
mupPR snapd#10707 opened: tests/regression: add regression test for LP #1942266 <Bug> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10707>01:28
mupPR snapd#10708 opened: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use core20 from beta channel temporarily <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708>01:43
zyga-mbpgood morning school chaos :)05:22
mborzeckizyga-mbp: heh, damn right05:45
mborzeckineed to run an errand, bb around 905:45
zyga-mbppstolowski hey :)06:44
mborzeckipstolowski: hey06:44
mardyhi all! Yes, I also went to attend to the school chaos :-)07:18
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
mborzeckizyga-mbp: meh, snapd on fedora is broken https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1999998 https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-install-snap-file-snap-is-unusable-due-to-missing-files/25719/1507:22
mborzeckinot quite sure how that squashfs-tools update went in with only 3 days in testing07:23
mborzeckieh and i hate fedora packaging process, so many manual steps07:23
zyga-mbpmborzecki break fast and often07:23
zyga-mbpmy fedora laptop is in the Huawei office today07:23
zyga-mbpmborzecki what's the fix strategy? change snapd to cope with the new output?07:25
zyga-mbpperhaps snap-unsquashfs is needed, it could link to cgo libsquashfs?07:26
mborzeckizyga-mbp: i've already fixed it, but did not update the package in fedora yet because i did not suspect they would actually update to new squashfs-tools in a fedora version that was released a while back07:26
zyga-mbpfedora updates are like that07:27
mborzeckiyeah, fun and unpredictable07:27
zyga-mbpwould a zool test prevent that issue?07:28
zyga-mbpIIRC zool is like autopkgtest?07:28
mborzeckianyways, the fix was cherry-picked for 2.51.7 so i can drop the patch in arch too and probably update tw pacakge as well07:28
mborzeckiso half a day lost to packaging07:29
zyga-mbpmborzecki good luck! lots of people depend on that07:29
mborzeckizyga-mbp: still, i'm happy that i don't have to deal *deb beaurocracy07:31
zyga-mbpsee :)07:32
zyga-mbpsome upsides ;D07:32
mborzeckihmmm why do we have this tag in the repo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/tree/3.9.9-0sdhd5 ?07:49
zyga-mbpmborzecki looks like a mistake?08:02
pstolowskihmm i'm very confused by snap-preseed test failures on 21.10 on master; on our PRs it fails in prepare on /dev/nbd0p1 device check for qemu, but when I run this test manually with spread on google:ubuntu-21.10-64 I'm always getting a build failure on "# build squashfuse and rename to snapfuse"09:00
pstolowskimvo: ^ is there anything magical now happening wrt to snapfuse (v3?)?09:00
mvopstolowski: oh, there should not be, can you show me the full output? maybe the script is buggy or something09:02
mvopstolowski: what is needed to reproduce? 09:02
pstolowskimvo: I run spread -debug google:ubuntu-21.10-64:tests/main/preseed 09:03
mvopstolowski: thanks, let me try this09:05
pstolowskimvo: a bit more context: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WgvdZK6Nyb/09:05
pstolowskimvo: in our tests it fails on nbd check though https://pipelines.actions.githubusercontent.com/xS8oSnypZkPEQZqiZgDaRp2kdvQJKbOY08TesHp7E8vn7g4hYR/_apis/pipelines/1/runs/34095/signedlogcontent/101?urlExpires=2021-09-01T08%3A25%3A11.5093188Z&urlSigningMethod=HMACV1&urlSignature=IfSWYWEXjw9%2F0MFg%2Bu3E3F3noQ%2BO1o7x%2BD8tFdqxq60%3D09:05
mvopstolowski: oh, this looks like the c-vendor file is not there09:05
pstolowskiso i wonder what's different when I trigger it manually09:06
mvopstolowski: probably, just rm -rf ./c-vendor/squashfuse and try again, maybe it's outdated09:06
mvopstolowski: actually I think that is it :/ the script may need to be made smarter for situations like this09:07
mvopstolowski: rm -rf c-vendor/squashfuse/ and then try again, I will also run it hree to double check09:07
pstolowskimvo: thanks, re-trying09:07
pstolowskimvo: yup, that solved it, i'm now seeing the same failure as we have on the PRs, thanks!09:20
mupPR snapd#10709 opened: spread: add 21.10 to qemu, remove 20.10 (EOL) <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10709>09:29
sil2100mvo, pstolowski: oh no, snapd FTBFS again: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/2.51.1+20.04ubuntu1/+build/2203086309:46
mvosil2100: did you try one rebuild already? maybe just bad luck?09:48
mvosil2100: I can also trigger the rebuild of course (don't want to dump this on you)09:50
mborzeckizyga-mbp: can you take a look at https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/915439 ?10:05
zyga-mbpboo? 10:06
zyga-mbpis boo#nnn a suse bug scheme?10:06
zyga-mbpmborzecki "Do you really want to approve this request, despite of open review requests?"10:08
zyga-mbpdo you know where I can send a review so that this pop up does not show up?10:08
mborzeckizyga-mbp: iirc it's bugzilla.opensuse.org10:08
mborzeckizyga-mbp: sorry, forgot to drop a patch and had to supersede the request with a new one https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/91544610:10
mupPR snapd#10709 closed: spread: add 21.10 to qemu, remove 20.10 (EOL) <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10709>10:19
mborzeckimvo: do we have anyone who can look into fixing https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=993233 ?10:20
zyga-mbpmborzecki is it a dput that's required?10:21
mvomborzecki, zyga-mbp indeed, seems like we need to update snapd in debian to fix this10:23
zyga-mbpdebian is open now10:23
mborzeckimvo: fwiw the squashfs-tools patch was cherry-picked to 2.51.7 so a simple update is all we need10:25
mvoyeah, I think so, I will try to get to it today10:26
pstolowskisil2100: oh.. and these are different failures10:31
pstolowskisil2100: did anything change with these builders? are they slower than before?10:32
mvo10634 needs a second review, looks like go modules are finally ready10:32
mupPR snapd#10710 opened: tests: add more space on ubuntu xenial <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10710>10:34
mupPR snapd#10711 opened: tests: bump the number of retries when waiting for /dev/nbd0p1 <Simple 😃> <Run nested> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10711>10:45
sil2100pstolowski: no idea, I think those are standard ones as before11:00
sil2100Interesting, hirsute was fine?11:00
ijohnson[m]Morning folks is UC20 in gce spread still broken?11:09
mvoijohnson[m]: yeah, it's confusing, I tried it in qemu and it's fine11:13
mvoijohnson[m]: but there was a change https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core20-changes/html/edge/'20210826'r1090_'20210831'r1097.html so 11:14
zyga-mbpgood morning ijohnson[m] 11:14
ijohnson[m]Hey zyga-mbp 11:22
ijohnson[m]mvo  :-/ yeah I was trying to debug it with Sergio last night didn't make it far enough, I'll resume looking at the GCE stuff, Sergio showed me how to view the serial console on GCE myself so that will aid debugging a bit 11:23
mvoijohnson[m]: do you have a log output that you can paste?11:24
popeyijohnson[m] morning. thanks for the help with etrace yesterday11:24
mvoijohnson[m]: I'm very puzzled by the fact that it's only affecting google nad not qemu11:24
mvopopey: hey, nice to see you11:24
popeyhey mvo o/11:24
mupPR snapd#10712 opened: tests: ensure the `libvirt-daemon-system` pacakge is installed <⚠ Critical> <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10712>11:25
popeyijohnson[m] I filed a few bugs for you on etrace :D11:25
mvopstolowski: thanks so much for 1071111:25
mvopstolowski: I think it's the last thing that fails on 21.10, then we can make it required11:25
mvoijohnson[m]: in case you want a break from debugging that gce, 10643 (moving to go modules) needs a :+1: :)11:26
ijohnson[m]Whoops I step away for a minute and have like 11 pings haha 11:30
ijohnson[m]mvo i finished a review on the go modules or yesterday but I'm looking into the golang-evdev thing still as I'm still puzzled 11:30
ijohnson[m]@mvo I put log output in the SU doc11:31
ijohnson[m]popey thanks for testing it out and helping debug yesterday :-)11:31
mvoijohnson[m]: thanks, I think there are some small things to address in the go mod still so no real rush, just really would like to get it out :)11:33
popeyijohnson[m] happy to test further, I have a spare machine i can kick off tests on and leave running for long periods. I want desktop snaps to be faster, so am motivated to help.11:34
ijohnson[m]That's great thanks for the offer, I'll be sure to take you up on it, I'll take a look at the snaps you filed issues for first though it might be a simple/silly thing that doesn't require 20 minutes to run through just to get a single error message :-)11:36
popeyI do think the ability to run non-snap packages in the same run would be important.11:37
popeyso you can compare /snap/bin/vlc with /usr/bin/vlc and see what the difference is. Because I don't believe some people believe there's any issue beyond compression11:38
pstolowskimvo: let's see if it's happy, i only run it twice manually11:38
pstolowskisil2100: is the riscv64 build failure reproducible on every run?11:41
ijohnson[m]popey yeah I think I'm response to your issue the thing to do is create a matrix for each startup type so you can compare the different versions since for example I added some really basic support for running flatpaks too 11:44
popeygood call11:44
mupPR snapd#10710 closed: tests: add more space on ubuntu xenial <Test Robustness> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10710>11:50
mborzeckiijohnson: hi, do you have a log or sth related to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708 ? i'm trying to investigate why uc20 fails to boot all with my remodel pr, maybe it's related12:08
mupPR #10708: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use core20 from beta channel temporarily <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708>12:08
sergiusens> removing (with --purge) the lxd snap and reinstalling it helped12:23
sergiusensAside from a potential bug, next time, try and remove the dataset12:23
ijohnson[m]bboozzoo hey there's a log in the SU doc12:31
ijohnson[m]bboozzoo all UC20 systems in gce are failing to boot AIUI 12:31
ijohnson[m]On master that is12:31
mborzeckiijohnson: heh, i merged master to my remodel pr yesterday and it was getting stuck on install, although seemingly in tests that required resealing12:32
pstolowskisil2100: i'll see if I can find something about this new failures later today12:44
mupPR core#121 closed: Generate the dpkg.yaml file <Created by ilasc> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/121>13:21
sil2100pstolowski: thanks!13:36
mupPR snapd#10712 closed: tests: ensure the `libvirt-daemon-system` pacakge is installed <⚠ Critical> <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10712>13:45
mupPR snapd#10713 opened: tests: use host-scaled settle timeout for hookstate tests <Skip spread> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10713>13:50
mborzeckiheh, so the snapd snap from that remodel PR works in qemu13:51
pstolowskisil2100: ^ #10713 should help with one of the failures13:51
mupBug #10713: Broken context-sensitive spell check in Evolution (Greek, Hebrew) <Evolution:Won't Fix> <gtkhtml3.14 (Ubuntu):Fix Released by desktop-bugs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/10713>13:51
mupPR #10713: tests: use host-scaled settle timeout for hookstate tests <Skip spread> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10713>13:51
pstolowskisil2100: but the second failure is unclear; i think mvo wants to re-run this build 13:51
mupPR snapd#10714 opened: tests: move interfaces-libvirt test back to 16.04 <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10714>13:55
sil2100pstolowski: there is a re-run running right now, let's see how it goes! It takes around 3-4 hours though13:57
pstolowskisil2100: whaaat?!!!13:57
mupPR snapd#10711 closed: tests: bump the number of retries when waiting for /dev/nbd0p1 <Simple 😃> <Run nested> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10711>14:00
sil2100It's riscv!14:03
ijohnson[m]fun, so while I can see serial output from gcloud it has a buffer of like 150K or something silly like this and so I lost all of the previous serial console output due to the immense spam, seems I need to stream the output continuously while spread is running to get the full log for some reason :-/14:26
ijohnson[m]and the only way to know the next iteration is to parse stderr, but we also want to keep stdout for the log itself14:29
ijohnson[m]look at this grossness https://gist.github.com/anonymouse64/90b30502ffa3093f77d9a48d9f1d5e8a14:29
mupPR core20#108 closed: Generate dpkg.yaml file <Created by ilasc> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/108>14:30
mupPR core18#180 closed: Generate dpkg.yaml <Created by ilasc> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/180>14:30
mborzeckiijohnson: mvo ok, i can reproduce the failure from my remodel PR with core20 from edge, the system does not boot14:36
ijohnson[m]bboozzoo: I finally have a system running with full serial console logs on gce14:36
mborzeckithe exact revision is 109714:37
ijohnson[m]took a bit of finnicky nonsense with the gcloud command to stream the console output14:37
mborzeckiijohnson: i've repacked the pc gadgetg with cmdline.extra now14:40
ijohnson[m]yeah that's what I'm doing too14:40
mvoijohnson[m]: anything interessting so far on the console :) ? I'm very curious about this one14:41
ijohnson[m]this is the patch to master I'm booting with https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WmtvTVmq63/14:41
ijohnson[m]mvo: just booted now, I'm watching the output 14:42
ijohnson[m]hmm it's just stuck in install mode14:46
ijohnson[m]it's not stuck in the initrd, I think that may have been a red herring that it seemed like it was stuck there14:46
ijohnson[m]and actually it made it through install mode successfully, it is just stuck in run mode, I mispoke earlier 14:47
ijohnson[m]of course I forgot to include snapd.debug=1 in the kernel command line so probably need to run again with that, but it does seem to have booted successfully into run mode14:47
ijohnson[m]this is the current log https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PQKq6xNDVd/14:49
ijohnson[m]and it just stays stuck there indefinitely 14:50
ijohnson[m]alright I'm trying a new run with more debug info14:50
mborzeckiijohnson: hmm, at least what I observe is that the snapd-seeding service starts, but then it takes very long for actual snapd output to appear and the system seems to be stuck14:59
mborzeckiijohnson: and it's happening at random15:00
ijohnson[m]hmm so you see it sometimes works? 15:04
ijohnson[m]bboozzoo: also interestingly, @ondra reported the same thing in MM this morning15:05
mvomborzecki: can you reproduce anything there outside of google? or only google too?15:05
ijohnson[m]mvo: it kinda sounds like ondra may have reproduced it on whatever physical device he was working on15:05
mborzeckiijohnson: yeah, it kind of gets stuck, happens at random15:08
mvoijohnson[m]: yeah, was just reading this, strange15:08
mborzeckiijohnson: it looks like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JmtvzVgwMH/15:09
mborzeckithen if you wait for like 30s or more it proceeds further15:10
mvowhat is confusing to me is that the PR that switches core20 back to beta does not help15:10
ijohnson[m]bboozzoo: looking at your logs, but for me using core20 from edge it never proceeds even after waiting 5 minutes15:10
ijohnson[m]mvo: well what I see is that we get further with using core20 to beta15:11
mborzeckiijohnson: it was like that in gce, even when i restarted the vm service15:11
mvoijohnson[m]: yeah, one thing is that it seems there is a new 20/beta,edge kernel from the 24th too15:11
ijohnson[m]wait bboozzoo are you talking about booting uc20 "natively" in GCE or for nested tests ? 15:11
mborzeckiijohnson: no, nested in gce15:12
ijohnson[m]I have only concerned myself with native uc20 runs in GCE, hasn't looked at nested tests at all15:12
ijohnson[m]ah okay, so we are looking at different things, but could be different manifestations of the same problem15:12
mborzeckiijohnson: heh, not it got stuck locally again, look at this jump from 11 to 39 seconds, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y7qKWG5WBT/ maybe there's also some networking issues in gce?15:12
ijohnson[m]oh interesting that is weird15:15
ijohnson[m]okay well I have gotten as much as I can out of this run, need to start another run15:15
ijohnson[m]mvo: this was the next run I did, also with master snapd + edge core2015:15
mvoso in "packaging: add libfuse3-dev build-dep" (2 days ago) ubuntu-core-20-64 had no failure, let me try to bisect from our previous runs if I can pinpoint this more15:15
ijohnson[m]I'm going to try beta core20 again to see how far it gets15:15
mvoijohnson[m]: \o/ thanks15:16
mvolate Monday it seems to have started15:22
ijohnson[m]I see https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10685 was happy15:30
mupPR #10685: many: fix run-checks gofmt check  <Created by MiguelPires> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10685>15:30
ijohnson[m]oh but that started running at 2021-08-30 07:35:5915:33
ijohnson[m]I assume UTC?15:33
ijohnson[m]aha, so beta channel core20 snap does work, but it is quirky in that we seeded the beta channel revision, but we use --channel=edge in our ubuntu-image command, so when the system boots up with the beta channel, it immediately refreshes to the edge channel and becomes broken again15:39
ijohnson[m]mvo: ^15:39
ijohnson[m]the reason my PR failed is because spread doesn't expect the system to be rebooting so it fails trying to run commands on the VM in GCE, and when it sees that the system isn't responding tries to SSH in via debug and gets EOF since the machine is rebooting at that exact moment15:40
ijohnson[m]so if we do a spread run with the beta channel of the core20 snap, and we make sure that the core20 snap is not refreshed, things should be happy15:40
ijohnson[m]out of curiosity I am seeing if after refreshing from beta channel core20 to edge if we can still boot or if even that is broken too15:41
* cachio_ afk15:43
ijohnson[m]mvo: here's the log from using beta core20 snap, you can see it proceeds all the way to refreshing core20 from beta back to edge and it reboots https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zShWjWCfwm/15:52
mvoijohnson[m]: ohhhh, ok15:52
ijohnson[m]mvo: still no smoking gun on why core20 is broken15:52
ijohnson[m]but now I know how to unbreak our spread systems for PR's15:52
ijohnson[m]just testing my patch locally and then I will update https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1070815:53
mupPR #10708: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use core20 from beta channel temporarily <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708>15:53
mupPR snapd#10715 opened: Bump secboot <Created by xnox> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10715>16:06
mvoijohnson[m]: I'm looking over the PRs that recently got merged for core20 and there are some potential culprits - we merge the systemd-time-wait-sync service, that sounds like something that may break things16:08
mvoijohnson[m]: we changed some bits in writeable (/etc/issue,motd)16:09
* ijohnson[m] looks for some goats to sacrifice to prevent this from being a writable-paths problem16:11
mvoijohnson[m]: is there a way to run this easily against a branch of the core20 snap? I could prepare something16:11
mvoijohnson[m]: I suspect the enable-time-wait-sync even though it feels odd but it's the usual messing with systemd dependencies that might have got us into this mess16:12
mvoijohnson[m]: I prepared a PR with the revert but would love to test first16:12
ijohnson[m]mvo: sure, if you can wait like 5-10 minutes I should be done verifying my fix which should show how to use a different version of core20 to test this easily16:12
mvoijohnson[m]: sure, will wait and prepare the snap in the meantime16:13
ijohnson[m]mvo: ok it worked \o/16:16
ijohnson[m]let me push it16:16
mvoa simple pr: 10714 needs a review, another thing that will unbreak tests16:22
mvoijohnson[m]: excllent, I'm preparing the revert and testing it 16:24
ijohnson[m]mvo: alright https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708 is ready again16:26
mupPR #10708: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use core20 from beta channel temporarily <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708>16:26
ijohnson[m]mvo: specifically, just change the channel of snap download core20 in prepare.sh there16:26
ijohnson[m]mvo: I hope it's okay I added a change to my PR there to also patch the gadget so we get more debugging by default16:27
ijohnson[m]though I suppose that change may break some output on QEMU16:27
ijohnson[m]mmm, let me back that out of that PR and we can propose that separately I suppose16:27
mvoijohnson[m]: +116:27
mupPR snapd#10714 closed: tests: move interfaces-libvirt test back to 16.04 <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10714>16:31
ijohnson[m]ok, I put the extra gadget debug stuff into 10716 instead, so 10708 is just about switching which channel of the core20 snap we use16:33
ijohnson[m]one thing I'm unsure about with 10708 is whether there are any spread tests which rely on the core20 / base snap being asserted from the store, since that will no longer be true with my branch/workaround, I had a look and couldn't see any but I could be wrong16:33
ijohnson[m]and I did change the patch in 10716 to just make the console changes for GCE specifically, so it shouldn't detract from the qemu experience16:34
mupPR snapd#10716 opened: tests/lib/prepare.sh: add debug kernel command line params via gadget on UC20 <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10716>16:36
mvoijohnson[m]: thanks! I opened pr#110 for core20 to undo the timesync target, but the spread test is still running 16:38
mupPR core20#110 opened: hooks: revert PR#105 - it seems to  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/110>16:40
mvoijohnson[m]: fwiw, this is what is running right now https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kMY3bVz7kY/16:41
mvo 16:41
ijohnson[m]mvo: ack that looks good, if it works then we have our smoking gun as it were16:42
ijohnson[m]also I'm not sure should we be using CORE_CHANNEL or BASE_CHANNEL ?16:42
ijohnson[m]also do we want all our CI for snapd to be running on edge ?16:42
mvoijohnson[m]: well, I think we need better QA for core20, i.e. build an image and run a test smoke test :/16:49
mvoijohnson[m]: in general I think running edge is fine, because the alternative is that we run beta and get the same issue a bit later when edge goes to beta16:50
ijohnson[m]mvo: but yeah having spread tests for core20 would be great, would be a bit of work to enable though16:50
mvowell, if we have gating that buids a core20 in gce and does the edge->beta core20 then that's fine of coure, then beta would be better for us. but I don't think we have this :/16:50
ijohnson[m]mvo: also I think we were bitten by the fact that the TPE lab was moving so the tests that normally do run on edge channel of core20 snap did not run16:51
ijohnson[m]mvo: because AIUI cachio_ has tests that run against the edge channel of the core20 snap16:51
mvoijohnson[m]: could be, I don't know to what extend this is tested, if it is we should probably move to beta indeed16:51
ijohnson[m]but they run on devices in the lab, and the entire lab is down right now16:51
ijohnson[m]though actually if the tests run in the lab they wouldn't have caught this particular issue in GCE 🤔16:52
mvoijohnson[m]: probably not :/16:52
* mvo goes for dinner and checks the spread run with the updated core20 with #110 in a bit16:53
mupPR #110: introduce AccountKey, support decoding it and validation <Created by pedronis> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/110>16:53
mupPR core20#110 closed: hooks: revert PR#105 - it seems to  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by xnox> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/110>16:55
mvoijohnson[m]: indeed with this reverted things seem to be unbroken17:28
ijohnson[m]mvo great, and it seems xnox has already merged it too 17:31
mvoI triggred an edge build17:34
om26erIs there a way for a snap that runs as a background service to read environment variables from the HOST ? 17:47
om26erwe have two snaps that run as background service on our hardware. We want developers to export "credentials" on their Ubuntu system and then just restart the two snap daemons17:48
mvoijohnson[m]: and it's ready, I triggered a new test run in #1063417:53
mupBug #10634: gnome-mag: SONAME change breaks existing gnopernicus package <gnome-mag (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <gnome-mag (Debian):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/10634>17:53
mupPR #10634: many: move to go modules  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10634>17:53
mupPR snapd#10717 opened: tests: fix interfaces-libvirt test <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10717>18:11
ijohnson[m]om26er: can't you just use `snap set foo creds=secrets` ?18:15
om26erijohnson[m] will it persist reboots though ? 18:15
ijohnson[m]om26er: yes snap config set with `snap set ...` is persistent 18:16
om26erI just tried, it seems I need a config hook for this to work ?18:17
ijohnson[m]yes you do, it can be empty though18:17
om26erijohnson[m] I just updated my snap and created a `snap/hooks/configure` file with shebang only and made it executable. The snap build was successfully and I can call `snap set ...`, however the exported variable does not show18:30
om26er...when I run `snap run --shell <snap_name>`18:30
sergiusensshells don't persist, how is this being exported?18:31
ijohnson[m]om26er: I mean you can do `snap set foo thing=other-thing` and then in that snap do `snapctl get thing`18:32
ijohnson[m]om26er: I made an example of converting snapctl settings to environment variables easily here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/neat-trick-for-over-writing-default-environment-variable-values-for-daemons/13404/318:32
om26erIs there a reason why `snap set foo` doesn't support underscores ?19:21
om26erYou can't set things like `snap set foo CLOUD_USER_ENDPOINT=ws://localhost:9000/ws`19:22
ijohnson[m]just the original design I guess, why is it a problem for you ?19:22
om26erThe environment variables are generated by a mobile app, which are also going to be used by other clients. So it would have been "simpler" to ask people to just run `snap set foo ENV_VAR=VALUE`19:24
om26erWe might have to do some special casing for snaps as those keys would have to be redefined19:25
ijohnson[m]yeah that would be the easiest thing to do, but probably also worth filing a bug against snapd for allowing _ in key names, the key names just get serialized as json strings in an object so _ is not a problem serialization19:27
mupPR core20#109 closed: hooks: add bootchart configuration <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by xnox> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/109>19:30
om26erlaunchpad or forum ?19:30
mupIssue core20#111 opened: Convert hooks/024-configure-bootchart.chroot to static files <Created by xnox> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/issues/111>19:35
om26erReported https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/194236719:36
mupBug #1942367: Support underscore in 'snap set` keys <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1942367>19:36
* cachio_ afk -> doc app19:40
cachio_ijohnson[m], hey19:41
cachio_ijohnson[m], about the #10708 which fails google:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/main/interfaces-libvirt19:41
mupBug #10708: syck_0.42-3(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: test failures <syck (Ubuntu):Fix Released by lamont> <syck (Debian):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/10708>19:41
mupPR #10708: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use core20 from beta channel temporarily <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708>19:41
ijohnson[m]hey cachio_ 19:41
om26erCan a snap read values from `/etc/environment` if run as a daemon ?19:41
cachio_I created a pr to fix that but stillnot working19:42
ijohnson[m]om26er: it should automatically inherit from /etc/environment if it is a daemon19:42
cachio_to workaround that we need to revert the test interfaces-libvirt to be executed on xenial19:42
ijohnson[m]cachio_: what do you mean ? 19:42
cachio_ijohnson[m], google:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/main/interfaces-libvirt19:42
cachio_that test was updated19:43
cachio_initially was running on xenial19:43
cachio_but few days ago I moved that to focal19:43
ijohnson[m]cachio_: right did you see my comment ? mvo reverted that test to xenial so master is unblocked19:43
cachio_in a PR19:43
cachio_ah, nice 19:43
ijohnson[m]cachio_: still no idea what's wrong with running the test on focal though, I haven't looked at that test very much19:44
cachio_didn't see that comment19:44
cachio_ijohnson[m], I left a comment here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10717#issuecomment-91052922619:44
mupPR #10717: tests: fix interfaces-libvirt test <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10717>19:44
cachio_with the error I see19:45
cachio_I need to go to the doctor now, I'll continue with that one later19:45
mupPR snapd#10708 closed: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use core20 from beta channel temporarily <⚠ Critical> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10708>21:06
mupPR snapd#10718 opened: tests/lib/prepare.sh: download core20 for UC20 runs via BASE_CHANNEL <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10718>21:06

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