
SineDevianceHi all! I am about to reinstall Zorin OS 16 (based on Ubuntu 20.04.3) on my work laptop, and I am wondering - if I opt for the full disk encryption option, does this use the TPM for unlocking or will I need to enter a password at boot? The installer is ubiquity for what it's worth00:10
leftyfb!zorin | SineDeviance00:13
SineDevianceleftyfb: zorin has no support IRC channel00:13
SineDevianceif that's what you were getting at00:13
leftyfbSineDeviance: we cannot support unofficial Ubuntu derivatives here, sorry00:13
SineDeviancestill, it uses the stock ubuntu installer and partition manager, so my question still stands00:14
SineDevianceleftyfb: k. let me ask this another way, then00:14
leftyfbSineDeviance: https://zorin.com/help/  <~~~ this is where you get support00:14
SineDevianceif I install ubuntu 20.04.3 and use the full disk encryption option, is it going to use my TPM for unlocking or will I need to enter a password at power-on?00:14
leftyfbSineDeviance: no, sorry, we're not going to play that game00:14
SineDeviancethey're literally the same base00:15
SineDeviancesame installer00:15
SineDeviancesame everything00:15
leftyfbSineDeviance: then install ubuntu00:15
SineDevianceleftyfb: I JUST ASKED if I installed ubuntu instead, would it use the TPM or not?00:15
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Croranleftyfb: i don't see that as a game...00:38
oerheks journalctl -k --grep=tpm  https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/security/tpm/index.html00:39
Croranoh he's already gone. I was going to say, I don't think there is a 20.04.3 versino of ubuntu... I have 20.04.2 and I thought I had the latest...00:39
leftyfbCroran: 20.04.3 is the latest00:40
Croranleftyfb: oh... what am i doing wrong then?00:40
leftyfbCroran: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade00:40
Croranleftyfb: sure enough. something appears to be broken with my update notifier.00:41
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noarbI'm having an issue with a dual monitor setup and screen rotation. From the UEFI bootloader, to the grub menu, to the ubuntu login screen the second monitor is being used as the primary monitor and its not rotated correctly01:28
noarbI'd like to edit these to use the correct monitor. Do I need to modify each stage, or will a change at an earlier step in the boot process be honored by later stages?01:29
noarbOnce I'm logged in, the display preferences takes over and things are displayed correctly01:30
noarbMy monitors are connected through a graphics card, not directly to the motherboard. Does that mean at each stage I'm already using a graphics driver or is there some passthrough?01:34
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noarbI can't just swap the cables, that's the most common "fix" I see02:05
guivercnoarb, before you login the system isn't using your created settings; you describe the DM which has it's own, also plymouth (it reads the hardware & relies on that for the most part but again it's own) but you've provided no OS & release details02:07
guivercuEFI bootloader is hardware/firmware; these settings are being passed to plymouth & DM as default unless configurations you've made overrule02:09
noarbI'm using Ubuntu 21.04 x86_64, 5.11.0-31-generic with GNOME 3.38.4 with Mutter02:12
noarbso if I'm able to successfully alter how grub display the monitors, all the stages after that will respect that change?02:12
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guivercgrub settings impact grub alone.02:15
guivercI like sddm as it puts the greeter on all displays (suits me as i on rare occasion turn a monitor off)02:16
guivercgdm I thought put the greeter on whichever screen the pointer is one  (but I forget version/releases.. it may not be 21.04/hirsute)02:17
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Swift110-mobilehey all02:37
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tacotico45Testing 12303:47
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Crorananyone have experience using a USB-to-HDMI 'displaylink' adapter under Ubuntu?05:41
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alkisgHello ned-07:44
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TheBigKi have weird thing with snap installed chromium and hardware decoding09:38
TheBigKwhen i launch the browser with /snap/bin/chromium and the start parameters to enable hardware video decode... it doesnt work09:38
TheBigKwhen i use /snap/chromium/current/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome it works09:38
TheBigKdoes this have anything to do with sandboxing or something?09:40
m1dnightCan somebody tell me what defines the <alt>number shortcuts in gnome?09:49
m1dnightWhen I press, say, alt+1 it opens up the first application on the left taskbar (or whatever you call it)09:49
m1dnightI want to remove that because it collides with gtile :(09:49
m1dnightCan't find that shortcut anywhere.09:49
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m1dnightthis was it :)09:58
LordRishavHow can I install Alacritty on Ubuntu 20.04?10:05
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Guest24LordRishav Launch Ubuntu Software and search for Alacritty10:12
Guest24it will pop up10:13
aba_hey i wanna run virt manager but it keep saying the libvirtd service error10:13
LordRishavGuest24: I don't want to use a snap, is there not a dev for it?10:13
aba_sudo apt install alacritty. didn't find it?10:14
aba_u can find it in ubuntu repos10:15
LordRishavIt says "Package alacritty is not available, but is referred to by another package."10:15
LordRishav"However the following packages replace it: ncurses-term"10:16
aba_i guess u can install it with ppa10:17
aba_they have their own channel in libera10:17
aba_u can find it10:17
aba_ask them10:18
aba_maybe they can help u10:18
racccthi - is there a way to restart the usb controller?11:17
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Guest5967Hello. I have a dual boot with windows. After a looooong time I'm using the laptop and tried to boot into Ubuntu. After entering password my screen is at > started daily apt upgrade and clean activities11:53
Guest5967It's been like that for couple of hours now. What should I do?11:53
guivercGuest5967, you've not said what release; if server? desktop? GUI or text login?12:04
guivercI would probably switch to a (different) text terminal & login & check everything is fine..12:05
Guest5967Sorry. Desktop. GUI. I don't remember the release but I had installed it over a year ago and had not logged in since.12:06
Guest5967guiverc could you please tell me a bit more how to do that? Or link me to some reading material.12:10
guivercI tend to use Ctrl+Alt+F4 to switch to a text terminal (I feel F4 is easier to feel without looking); you could then login & explore..    The command `lsb_release -a` will provide release details; I'd check you have ip address; can ping local router/switch (update issues need networking; esp. if wifi; inteference from other devices/microwave ovens etc can impact etc)12:13
Guest5967Thank you let me check.12:18
guivercI'd likely use `ip addr` to check you have a valid IP address for your connected network (ip link if you're not sure connected first maybe), `ip route` to see you have default route to router/access-point.. likely ping that, also `ping` or external address ( is google) before using human name such as `ping google.com` etc12:19
guivercuse ^C (Ctrl+C) to stop a ping if you don't have a `-c` (count) like my examples didn't12:21
tarzeau_could as well ping to avoid google tracking you pinged them at what time from what country, and what time of day12:21
Guest5967Thank you.12:22
Guest5967I'm trying to quit the current process.12:23
Guest5967I think I should just restart the laptop.12:23
guivercI'd personally do it without restarting/stopping the current process12:24
guivercdon't use power-button though - it's not a clean shutdown12:24
Guest5967Nothing's happening. It's been like this for over 5 hours now. I'm getting a green [ok] beside these things. I think because I've not logged in for so long there are so many updates but over 5 hours?12:25
Guest5967Power button is the only one I know.12:25
EriC^^Guest5967: what does 'ps aux | grep -E "apt|dpkg"' give?12:26
guivercthat does sound like it's locked - but SysRq commadns allow you to command direct to terminal; if you don't want to login to text terminal & give command to safely reboot12:26
guivercsysrq direct command to linux kernel, if you don't want to give commands via terminal ^ typos12:27
* guiverc signing off, am too tired12:27
Guest5967EriC^^ nothing happened.12:28
EriC^^Guest5967: maybe apt isnt running, are you sure it was running after the command? usually a ">" in the terminal is from a typo like a ' somewhere12:29
Guest5967No > is there.12:30
Guest5967It's not the there I mean.12:31
Guest5967Let me try to show you my screen.12:31
Guest5967That should open to a picture of the scren I have.12:37
Guest5967I'm on my phone so I typed it out. It should open anyways.12:38
EriC^^Guest5967: were you in the desktop or is that the final screen it reached when booting?12:39
ioriaGuest5967, is it stuck there ? if yes, i don't think you can type anything12:39
ioriaGuest5967, you might need to boot in Recovery mode12:40
Guest5967Dual boot. I select Ubuntu. Then I select the single user there is to select and enter my password. After a few seconds this is the screen I see.12:40
Guest5967ioria yes. Not able to type anything.12:40
Guest5967It's been like that for a long time.12:41
EriC^^ah, try pressing alt+ctrl+f7 Guest596712:41
ioriaGuest5967, so you can get to the login screen and ,after that, you see that screen ?12:42
Guest5967EriC^^ nothings happening. Should I wait?12:43
Guest5967ioria correct.12:43
EriC^^Guest5967: try pressing alt+f2 then login and try 'sudo systemctl restart gdm'12:44
Guest5967Something's happening.12:45
Guest5967I pressed alt + f2 and the cursor stopped blinking.12:46
Guest5967How do I login? I need to restart using the power button right? There's no way out of this.12:47
ioriaGuest5967,  try some other combinations : alt+ctrl+f3 or 412:47
Guest5967For the sake of learning if someome has a minute, briefly tell me what this screen is?12:48
mybalzitcha tty12:48
ioriaGuest5967,  if you ask me, it's just the tail of the bootstrap12:48
mybalzitchtext based terminal to interface with the OS12:49
Guest5967So ctrl+alt+f3 cleared the screen and now I have the cursor.12:49
ioriaGuest5967,  we don't want the cursor; we want the login prompt12:50
ioriaso ?12:50
Guest5967Trying combinations.12:51
Guest5967It's here.12:51
ioriaGuest5967,  login12:52
BluesKajHi all12:52
Guest5967The screen says Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS mkc-G5-5587 tty4 and below it mkc-login:12:52
Guest5967I'm logging in.12:53
ioriaGuest5967, sudo apt update12:53
bouncythe xf86sleep key suspends my workstation under X session and also pure terminal. How was that key mapped? Cannot be a X tools like xmodmap nor xbkoptions. I would like to map the other unmapped multimedia keys the same way :)12:54
Guest5967Man my password is not working. ☹️12:57
Guest5967I am at the right screen though.12:58
Guest5967_login incorrect_12:58
lotuspsychjeGuest5967: caps or azerty/querty thing?12:59
ioriaGuest5967, you need Grub -> Advanced Options -> Recovery mode, and reset passwd; sy, afk atm gl12:59
lotuspsychjeGuest5967: <ioria> Guest5967, you need Grub -> Advanced Options -> Recovery mode, and reset passwd; sy, afk atm g13:02
Guest5967The password is just the login password.13:03
alkisgGuest5967: if you entered both your username and password correctly and you still got login incorrect, then one of them is wrong, and you need to boot in recovery mode in order to change your password13:11
Guest5967No no no.13:11
Guest5967Logged in.13:12
Guest5967Got it.13:12
Guest5967Let me see.13:12
alkisgDo you still have the problem with graphics login?13:12
Guest5967No no.13:13
Guest5967I'm at at that earlier screen now. Terminal where I was entering the wrong user name.13:13
Guest5967Now I'm at username:~$13:14
Guest5967Failed to connect to ubuntu.13:14
Guest59670 packages can be updated.13:15
Guest5967I think I just to give it the internet juice and it should work. 😐13:15
lotuspsychjeGuest5967: did you enable networking?13:15
Guest5967No I don't thing so.13:16
Guest5967Ping says network is unreachable.13:18
lotuspsychjeGuest5967: before going to rootshell, enable networking from recoverymode13:18
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turbojetwanyone is here?13:35
leftyfbturbojetw: what can we do for you?13:36
BluesKajtake a look at the nickllist13:36
turbojetwthanks,  Actually I want to do a test in hexchat just now13:39
leftyfbturbojetw: this is not the appropriate channel to test your IRC client. Feel free to join or create an almost infinite amount of channels for your testing13:40
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turbojetwwell, thanks for your opinion13:44
Silicium_hi all13:45
Silicium_i want to do a unattended installation using autoinstall and i want to use luks encryption. i can't find a documentation documenting the stuff i need.13:46
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samirHi Everyone.  I'm testing out Ubuntu 21.10 in an Azure cloud VM.  My SSH connection drops out quite frequently and the VM appears to be unresponsive when I try to log back in.14:30
samirAny suggestions as to what events I should look for in any of the logs to diagnose the issue?14:30
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | samir14:31
samirI've been mainly looking into /var/log/syslog but wasn't sure if there were other areas to investigate14:31
ubottusamir: Impish Indri is the codename for Ubuntu 21.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:31
samirgot it. Thanks.  I wasn't aware of those channels.  Will ask over in those channels14:32
Guest306Hello. How does one connect to the WiFi before logging in?14:35
leftyfbGuest306: https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-how-to-configure-wifi-to-log-in-to-wpa-at-boot-time-regardless-of-user-being-logged-in/    # found by typing "ubuntu connect to wifi before login" into google14:37
Guest306I read that but it says I've to be logged in.14:37
leftyfbGuest306: yes, you have to be logged in to make the changes specified in that article14:38
Guest306I'm trying to connect without loggin in.14:38
leftyfbGuest306: once you make those changes, you do not need to be logged in anymore to connect to wifi on boot14:38
Guest306I'm trying to connect without loggin in at all. I'm having trouble logging in.14:39
leftyfbGuest306: how do you expect to do that?14:39
Guest306I have no idea. I move to a new WiFi connectivity.14:40
leftyfbGuest306: what is the issue with logging in?14:41
Guest306Logged in after a long time. So need to update and stuff. But because I've moved to a new connection machine doesn't get any network.14:42
leftyfbGuest306: what is the issue with logging in?14:42
Guest306It keeps trying to update but fails.14:42
leftyfbGuest306: what does that have to do with logging in?14:42
Guest306This is the issue. I can't go past the screen. After entering password it tries to update but fails.14:43
Guest306I was here a couple of minutes ago. Guest5967.14:43
leftyfbGuest306: ubuntu doesn't do that. That's a Windows thing14:43
leftyfbGuest306: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:43
Guest30618 something.14:44
Guest306My messages should be visible. Guest596714:44
leftyfbGuest306: take a picture of this update process and post it to imgur.com14:44
Guest306I have posted it here. Is there a way for you to tag Guest5967 user. I posted it on imbb14:46
Guest306I'm on phone. I'm trying to post again.14:46
leftyfbGuest306: I see the picture. That is what you get when you try logging into the graphical login screen?14:47
leftyfbbtw, that isn't "updates", that is your machine booting14:47
Guest306Wait. Uploading new pic.14:48
leftyfbGuest306: ok, so this looks like Ubuntu 18.04 server and you logging in just fine14:53
Guest306This is the screen after I that resort l earlier one. I pressed alt + ctrl + F3 to get here.14:53
Guest306So i need network on this now.14:54
Guest306Because it says failed to connect etc.14:54
leftyfbwhat do you see what you hit ctrl + alt + f2 ?14:54
leftyfbGuest306: also, you understand that getting it connected to wifi isn't going to resolve any of these desktop issues right?14:55
Guest306I'm trying to get it updated in hope that the issue is resolved.14:56
Guest306I pressed that. Lost the cursor and nothing then.14:57
leftyfblost the cursor? "nothing then"?14:58
Guest306The blinking cursor is gone. But the screen is just frozen now.14:59
leftyfbGuest306: what does it show?14:59
Guest306Same screen as before. The cursor is back.14:59
leftyfbtry ctrl + alt + f3 through f715:00
Guest306leftyfb F3,4,5,6 just clear the screen. And after 5 minutes I get the login terminal.15:13
Guest3067 seems to be doing nothing.15:13
TJ-Guest306: it sounds like the system is failing to reach network-online.target and therefore isn't getting to multi-user.target . Also sounds like 5/6 minute timeout on some critical unit in the start-up chain15:15
Guest306I just feel it needs network and update the shitn out of itslelf and it should be fixed. 😁15:16
ioriaGuest306, have you solved your password problem ?15:18
leftyfbioria: there isn't a password problem15:18
ioriai see15:18
Guest306ioria I have. 😁 Thank you.15:18
ioriaGuest306, are you logged atm ?15:19
ioriaGuest306, cat /proc/cmdline | nc termbin.com 999915:19
leftyfbioria: no network15:20
Guest306No network.15:20
ioriaGuest306, sudo systemctl restart network-manager15:20
Guest306This is a new WiFi connection. I've never connected to this network.15:21
ioriai'd like to know the output anyway15:21
gob_beldofI just got my laptop back after a battery replacement. The external monitor is not working when I plug it in. Any idea how to get my external HDMI display to start working again from my laptop. I tried  "xrandr --output HDMI-1-1 --mode 2560x1440" but it said it cannot find the mode15:27
TJ-Guest306: have you got the new wifi working now?15:27
TJ-gob_beldof: does "xrandr -q" report modes from that output?15:28
gob_beldofNo, its says DP-1-1 and HDMI-1-1 are disconnected15:28
Guest306This is where it's at from 5 minutes.15:28
Guest306@TJ no sir.15:29
Guest306ioria ^15:29
TJ-Guest so your user is logged in :)15:29
Guest306I'm logged in. But no network.15:29
ioriaGuest306, sudo ip link set   <that interface>   up15:30
gob_beldof@TJ- this is the output from xrandr -q https://pastebin.com/uQfLRH2R15:30
ioriaGuest306,   <that interface>  = wlps0 etc . etc .15:30
TJ-right, so, there is a text user interface (TUI) access to connection-editor where you can define a new wifi SSID and passphrase etc. "nmtui" then "Edit connection..." then tab over to "Add" button (spacebar acts as a mouse click, Enter key as the default accept action)15:30
TJ-Guest306: ^15:31
ioriaGuest306,   right, nmtui is the right tool15:31
Guest306I got none of that. ☹️15:31
ioria18.04 has no nmtui ?15:31
TJ-Guest306: the command is "nmtui"15:31
TJ-it is a text user interface (dialogs, buttons, etc.) but made from text only15:32
Guest306Please don't say anything now. I'll reconnect in 20 minutes. I have to move rooms. Please give me 20 minutes.15:32
Guest306I'm on phone and it'll lose WiFi.15:32
TJ-gob_beldof: so the X server cannot detect any monitor at all. Best to check the X server's log file for any clues here.  what Ubuntu release is it, and which desktop environment ?15:33
gob_beldofKubuntu 20.0415:35
gob_beldofIll check the xserver log15:35
tieinvim running 18.04.05 no nmtui installed by default15:36
ioriano server, nm is for desktop15:36
ioriamistery solved he installed server ed. probably15:36
ioriabut i don't think so15:38
TJ-That makes me think, for these situations, having info on the active network manager(s) in motd could be useful - in addition to later additions that report IP addresses15:40
ioriaconfiguring wifi via cli is a pain indeed15:40
TJ-it's actually quite a bit easier to simply create the .connection file15:42
iorianever done, thanks for mentioning15:42
TJ-we should be shipping a template for that in doc/.../examples/ because it only needs 6 or 7 lines15:47
Guest306I'm back. 😁15:49
Guest306I was nmtui15:49
ioriaGuest306, you were what ?15:50
Guest306Text UI for new connection.15:50
ioriayes, so ? does it work ?15:51
Guest306I have 3 options here. Edit a connection. Activate a connection. Set a system hostname.15:57
Guest306Activate is not working. When I select my network it says "could not activate connection: Not authorised to control networking15:58
Guest306@TJ ioria leftyfb ^ connected.16:02
Guest306sudo nmtui and then just selected the network.16:03
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Guest306Now try to update.16:06
Guest306sudo apt update is enough? Or should I be running something else.16:11
lotuspsychje!uptodate | Guest30616:11
ubottuGuest306: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.16:11
Guest306Thank you. πŸ’‹16:12
Guest306I'm on 18 so full upgrade?16:15
alkisgFirst sudo apt full-upgrade and then sudo do-release-upgrade16:17
leftyfbGuest3284: are you trying to just do package updates or upgrade from release 18.04 to 20.04?16:18
Guest30I don't know what to do. I've been on 18 forever. I've not updated or loggen over a year. So whichever is safer.16:18
leftyfbGuest30: start with regular updates; sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade16:19
Guest30Yes. I'll try that.16:19
Guest30All errors. 0 upgraded. Failed to fetch archive.ubuntu. could not resolve launchpad, security, archive.16:25
mybalzitchis it actually acrhive.ubuntu. not archive.ubuntu.com ?16:26
mybalzitchoh ubuntu.org serves ads. nice.16:26
leftyfbGuest30: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 999916:26
leftyfbGuest30: sorry, ( sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ) | nc termbin.com 999916:27
Guest30mybalzitch it is. I was just writing short. Sorry.16:30
Guest30leftyfb let me try.16:30
Guest30@left nc: getaddrinfo for host termbin .com port 9999: name or service not known.16:34
Guest30Same as before. All failed to fetch and could not resolve.16:34
leftyfbGuest30: if you typed it correct, then you aren't connected online16:34
leftyfbtermbin.com , not termbin .com16:35
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TJ-the while issue looks like DNS failure here16:39
Guest30leftyfb I'm writing this in phone in short form.16:40
leftyfbGuest30: don't16:40
Guest30I'm connected. Pinged to Google. Plus did the nmtui thing.16:41
leftyfbGuest30: take pictures if you have to. "sort form" helps noone and only creates more troubleshooting16:41
leftyfbsorry, "short"16:41
TJ-Guest30: check if the system has any name resolution working: "systemd-resolve archive.ubuntu.com"16:42
leftyfbTJ-: they said they can ping google16:42
TJ-right, but can it resolve ubuntu servers specifically16:43
HelmholtzHow to set systemd-timer to run ever 30 minutes but always run at boot?16:44
HelmholtzIs this it `OnUnitActiveSec=30min` ?16:44
leftyfbGuest30: please take a picture of the output of the last command I gave you16:44
TJ-Guest30: also check if the system has any name resolution working: "systemd-resolve archive.ubuntu.com"16:44
Guest30Gimme a minute.16:44
leftyfbTJ-: they also had 3rd party repo's added. One of them could be dead and not allowing it to finish16:45
leftyfbGuest30: actually, do this as a quick test:   cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999   # it should give you a URL, type that URL here16:45
imifor some reasons sometimes typing into facebook (firefox) is really slow and cpu intensive (1-2 characters appearing on screen no matter how fast I type)17:20
imiis that a known problem? how do I solve it?17:20
lotuspsychjeimi: i had a recent FF version going high cpu, wich version are you on and wich ubuntu release?17:22
imiUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS up-to-date, with ff version is 91.0.2 (the newest available for this version of ubuntu)17:24
imilotuspsychje: ^^^17:24
KellieWehner96Hello! Can somebody please help me with fixing sound in my system, I am getting "Dummy output"17:25
lotuspsychjeimi: do you have extra addons active that could bottlneck?17:25
KellieWehner96I tried to reinstall alsa, didn't help17:25
imilotuspsychje: I have adblockplus, enhancer for youtube (shouldn't be active for fb), offline qr generator, and tab mix links17:27
leftyfbimi: remove ABP https://www.theverge.com/2016/9/13/12890050/adblock-plus-now-sells-ads17:28
aba_imi: you can use ublock i guess it's better. and it's recommended :)17:29
imiwhat is ublock?17:29
leftyfbimi: an extension, just like abp17:30
aba_imi: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/17:30
KellieWehner96where can I paste system info without registering?17:30
aba_btw i think firefox is getting better due to these updates ;)17:31
KellieWehner96*registration I mean17:31
leftyfbKellieWehner96: termbin.com17:31
KellieWehner96why pastebin is broken for me? I don't see the pasted bin itself, just the page17:33
leftyfbKellieWehner96: huh?17:33
KellieWehner96yeah, look https://i.imgur.com/3CvVAcI.png17:35
KellieWehner96You see? The address show that I am requesting a page with bin17:35
leftyfbKellieWehner96: sorry, we can't support a 3rd party website here. Contact their support for help17:35
leftyfbKellieWehner96: use termbin.com , it's easier from the commandline anyway17:36
leftyfbKellieWehner96: or install pastebinit17:36
KellieWehner96I mean it will post the piped command right away without an editing option?17:36
coconutany way from terminal to diagnose whether my wifi supports wpa-3?17:36
leftyfbKellieWehner96: yes17:37
KellieWehner96leftyfb and in case of file all the metadata of file right?17:37
leftyfbKellieWehner96: it will paste the output of the command17:37
KellieWehner96I am not asking for support, I guess everyone knows pastebin17:38
leftyfbcoconut: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/65888517:38
KellieWehner96leftyfb Can you see the output? https://pastebin.com/i9SKmxNY17:40
KellieWehner96I am so tired, I just need to fix my sound issues nothing more17:42
coconutleftyfb, any idea for "support only" instead of currently connected?17:42
KellieWehner96I tried to install some drivers from realtek website, and after the reboot sound disappeared :(17:44
KellieWehner96Drivers were just source, so it required compiling and all that stuff17:45
KellieWehner96I tried reinstalling alsa it didn't help, alsamixer outputs "mixer not found", user is in audio group, dist-upgrade didn't help, installing linux-headers didn't help, I am out of ideas and Google suggestions17:47
TJ-coconut: "sudo iwlist $interface scan" should report the IE (Information Element) and which authentication suites are available17:48
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut
StanleyHey all. I'm running php on macos as my dev machine and I'm using php8.0-imagick and it works great to convert HEIC to JPG, but when I'm trying to run the same code on an ubuntu server (most likely anything not osx) i'm getting [previous exception] [object] (ImagickException(code: 420): no decode delegate for this image format `HEIC' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/56017:58
KellieWehner96sudo sh -c 'echo "snd-hda-intel" >> /etc/modules' didn't help as well17:58
StanleyI have no clue but I'm somewhat assuming it might because since heic is an apple format, maybe osx has a library to handle it that ubuntu doesn't?17:59
lotuspsychjeKellieWehner96: check your dmesg to find more clues17:59
KellieWehner96lotuspsychje alright, can you tell me please what to look at exactly?18:02
lotuspsychjeKellieWehner96: share in a paste site, so volunteers can help debug you18:02
ledeniKellieWehner96, run 'alsamixer' in terminal and with f6 check default system device18:08
KellieWehner96lotuspsychje here you go https://pastebin.com/CkS3TFbQ thank you18:10
KellieWehner96ledeni cannot open mixer: No such file or directory18:11
KellieWehner96I also tried alsamixer -c 1 and 2 and so on18:12
KellieWehner96ledeni what is f6?18:14
KellieWehner96you mean when alsamixer is open?18:14
ledeniKellieWehner96, yes18:14
KellieWehner96I can't open lasamixer (18:14
KellieWehner96I tried installing alsamixer-gui, and it says pulseaudio18:15
KellieWehner96but it's an old tool, I don't know whether it's telling truth or not18:15
ledeniKellieWehner96, install pavucontrol18:15
KellieWehner96ledeni it shows only single one "dummy output"18:17
ledeniKellieWehner96, ok if you check configuration what say profile18:18
bitblitevery time I run "man", it works but this shows up in journalctl, followed by about a dozen variations: audit: type=1400 audit(1631038609.611:451): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_inherit" profile="man_groff" pid=1639570 comm="preconv" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="send receive" denied_mask="send receive" addr=none peer_addr=none peer="/usr/bin/man"18:19
KellieWehner96ledeni nothing :(  "no cards available for configuration"18:19
ledeniKellieWehner96, ok try 'sudo apt update && sudo apt install pulseaudio'18:22
KellieWehner96ledeni "pulseaudio is already the newest version"18:23
KellieWehner96ledeni "E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.18:24
KellieWehner96E: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.18:24
ledeniKellieWehner96,pulseaudio --start18:25
KellieWehner96ledeni alright18:26
KellieWehner96still no configs18:26
KellieWehner96and no sound of course xD18:27
=== Starmina_ is now known as Starmina
ledeniKellieWehner96, 'amixer scontrols' output please18:31
KellieWehner96ledeni amixer scontrols18:32
KellieWehner96amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory18:32
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt install alsa-utils alsamixer18:34
KellieWehner96ledeni alsa-utils is already the newest version (1.2.2-1ubuntu2.1)18:36
KellieWehner96ledeni Unable to locate package alsamixer18:36
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt install alsaamixer18:36
KellieWehner96ledeni "not found"18:39
ledeniKellieWehner96 ok start from begining your ubuntu version18:40
KellieWehner96ledeni Linux 5.11.0-27-generic #29~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 11 15:58:17 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:41
KellieWehner96ledeni Audio device: Intel Corporation 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller (rev 31)18:44
ledeniKellieWehner96,alsamixer should came with default system what you do only you know18:44
KellieWehner96ledeni  Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller [8086:a170] (rev 31)18:45
KellieWehner96Subsystem: Dell 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller [1028:0706]18:45
KellieWehner96I tried installing realtek driver from sources from realtek website ledeni18:45
ledeniKellieWehner96,ok realtak driver for what?18:46
KellieWehner96ledeni "Linux Source Code for ALC audio codec"18:47
ledeniKellieWehner96, and before that sound was working18:48
KellieWehner96yes, alsa worked, alsamixer worked, pulseaudio, hdajack retask all that good stuff, and now it's gone :_(18:49
ledeniKellieWehner96, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999918:52
KellieWehner96ledeni https://termbin.com/i2iv18:54
ledeniKellieWehner96, open Software and Updates and  Enable β€˜Mainβ€˜ by clicking on it19:01
KellieWehner96ledeni "Canonical-supported free and open-source software?"19:03
ledeniKellieWehner96, yes and reload19:04
KellieWehner96ledeni "Canonical-supported free and open-source software?"19:04
ledeniKellieWehner96, yes and reload19:04
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt update19:05
KellieWehner96ledeni sure it works, I got updates19:06
KellieWehner96It was enabled19:06
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt install alsaamixer19:06
KellieWehner96 Unable to locate package alsaamixer19:07
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt remove alsa-utils19:10
KellieWehner96ledeni yeah, I did this before,19:10
KellieWehner96and also alsa-base, nothing helped19:11
ledeniKellieWehner96, try again sudo apt remove alsa-utils19:11
KellieWehner96now install?19:11
ledeniremove and reboot19:12
KellieWehner96ok, gonna reboot19:13
KellieWehner96just alsa-utils?19:13
KellieWehner96wihtout alsa-base?19:13
ledeniyes just that19:14
KellieWehner96alright, brb19:14
=== HCB is now known as Hash
ledeniKellieWehner96, ok now install it again19:16
KellieWehner96ledeni still having dummy output only19:17
KellieWehner96ok installed19:18
KellieWehner96alsamixer doesn't work19:18
KellieWehner96sudo alsa force-reload19:19
KellieWehner96Unloading ALSA sound driver modules: (none loaded).19:19
KellieWehner96Loading ALSA sound driver modules: (none to reload).19:19
ledeniKellieWehner96, pacmd list-sources | nc termbin.com 999919:20
KellieWehner96ledeni alright https://termbin.com/0wn519:21
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt install linux-sound-base19:29
KellieWehner96ledeni linux-sound-base is already the newest version19:31
ledeniKellieWehner96, sudo apt install --reinstall linux-sound-base19:33
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feinedsquirreljust did a fresh install of ubuntu (budgie). After apt update and apt upgrade, I tried to `apt install ssh` but it fails, complaining that ssh-client, which is installed, is newer than the required dependency that ssh-server wants installed. What is the standard procedure to fix that?21:36
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osseI found a bug in the zsh-common package. I see it has already been reported and fixed upstream in Debian. Is there any need for a bug report at launchpad as well?22:40
tomreynosse: if you want to see it fixed post release, yes, i think you'd also need an SRU, if it qualifies.22:54
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
rafishello everyone, im having little troubling, hopefully someone can help me. I want my regular user to be able to poweroff, reboot and suspend , without needing to type any password. I've tried with sudoers file, and still is the same thing, systemctl still ask for user passwd23:35
rafiscan anyone please help? i read could be done with polkit, but i dont have any idea how23:36
tomreynrafis: you user should be in the adm group, i think23:41
sarnoldI thought that only granted the ability to read logs23:41
tomreynyou may be right there23:42
sarnold(I mean, I don't have a better suggestion to offer :)23:43
rafiswhy is not working with sudoers ?shoudlnt be enough?23:43
rafisrafis ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl suspend,/bin/systemctl poweroff,/bin/systemctl reboot23:44
rafisi added this line23:44
rafisbut still ask for passwd23:44
sarnoldwhat exactly are you typing making that change?23:45
rafissudo visudo23:46
sarnoldokay, good good23:46
sarnoldsystemctl isn't in /bin on my system, I wonder if that's it23:46
sarnoldtry namei -l /bin/systemctl and see if you've got the same symlink I do or not23:46
rafislet me check23:47
rafiswhereis systemctl23:48
rafissystemctl: /usr/bin/systemctl /usr/share/man/man1/systemctl.1.gz23:48
rafisok, i will try to modify again sudoers and see if it works23:48
rafissarnold:  btw, any other way? i read somewhere about adding  rules to polkit23:50
sarnoldrafis: yeah, you certainly can, but polkit rules are vastly underdocumented :(23:51
sarnoldtomreyn: oh hey! /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf  -- AdminIdentities=unix-group:sudo;unix-group:admin23:52
sarnoldpff. lousy thing.. the systemctl manpage says that systemctl poweroff can take a --dry-run parameter that will cause it to print out what it's doing. it prints nothing. :(23:53
tomreynhmm "admin", i don't have that group on 20.0423:54
rafissarnold: i still dont have a clue, what to add in that polkit file23:54
rafisill try with sudoers, seems to be the simplest way, if it works!:)23:55
sarnoldrafis: no, me neither. there's a dozen or so polkit files in /usr/share/polkit-1/ and *probably* one of them describes how to do power on the system23:55
scott_tams nvidia proprietary drivers were default/working until yesterday, now they're not. I tried `sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall` as suggested by this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1362143/not-able-to-use-propietary-nvidia-drivers-properly-on-ubuntu-21-0423:55
scott_tams...and added "nouveau_blacklist=1" as suggested by this https://askubuntu.com/questions/112302/how-do-i-disable-the-nouveau-kernel-driver23:56
scott_tamsbut nouveau is still the default23:56
wd50scott_tams: did you reboot after you made those changes?23:58
scott_tamsxserver-xorg-video-nvidia-470 is installed, as is xserver-xorg-video-nouveau. However, if I try to remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, it tries to remove xserver-xorg-video-all23:58
scott_tamswd50, yes23:58
scott_tamseach time, despite the fact this is a rack-style machine that takes AGES to reboot23:58
wd50scott_tams: are there any system services that you had to enable or restart after making the noveau change?23:58
scott_tamswhat do you mean by "making the nouveau change"? The change to or from nouveau23:59
rafissarnold: mm,,still the same, after typing systemctl suspend, "authentication is required to suspend the system"..23:59
wd50yeah, i mean when you did that23:59
scott_tamswhich one? to or from?23:59
scott_tamseither way, no, I just rebooted23:59
rafissarnold: but seems to ask just for the user passwd, not the root passwd23:59

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