
BTJusticeIs there a way to make Kubuntu turn off the screen after 1 minute when the computer locks after the set amount of time?  I found '/bin/sleep 1 ; /usr/bin/xset dpms force off' but it kicks the escreen off then it comes back on :(05:39
BTJusticeI am not wanting the computer to sleep.  Just kick the screen off once the countdown to lock happens.05:39
=== BTJustice is now known as BT_Justice
=== BT_Justice is now known as BTJustice
=== hisham-vaporio is now known as djhash
BluesKajHi all13:19
BTJusticeIs there a way to make Kubuntu turn off the screen after 1 minute when the computer locks after the set amount of time?  I found '/bin/sleep 60 ; /usr/bin/xset dpms force off' but it kicks the screen off then it comes back on :(20:48
BTJusticeI am not wanting the computer to sleep.  Just kick the screen off once the countdown to lock happens.20:48
MekaneckBTJustice: since no one answers here it's time to seek support for your question elsewhere like askubuntu.com21:37
BTJusticeMekaneck: I did sign up for the Kubuntu forum in the topic, but have yet to receive the email to activate.21:40
Mekaneckcheck your spam folder21:40
=== mohsen is now known as lolman
BTJusticeMekaneck: Not there.  Never got it. BRB.22:54

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