
zxmpifridays. the promise of an entire weekend ahead.11:19
daftykinsgood afty all \o11:20
zxmpimay your cable collection always be manageable :-P11:20
m0nkey_zxmpi: fixed that for you.....  fridays. the promise of an entire weekend ahead, unless you're on-call12:38
zxmpiyour call is important to us, please hold. ::rick astlet music starts::12:53
m0nkey_jokes on you.. i like rick astley 12:54
zxmpiit's a cover. played on a kazoo12:54
* m0nkey_ gets his harmonica 12:55
* penguin42 should go out for a walk soon; I want to be back before the New Order concert kicks off across the road12:55
zxmpiwe just need a banjo and bagpipe player and a new muzak company from hell is born :-)12:56
zxmpiwe sell to skyscraper lift companies :-D12:57
penguin42lifting skyscrapers sounds hard13:00
zxmpiwell obviously you fill them with hydrogen first and then it gets a lot easier13:01
m0nkey_Probably sound a lot like this.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSG8R7v5xE13:01
daftykinshrmm just tried out Costa since their rewards system overhaul, everything seemed to work quite smoothly15:36
daftykins£10 of credit frighteningly got turned into 3 free coffees 15:36
zxmpishould throw in free bran muffins and then charge for using the loo. they'd make a fortune :-P15:38
daftykinsthey have added a new 'free cake on your birthday' thing!15:39
zxmpijust explain you use binary system so it's your birthday every 2 days :-P15:48
m0nkey_Bah, I hate it when I have to decommission a server when it has a 1000 days uptime20:33
m0nkey_# uptime20:33
m0nkey_ 21:31:25 up 1000 days,  7:44,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.41, 0.5520:33
MattJ$ uptime20:35
MattJ 20:34:47 up 2773 days, 23:16,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.10, 0.0920:35
MattJThe question is, can we get to 300020:35
daftykinswhat's that and just how unpatched is it? ;)20:37
MattJDebian *mumble mumble* and that's as far as we can discuss this :)20:38
MattJIt's due to finally be retired in the coming months20:39
m0nkey_Netware was where it was at.. 16 years .. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/03/epic-uptime-achievement-can-you-beat-16-years/20:39
m0nkey_mmm.. good old MONITOR.NLM20:39
MattJReminds me of the Linux Counter project, they had an uptime top 20 or something20:42
zxmpisome nerd somewhere has their uptime on a html 1.0 page still counting :-)21:29
zxmpior perhaps telnet 21:30
zxmpi21 years https://www.reddit.com/r/uptimeporn/top/?t=all21:36
zxmpi7670 days +21:38
zxmpimouse probably still has a ball :-D21:38

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