seen before thanks [21:46] thanks for the magic thats new to me! [22:47] hi [22:48] *hello*?? [23:24] Hi [23:26] hi [23:26] oh... they're gone. lol. [23:28] ohs [23:34] toddc: you told me telegram snap was good [23:34] toddc: i installed it and it didn't work. never got passed the 'verify identity' one time code thing. [23:52] Croran, I keep getting errors with the telegram snap that it's outdated; but it's the latest snap.. that could be why you can't get passed 'verify identity' (they've updated version but not their snap) You could raise ticket on https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues (I may next time my error appears & I take a screenshot of it) [23:53] guiverc: Thanks! [23:53] guiverc: does the snap need an update? [23:53] guiverc: maybe the upstream folks have new software but the snap author hasn't updated yet [23:53] `snap refresh` tells me all updated [23:53] guiverc: i'm not particularly interested in telegram, but was interested enough to try it after hearing that it was a well-maintained snap. Just because I've seen so few good snaps. [23:53] that's what I believe sarnold [23:54] the link I provided was from snapcraft.io as contact author link for snap [23:54] ah! [23:54] https://snapcraft.io/telegram-desktop [23:56] also confusing that it's 'telegram desktop' and not just telegram. when snap install telegram failed, i did a web search and the page that came up called it telegram.desktop, so i tried that and still no luck. so i had to figure out the snap 'search' syntax to manually search for its name. [23:58] maybe they've just fixed it.. new version detected [23:58] published today, hah