
zetheroois it just me, or is http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ down?09:58
zetherooon three Ubuntu 20.04 PCs I am getting 'Failed to fetch' with apt update09:59
zetherooaccording to isitdownrightnow.com it's 'DOWN'10:00
axinoromaincout: ^10:06
zetheroochanged to Main Server and all is working there10:21
enycFirefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ch.archive.ubuntu.com.16:23
tomreynenyc: can your tcp stack, though?22:31
tomreyn109.202.202.202 + 2001:1620::1620 both work for me at this time.22:34
tomreyn$ curl -sI --resolve ch.archive.ubuntu.com:80:[2001:1620::1620] http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com | grep ^HTTP22:35
tomreynHTTP/1.1 200 OK22:35
tomreyn$ curl -sI --resolve ch.archive.ubuntu.com:80: http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com | grep ^HTTP22:35
tomreynHTTP/1.1 200 OK22:35
sarnoldoh hey it's looking much healthier now22:49

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