
gnrphi everyone06:37
gnrpI found some resources saying that ubuntu studio works fine on a raspberry pi06:37
gnrpdoes this make sense?06:38
gnrpmy goal is to use reaper (the DAW) to record some stuff (maximum five channels or so) and play back some videos06:39
Eickmeyergnrp: We do not support Raspberry Pi divices. We only release ISOs for amd64.06:42
gnrpEickmeyer: lol, ok, I'm stupid. Didn't look that far. Sorry for the noise^^06:43
gnrpI thought the packages were available on arm06:44
Eickmeyergnrp: They are, but that's just because it's Ubuntu.06:44
gnrpah, I get it. They are probably automatically built anyway, but no ISO? I.e., install raspbian/whatever and then install these packages06:44
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio isn't a separate distribution, and has no custom repos.06:45
EickmeyerYeah, we only target high-end heavy processing computers.06:45
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio is for professional and prosumer audio/video/graphics/photography.06:46
* gnrp would just like to have something more silent and more dedicated than the regular desktop I'm using all day long06:47
acid-bong[m]Will US 21.10 and 22.04 have KDE only or a choice between KDE and XFCE?06:50
Eickmeyeracid-bong[m]: Having a choice of desktop isn't practically possible for an ISO. If you read the release announcement for 20.04, it said that 20.10 and onward would be Plasma. (KDE is not a desktop)06:51
acid-bong[m]i mean, a choice between 2 ISOs06:51
EickmeyerAgain, not practically possible because we'd have to introduce a whole new "flavor" of Ubuntu, which proved to be too time-consuming to maintain. Please read the backlogs in https://ubuntustudio.org/news06:52
acid-bong[m]got it06:54
acid-bong[m]> unofficial Ubuntu derivatives (those NOT listed as official flavors) are not supported06:59
acid-bong[m]does this mean that its possible outcomes of installing it to, let's say, Elementary or Mint, aren't Ubuntu's responsibility and aren't covered by Ubuntu support?06:59
EickmeyerThat's 100% correct.06:59
acid-bong[m]speaking of US installer: does it also use apt to install US-related software packages?07:10
corrinado[m]It's based on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is derived from Debian. They both use apt as a package manager.07:12
Visual69[m]Hello everybody, where I can find full guidelines to set folders for total software collection with .Appimage software packages?07:19
acid-bong[m]<corrinado[m]> "It's based on Ubuntu. Ubuntu..." <- so potentially it will work for every Ubuntu-based distro?07:22
rghacid-bong: I'd guess the Ubuntu Studio installer wants the official Ubuntu repos? 07:25
rghYou can try but it'll probably break. 07:26
rghBtw. Check this 07:26
acid-bong[m]well, in case if they're not disabled07:26
* rgh uploaded an image: (42KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/MngfdjhBCcNTvbgXnDSNWLFz/Screenshot_20210907-092438~2.png >07:26
rghThat's from the source code. So yes. It uses apt-get 07:27
rghVisual69: ubuntu and there for Ubuntu Studio has built in support for snap and flatpak. 07:29
rghAppimage is out of scope for this chat room. Better ask somewhere else. 07:30
rghs/there/therefore/, s/for//07:30
rghWait. I was gonna take a nap. 07:30
rghTTYL. 07:30

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