
MartinMSPedersenI am totally lost. How to report a bug using launchpad.net?10:50
MartinMSPedersenI got an account10:50
MartinMSPedersenI want to report that rpcbind is missing.10:51
MartinMSPederseneg. http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rpcbind/ gives a 40410:51
MartinMSPedersenit is the same for all mirrors I have checked.10:51
=== tusk is now known as MartinMSPedersen
MartinMSPedersenI am totally lost. How to report a bug using launchpad.net?10:53
MartinMSPedersenI got an account10:54
MartinMSPederseneg. http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rpcbind/ gives a 40410:54
MartinMSPedersenit is the same for all mirrors I have checked.10:54
guivercMartinMSPedersen, what release?  it's looks fine to me; http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rpcbind/ & I get results for your provided link too11:52
MartinMSPedersenhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rpcbind/ gives me an 40411:54
MartinMSPedersenthe rest of the directories in /r/ works fine.11:54
MartinMSPedersenAre you connecting with IPv6 or IPv4?11:55
MartinMSPedersenok. Very strange. I have tried many different thing. Change ISP's. Change countries through nordvpn.11:59
MartinMSPedersenand it is only rpcbind11:59
MartinMSPedersenwhat about http://ftp.acc.umu.se/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rpcbind/ ?12:00
MartinMSPedersendoes it works for you?12:00
guivercdraws different on my screen; but results look the same 0.2.1-2ubuntu1 thru to 1.2.5-912:01
MartinMSPedersenOK. It works from an Linode server for me.12:01
MartinMSPedersenOK. It can be local pfsense. 12:04
=== E_Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer

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