
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
=== scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo
faekjarzHi! Where would i find a guide on how to setup network-manager/nmtui on a 20.04 server?09:43
TJ-faekjarz: why NetworkManager? -server uses systemd-networkd by default09:55
faekjarzTJ-: does it have a gui/tui?09:55
TJ-it's a server! the entire point of server installs is they are CLI only.09:56
TJ-See https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/network-configuration09:57
=== bigpod28 is now known as bigpod2
=== StarHeart is now known as Edgan
=== Wizzy is now known as MagicalWizzy
Soniusing lighttpd, how do you make git-repos/foo.git/ redirect to git-repos/foo.git/browse but git-repos/foo.git/browse/refs/heads/default/tree/bar.git/ should not redirect?20:25
gsker!Horla Jeanne DuPrau - [Ember 01-04] - The Books of Ember Omnibus (The City of Ember; The People of Sparks; The Prophet of Yonwood; The Diamond of Darkhold) (epub).epub22:13
ubottugsker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13

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