
BluesKajHi all13:19
RikMillssanta_: ping17:30
santa_RikMills: pong17:40
RikMillssanta_: I think we can kopy from landing PPA if ok with you 17:40
RikMillssanta_: also fw 5.86.017:41
santa_RikMills:that's what I planned to do today17:41
RikMillsI have copied fw to here: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4669/+packages17:41
santa_RikMills: I still have one last dist-upgrade testfor backports, so once done, I would kopy17:42
santa_RikMills: nice, please note that for fw 5.86 I needed to update plasma-wayland-protocols17:42
RikMillsthe riscv64 fw builds can build there17:42
RikMillsyep, I saw the protocols bump and had already asked Aleix Pol about it17:43
RikMillswhile the protocols are apparently 'backward compatible' we shoulod mention it in the fw FFe anyway17:45
RikMillslatte-dock may also need some patches to prevent it segfaulting with 5.8617:52
RikMillsor so some reports suggest17:52
RikMillsyep, it crashes18:08
RikMillsperhaps https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44144818:09
ubottuKDE bug 441448 in lattedock "Latte Dock fails to start" [Crash, Resolved: Fixed]18:09
RikMillsnew latte release now to fix that19:38
santa_thanks a lot, I copied the plasma and apps to the regular backports PPA a while ago19:47

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