
mvogood morning pstolowski 07:07
zyga-mbpgood morning guys :)07:09
mvogood morning zyga-mbp !07:12
* zyga-mbp is semi-trapped in the forest today07:12
zyga-mbpthe main road out is closed by lumberjacks and we're not sure our car can go through the service roads07:13
amurrayzyga-mbp: I am very envious of your working environment :) I am just in my house in the suburbs... forest sounds awesome 🌲07:15
zyga-mbpamurray I went out for an early-morning walk and it's lovely07:16
zyga-mbpamurray (terrible colors, reality was less contrasty) https://twitter.com/zygoon/status/143731445756738764807:18
amurrayoooh pretty07:24
zyga-mbpthere's also a lake but I won't mention that ;)07:26
pstolowskizyga-mbp: cruel ;)07:32
mupPR snapd#10770 opened: systemd: use text.template to generate mount unit <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10770>07:38
mardyhi all :-)07:52
zyga-mbp@mvo small PR for spread, https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/134 07:53
mupPR spread#134: Use greedy regex for $(HOST: ) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/134>07:53
mardyzyga-mbp: we also went in the woods on Saturday, founds quite a few mushrooms -- though we went late, so the best ones had already been collected, it seemed07:53
zyga-mbpI found a few during my morning walk but I left them intact07:54
zyga-mbpthe woods should be full of shrooms soon, it's still warm and it rained recently07:54
zyga-mbptoo bad I'm at work :P07:54
mvozyga-mbp: oh, thanks for this PR!07:55
pstolowskizyga-mbp: zelda-style gathetring time? ;)07:55
pstolowskihey mardy 07:55
zyga-mbppstolowski less chu-chu jellies and chests ;)07:56
zyga-mbpI've been using that locally but please double check if it makes sense to your eyes07:56
zyga-mbpI didn't do any tests, just a quick change & shared it quickly not to forget07:56
mardytests are left to the reader ;-)07:58
zyga-mbpI would not tell *that* to mvo07:59
zyga-mbpbut spread has remarkably few tests07:59
mupBug #1943419 opened: LXD snap auto refresh stuck at copy snap data phase for 16+ hours without making progress <sts> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943419>08:06
mvozyga-mbp: I quickly looked at the PR, if you could add an example how you noticed it and a "before/after" the change that would be lovely, then I can write a test for you08:28
zyga-mbpyeah, I can even write the test but I didn't get to it yet, it's something I bumped into yesterday08:28
zyga-mbpthe example was $(HOST: $(echo example))08:28
zyga-mbpor maybe08:29
zyga-mbpthe example was $(HOST: $(echo example)-foo)08:29
zyga-mbpanyway, I'll update it with unit tests08:29
mvozyga-mbp: cool, that is all I need08:29
zyga-mbpthe real code was in libzt test suite, I've updated it to support local snap store proxy for caching08:29
zyga-mbpand I've used quite a bit of HOST variables for that08:30
zyga-mbpI can paste the real thing but the point is that the old spread stopped at the first right ")"08:30
zyga-mbpso $(HOST: ...) could never have ) insdie08:30
mardyreviews *very* welcome on this, as I plan to add more tests based on this new EnsureAtLeast() method: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1074808:39
mupPR #10748: systemd: add AtLeast() method, add mocking in systemdtest <Squash-merge> <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10748>08:39
zyga-mbphey mborzecki 08:48
mborzeckizyga-mbp: hey08:49
mvomardy: sure, done08:53
mborzeckianyone running debian sid or kali? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-apps-not-running-in-kali-linux/26542 i think it's what mvo mentioned that we need to enable snapd.apparmor.service on that distro09:21
mvomborzecki: I did upload a new snapd that enables that late last week, I wonder if the user has the latest version from sid09:32
mborzeckimvo: they're running kali which i think pulls in packages from sid?09:36
mvomborzecki: if so, maybe they can just test the sid package?09:37
mborzeckimvo: asked them about package version, let's see what they come back with09:37
mardymvo: thanks, I added the test. Now I need one more +1 from someone else :-)10:00
mupPR snapd#10738 closed: o/hookstate/ctlcmd: Implement snapctl refresh --show-lock command <Needs Samuele review> <Refresh control> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10738>10:03
pstolowskimardy: i made a remark there about adding a test for EnsureAtLeast10:04
mardypstolowski: mmm... I don't see your comment. But indeed, I'll add a test10:21
pstolowskimardy: oh dang, it was still pending, I didn't click submit last week10:22
pstolowskiyou should see it now10:22
mardyyep, thanks10:28
=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
mborzeckihm fun with selinux, caps and bpf :/10:55
mupBug #1943419 changed: LXD snap auto refresh stuck at copy snap data phase for 16+ hours without making progress <sts> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943419>11:13
mupBug #1943419 opened: LXD snap auto refresh stuck at copy snap data phase for 16+ hours without making progress <sts> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943419>11:16
mupBug #1943419 changed: LXD snap auto refresh stuck at copy snap data phase for 16+ hours without making progress <sts> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943419>11:19
mborzeckimvo: what shall we do about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10540 ?11:29
mupPR #10540: cmd/snap-confine: handle CURRENT_TAGS on systems that support it <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10540>11:29
mupBug #1943419 opened: LXD snap auto refresh stuck at copy snap data phase for 16+ hours without making progress <sts> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943419>11:31
mupBug #1943419 changed: LXD snap auto refresh stuck at copy snap data phase for 16+ hours without making progress <sts> <snapd:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943419>11:34
mvomborzecki: I think merge - it has a +1 from security and we evaludated the alternatives so dlopen() it is it seems11:35
mborzeckimvo: pushed one more tweak for a test failing on 14.04 and then we should be ready to land it11:48
mvomborzecki: nice12:57
mupPR snapd#10770 closed: systemd: use text.template to generate mount unit <Created by mardy> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10770>12:59
mupPR snapd#10771 opened: DRAFT: Tests reproduce uc20 boot error <Precious Logs> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10771>13:49
mardymiguelpires: hi! About 10767, other possibilities are "Finished", "Processed", "Completed"... Though I'm fine even with Stopped.13:51
mborzeckimvo: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10661 ? the tests are looking good, so if they are green we can probably land it, or wait for pedronis?13:52
mupPR #10661: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: device cgroup v2 support <Complex> <cgroupv2> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10661>13:52
mvomborzecki: I would say land it, it has no needs-samuele-review and it was carefully reviewed by the team/security13:53
miguelpiresmardy wanted to avoid implying that the work was actually completed since it may not have been (in the case of Error, Undone and Hold) and Stopped met that criteria I think13:55
mborzeckimvo: i think i got it now in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10754, let's land it once it's gree and unblock builds in LP14:36
mupPR #10754: packaging, tests/lib/prepare-restore: build packages without network access, fix building debs with go modules <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10754>14:36
mvomborzecki: nice14:41
mvomborzecki: thanks so much for working on this! did you see https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10754/files#r705436649 btw?14:41
mupPR #10754: packaging, tests/lib/prepare-restore: build packages without network access, fix building debs with go modules <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10754>14:41
mborzeckimvo: heh, missed that, i can push a patch on top, or a followup14:42
mvomborzecki: maybe on top is ok, ian had some similar commments afaict14:43
mvomborzecki: and 1 more hour for the spread run is probably not too terrible at this point14:43
mborzeckimvo: ok, updated and managed to cancel the previous run14:49
mvomborzecki: ta14:55
mupPR snapd#10748 closed: systemd: add AtLeast() method, add mocking in systemdtest <Created by mardy> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10748>15:34
mvomborzecki: 10661 looks mostly fine, I guess that is ready for merge once spread ran?15:38
mborzeckimvo: yeah, i think so15:40
mborzeckimardy you gave thumbs down previously, can you take a look again?15:40
* cachio afk15:42
mvomborzecki: nice job, things are coming together it seems :)15:45
ijohnson[m]@bboozoo one question on 10661 about the security16:04
ijohnson[m]@bboozzoo ^16:04
mborzeckiijohnson: replied, makes sense? there's CAP_BPF which in theory can separate bpf operatiosn from CAP_SYS_ADMIN, also selinux can mediate respective operations (map_create, read, write etc.)16:31
* ijohnson[m] looks16:32
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* cachio afk21:44

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