=== stefano999 is now known as stefano666 === stefano666 is now known as stefano999 [00:59] Hi there, bit of a question related to Ubuntu 20.04. I installed Gnome Tweaks thinking this would give me more control, however for some reason I cannot access any of my network settings i.e. DHCP / DNS dialogs from the task bar -> Network -> Wired. I click it, nothing opens. Any ideas? [01:37] Worked it out [01:38] DaneAU: \o/ - what was your solution? for the channel. [01:40] Reinstallation of the gnome-control centre 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-control-center` seemed to do the trick. Figure Gnome Tweaks caused some issue after the installation. === M4he is now known as mahe [01:48] DaneAU: Thanks for the info :D [01:48] No problem :D [02:24] Hello everyone, I reached out on the Matrix channel but I was wondering if someone might be able to help here. I have never had issues with openssh-server before, but on a newer installation it doesn't seem to connect from other computers. [02:25] So far, I reinstalled openssh-server, checked my firewall settings (ufw is actually disabled), and used netstat to make sure the port was listening. [02:26] I can do ssh gspbirel56@private-ip from the computer itself and it works without issues. From another computer, it just times out. [02:30] gspbirel56: nmap the ssh server ip from external, see if you get open port? [02:31] Sure, let me try that [02:35] gspbirel56: try -PN -sV for seeing services [02:36] lotuspsychje: I got Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn [02:36] Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.03 seconds [02:36] Then I ran it with -Pn [02:36] Nmap scan report for [02:36] Host is up. [02:36] All 1000 scanned ports on are filtered [02:37] So it is up. [02:37] means router or firewall filter/block then [02:37] Weird that it would be just for this computer... [02:38] ubuntu box? [02:38] Yes [02:38] gspbirel56: sharing enabled in gnome settings? [02:39] Yes it is [02:39] I'll toggle it just to be sure [02:40] gspbirel56: perhaps have a deeper investigation at the #openssh guys [02:41] lotuspsychje: Okay, I will give them a shout. Thank you for the help! That is much appreciated. One other thing I just tried was to ping this IP from the external and it didn't work, so I am going to take a closer look at my router settings before I head over there. [02:41] yeah might be some option there you overlooked, blocking your box? [02:41] router firewall maybe [02:42] I shut that off to try. This is so weird [02:43] Honestly, I don't even have that much on this installation yet so I might just start over with a new one [02:44] well a default ubuntu should be able to ssh right [02:48] lotuspsychje: whoops, messing with the router kicked me offline. I should know better. I'll let you know how everything goes, thanks again! [02:49] good luck gspbirel_ === Abrax- is now known as Abrax [03:49] hey, looking for some leads on getting a mac to connect to ubuntu nfsv4 authenticated by kerberos [03:49] current status is i can connect with krb5p but no write permissions even though the uids/gids are right [03:50] by all accounts i *should* be able to write to the ubuntu nfs share from the mac but i get permission denied no matter what i try [03:50] not even sure where the error is happening [03:51] ssh? [03:52] lotuspsychje: I started over with a fresh installation and everything magically works. I have no idea what went wrong. Thanks for coming along for the ride! === ydnar is now known as Randy_ === |avril is now known as avril [05:58] Hey all. I've been running into a really annoying issue when trying to run Ubuntu (and many other Linux distributions) on my main desktop. The machine has a Ryzen 3600X and NVIDIA GTX 1070. The issue I face is really poor UI performance whenever I am playing a video in any web browser. I've tried it on Chrome and Firefox. [05:59] It's a pretty big show stopper for me moving over to Linux full time, I'm considering trying to sell my GPU and pick up an equivalent AMD card, thinking it's an NVIDIA specific issue. [06:00] Also I run dual monitors, 1440p 60Hz, if that impacts anything. [06:00] missing nvidia drivers? [06:00] I have this problem on Ubuntu, Fedora and Pop_OS, all using GNOME. I had even worse performance using Linux Mint Cinnamon. [06:01] yukiup No, using the latest NVIDIA drivers, I think it was 470 when I tested last. [06:02] is your monitor plugged into the motherboard or the gpu? [06:03] Definitely the GPU. I also don't have any performance problems at all with Windows 10. [06:03] prob drivers then [06:06] I have installed the drivers through the Additional Drivers interface on Ubuntu, I used the latest proprietary tested drivers, not the open-source drivers. [06:08] :/ [06:08] what version are you running? [06:10] Version of Ubuntu? [06:10] Berlyn: try a older Nvidia driver but they are wiritten nividia so we cannot fix or modify them but they usually work better than the nouveao open source ones that we can look at [06:14] yukiup: I've tried both 20.04 LTS and 21.04. === AndrewIRC is now known as AndrewYu === xenial is now known as Guest434 === xenial is now known as Guest1759 [09:35] Berlyn: whats your gpu utilization while playing videos? [09:35] (nvidia-smi knows) === jordan is now known as Alabalistic === BlessJah_ is now known as BlessJah [10:48] hello [10:49] welcome racerx [10:50] !hwe [10:50] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [11:37] gurki: I don't have the install right now, I need to install it again to do some testing. Tried multiple distros and ran into issues continuously, just ended up going back to Windows 10 as need my system for work. [11:37] I'll dual boot tomorrow and see how I go. [11:45] Completely unrelated, does anyone know if the kernel in 21.04 supports AMD 6700 XT GPU? [12:01] hello [12:01] i need help upgrading old ubuntu version [12:02] !eolupgrade | webchat90 start here [12:02] webchat90 start here: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [12:05] thank [12:49] Hi folks === pong is now known as beaver [13:15] After years my notebook has died, so I moved my SSD with ubuntu installed into new notebook. However it seems like my ubuntu don't recognize all of the keyboard functions (like brightness control etc.), ALT+TAB is behaving quite strange (visual look), wifi chipset is not recognized, everything feels quite unusual, printscreen takes much more than on older notebook etc. [13:16] Is there a way how to force ubuntu to install new drivers? (for the newer notebook) [13:18] nitram147: ubuntu loads driver modules at boot and adapts to your hardware normaly, if not there might be bugs around in your dmesg [13:19] nitram147: feel free to share your dmesg with the volunteers in a pastebin, so they can have a look for you [13:31] lotuspsychje: There are a lot of "PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key" red messages [13:32] First red message is "Problem loading UEFI:db X.509 certificate (-65)" [13:32] And there's also failure report on "iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Failed to load firmware chunk!" wifi driver load [13:32] nitram147: could you share the whole log please? [13:32] Everything has probably something with my change of hardware [13:33] Does the log contains anything "secure" I'm afraid of dumping something sensitive on the internet [13:35] nitram147, replacing a drive with an installed OS is always going to cause problems due to different hardware/drivers etc, best to backup you /home dir to a diifernt drive then copy it back after reinstalling the OS [13:35] nitram147: dmesg does not really log personal things, but its a future plan to have a more 'restricted' dmesg in ubuntu [13:36] i'm connecting to RedHat Virtualization via virt-viwer [13:36] and it works for all hosts, except 2 which were rebooted [13:37] problem is it works from windows work station, but it doesn't work from my laptop [13:37] and it worked [13:37] i'v checked the ports and they are open [13:37] firewall disabled [13:37] virt-viewer version 7.0 [13:37] rhv 4.2 [13:38] !redhat | memphisto [13:38] memphisto: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Arch Linux, Manjaro, Slackware (using other packaging systems) [13:38] lotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/WX8H8MS3 [13:39] i don't know, it could be sometign on my ubuntu [13:39] that's why i write here [13:39] its passworded nitram147 [13:40] sorry not in PM nitram147 if you want help, you will need to trust the volunteers here [13:41] I do trust, however I don't like the idea that IRC logs from this server are kept for eternity available on the internet [13:42] nitram147: then find yourself a self-destructing paste site [13:42] Could you read the log with the provided password, [13:42] ? [13:45] nitram147: this channel uses multiple volunteers to solve issues as a community/team so solitair support is not how the channel works [13:46] Where's the problem than? The password for the pastebin is "q9ZpW5wKTN" and the url is "https://pastebin.com/WX8H8MS3" [13:47] Hello everyone! Quick question, Is there a way for me to have mysql-server5.7 under Ubuntu20.04? [13:48] nokiomanz: use snap [13:48] or docker [13:49] Sounds good. Thanks memphisto ! [13:52] BluesKaj: I did installed and configured tons of things over the years to my current Ubuntu, that's the reason why I would like to make it working without the need of reinstalling everything. I don't remeber the location of all of the configuration files and everything I did to my system over the years... If there was a simple way how to migrate everything, but there isn't [13:54] hi, I have ubuntu 20.04 I need to add my user to the docker group. I ran sudo usermod -a -g docker $USER [13:54] then I ran groups [13:54] the docker group is missing from that list [13:54] nitram147, now you're stuck with a time waster system, saving your/home to differnt device and reinstalling would have been simpler and faster [13:56] BluesKaj: Problem is that I did made a lot of changes in many directories including /etc/, /var/, /opt/, /usr/, etc. So I would have to backup whole disk and piece by piece reinstall everything on the new ubuntu install [14:04] hello, I am running this command `sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}` but then groups does not show the docker in the list [14:07] masber, did you relog your user? [14:31] Hello! was upgrading Ubuntu 20.4 to 21.4. When the upgrade was in process I made the mistake of locking my desktop (Ctrl-Alt-L) as I had to go afk. But then it just shows black screen with mouse pointer. No login screen. So I logined via vt1 (Ctrl-Alt-F1) but now could not see the progress of login process. Whether it was stuck on any dialog waiting for use input etc. So I pkilled the xfce4-terminal and hirsuite processes and tried to apt update from there. [14:31] It failed and now shows authentication error for any sudo command. I'm still logged in. Haven't shutdowned the system yet. [14:32] How do I rescue the system? I do not want to reinstall as I have taken considerable efforts in setting up the 20.04 [14:33] magic_, do you have backups ? [14:34] No backup :( [14:34] magic_, insert a usb device and do it [14:35] ioria, How do I exactly do that? Can you please point me towards any webpage or something? [14:35] magic_, in the meanwhile paste 'ps auxf | cat | nc termbin.com 9999' [14:36] TBH I was kinda hoping to rescue the system from the logged in session... [14:36] magic_, backups = meaningfull files in your installed system [14:37] ioria, https://termbin.com/12911 [14:38] ioria, Oh! That would me my whole $HOME. Thanks for the suggestion. Let me try that. [14:39] magic_, i don't see any dpkg or apt runnings ... [14:39] ioria, I have killed them. [14:40] magic_, why ? [14:40] Now any sudo command (e.g. sudo ls) says "Sorry, try again.\nSorry try again.\nsudo: 3 incorrect password attempts" [14:41] magic_, btw... please state exactly what you did before the freeze... what cmd did you issue ? [14:41] Because I could not see the progress of login process. Whether it was stuck on any dialog waiting for use input etc. So I pkilled the xfce4-terminal and hirsuite processes and tried to apt update from there. [14:42] Just copy pasted from my initial post. [14:42] ioria, I pressed Ctrl-Alt-L and the screen went dark. [14:43] I have mentioned that in my first post. [14:43] magic_, what cmd did you use to prform the upgarde ? [14:43] *perform [14:43] do-release-upgrade [14:43] ok [14:44] magic_, cat 7etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:44] magic_, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:45] ioria, the hirsuite repos have been set by the upgrade process. termbin.com/f3hi [14:46] magic_, ls -l /etc/apt/* | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:47] If I type `passwd`, it says "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error\npasswd: password unchanged" [14:50] ioria, termbin.com/xtzp [14:50] my journalctl has 1.5 million lines [14:51] most of them are because of a usb device outputting the same issue over and over again multiple times per second [14:51] can i easily remove these entries from journalctl? [14:52] magic_, apt-cache policy dpkg apt | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:52] BinarySavior: https://www.loggly.com/ultimate-guide/managing-journal-size/ [14:53] ioria, 6g1y [14:53] BinarySavior: as for stripping away certain entries, I don't know if that's possible but I can tell you it isn't the right thing to do [14:53] termbin.com/6g1y [14:53] my journalctl is 1.1G [14:54] BinarySavior: mine is 4G [14:54] oh wow [14:54] i installed my OS like 1 month ago-ish [14:54] magic_, stat /etc/shadow | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:55] BinarySavior: you can limit the journal size to be smaller, though unless you know you need that space, I wouldn't bother. [14:55] okay [14:55] what is the interface that scrolls through journalctl is that more? === waxfire82 is now known as waxfire [14:56] BinarySavior: journalctl [14:58] BinarySavior: journalctl is it's own binary with it's own capabilities. [14:58] okay thanks, i'm reading about it now. I was having trouble "scrolling to the end" but then i realied I could use the -b flag [15:06] Help! My Xchat doesn't behave right if I don't launch inside terminal (Only then does it autoconnect to Libera.Chat!?).....I created a ~/.local/share/applications/xchat.desktop file to "fix/adjust" how the ubuntu xchat icon launcher thingie works....However, Ubuntu detects my xchat.desktop and does NOT let me create an Xchat icon launcher like before? Why? How fix? [15:07] Sorry, net got disconnected. [15:08] !xchat | theseb [15:08] theseb: xchat and xchat-gnome are old IRC clients which are not actively maintained outside of Ubuntu/Debian. Some versions of Ubuntu do not include them. Please strongly consider using hexchat instead, which has good upstream support and is widely recommended by the IRC community over xchat and xchat-gnome. [15:09] ioria, should I reboot? [15:12] then I can login as root by supplying boot param. And then I can set the passwd for my currently logged in user? [15:20] magic_, stat /etc/shadow | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:22] ioria, termbin.com/mo18 [15:22] magic_, not working [15:22] ioria, Sorry, it's termbin.com/mol8 [15:24] magic_, stat /etc/passwd | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:25] ioria, termbin.com/uqz3 [15:26] ioria, the modify timings are consistent with the do-release-upgrade time [15:27] I just don't understand why the upgrade has to change anything with passwd or shadow files? [15:28] packages might add new system users or system groups [15:28] ogra, any while doing so mess uo the existing entries? [15:29] i havent seen that happen ... [15:29] "passwd" says "authentication token manipulation error" [15:29] magic_, maybe it wont work, but try ' lsattr /etc/passwd /etc/shadow | nc termbin.com 9999' [15:30] is your disk readonly ? [15:30] ogra, may be you didn't try locking your session (Ctrl-Alt-L) while the system is being upgraded... [15:31] ioria, termbin.com/ytxus [15:31] permission denied for shadow [15:32] ogra, Ah, I don't know. I mean I am logged in as normal ubuntu user and was upgrading 20.4 to 21.4 as `sudo do-release-upgrade` [15:32] magic_, dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:33] ioria, termbin.com/h876 [15:35] magic_, i don't think you can do much without sudo; so you need recovery mode or a livecd [15:35] I have livecd [15:35] 20.4 it is [15:36] ioria, Do you want me to boot into it? [15:37] magic_, try first recovery ... drop to root shell and run 'dpkg --configure -a' [15:37] * ogra would still first check if the disk is full or readonly mounted (due to disk errors) ... before moving on [15:38] magic_, wait ... df -h | nctermbin.com 9999 [15:38] magic_, wait ... df -h | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:39] ioria, df says 8.5G available [15:39] magic_, mount | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:40] fine then ... all these unpack errros in the dpkg -l output just made me curious .... 8.5G should be plenty [15:40] ioria, termbin.com/gx9m [15:40] disk seems to be rw too [15:41] ogra, I'm kinda hoping to rescue the system while I'm logged in... [15:41] well, unlikely without root/sudo working [15:41] BluesKaj: wow..thanks! [15:42] magic_, reboot in recovery mode and try to run the cmd above (dpkg --configure -a): if not working connect here with another device [15:42] ogra, I'm open to reboot the system if it's going to let me gin the access. I really do *not* want to reinstall. [15:43] s/gin/gain [15:43] well, follow ioria ... 🙂 [15:43] i'm just throwing in comments from the sideline here 😉 [15:43] magic_, or boot the livecd, install xchat (or whatever) and will go ahead [15:44] ioria, Sure! Give me a minute while I search how to activate reciovery mode... [15:44] ioria, I have second device. The one I'm using Hexchat on right now. :) [15:44] ok [15:50] ioria, I'm in recovery mode now. It shows me text menu after booting but various messages scroll the screen up. :( [15:50] *error messages [15:51] magic_, can't you select 'root shell' ? [15:51] [FAILED] [15:51] ioria, may be if i'm quick enough. let me try again [15:53] ioria, I'm in root shell now! [15:53] magic_, dpkg --configure -a [15:55] My blueman assistent says "no adapters found" while trying to setup my new bluetooth dongle. Any help is much appreciated [15:55] ioria, dpkg in process... [15:55] ok [16:00] ioria, It exited with "runuser: cannot open session: Module is unknown\ndpkg: error: error executing hook 'if [ - x /usr/share/debian-security-support/check-support-status.hook ] ; then usr/share/debian-security-support/check-support-status.hook ; fi', exit code 256" [16:03] magic_, apt update [16:03] and many dpkg errors interleaved: "dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [16:03] ioria, okay [16:04] ioria, How do I connect to wifi via commandline? [16:05] I usually use Network Manager in GUiz [16:05] Let me search that on web... [16:05] magic_, dhclient [16:08] That command is kinda hanged - printing nothing... [16:08] magic_, from the Recovery menu, try 'enable networking' [16:08] what is the current way to disable the "window is ready" notification? [16:09] Guys, is there Telegram Group? [16:10] ioria, okay [16:10] magic_, brb in a few [16:10] ioria, sure! :) [16:11] come to #ubuntu-discuss Donald__ [16:12] @lotuspsychje, ok [16:20] magic_, from the Recovery menu, try 'enable networking' [16:22] ioria, it prints error saying "See systemctl status NetworkManager.service and journalctl -xe for details" [16:23] magic_, lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:23] failed to get unit file state for resolvconf-pull-resolved.path: no such file or dir [16:24] ioria, this is from earlier error message [16:25] ioria, no networking. can't use termbin now :( [16:25] magic_, lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:25] roight [16:25] at first i was really confuse about my mouse being so fast. i discovered that by default there is acceleration and ther eis no option about that in settings. i had to use gnome-tweaks app [16:26] ioria, I can post images... [16:26] captured by my phone [16:27] magic_, lspci -nnk |grep -i net -A 3| grep 'in use' [16:28] ioria, kernel driver in use: r8169 [16:28] that's the ethernet [16:29] kernel driver in use: rtl8188ee [16:30] magic_, modprobe -r rtl8188ee [16:30] Done [16:30] magic_, modprobe rtl8188ee [16:30] done [16:30] magic_, apt udate ? [16:31] *update [16:31] shouldn't i now select enable networking? [16:31] which packages would you guys recommend for data recovery? [16:31] you said didn't work [16:32] ioria, ping apt still don't work. How do I select the wifi network i want to connect to? [16:33] magic_, systemctl restart network-manager [16:35] ioria, Same error : "job for nm.service failed because the content process exited with error code.\nSee systemctl status NetworkManager.service and journalctl -xe for details" [16:36] magic_, reboot normally [16:36] ioria, you mean no recovery mode? [16:36] magic_, yes, reboot as usual [16:39] ioria, I see many error messages like "[FAILED] Failed to start User Manager for UID 125" etc. [16:39] No login screen [16:39] tty1 offers login screen though [16:39] magic_, try to login [16:40] ioria, I enter username and it says "Login incorrect" without presenting pass prompt. [16:41] I even tried 'root' but same error [16:41] no pass prompt [16:41] magic_, i suggest you use yout ethernet card to get a connection and we try again in Recovery mode [16:42] ioria, Sure. give me a minute please. [16:42] ok [16:43] magic_, brb [16:54] ioria, I just plugged the ethernet cable but still ping not successful :( [16:56] I guess Network-Manager has to be running for any networking. [17:00] ioria, From journalctl -xe: "/usr/sbin/NetworkManager: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgssapi_krb5.so.2: undefined symbol: krb5_ser_contex>" [17:01] "NetworkManager.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a" [17:02] TJ-, I ended up purging all my nvidia drivers and installing via .run file [17:03] now i can suspend/shutdown/restart [17:03] BinarySavior: good to hear! [17:04] ioria, Got internet working! Yay! [17:05] magic_, apt update | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:07] ioria, termbin.com/xrgw [17:08] and additional error printed on screen [17:08] "Error: Timeout was reached" [17:08] magic_, like what ? === genii-core is now known as genii [17:08] magic_, ping google.com [17:09] "appstreamcli: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgssapi_krb5.so.2: undefined symbol: krb5_ser_context_init, version krb5_3_MIT" [17:09] previous error message [17:09] magic_, ping google.com [17:09] ioria, ping successful! [17:10] magic_, apt full-upgrade [17:11] ioria, It asks to tun "apt --fix-broken install" [17:11] magic_, do it [17:12] ioria, in progress... [17:13] I just saw libgssapi getting installed! [17:17] kinda stuck at "Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.33-0ubuntu5) ..." [17:17] wait [17:17] done! [17:17] Now, apt full-upgrade? [17:17] ioria, ^ [17:18] magic_, again : apt --fix-broken install [17:18] Ah, I'm sorry. In excitement I went ahead with full-upgrade. :/ [17:19] should I Ctrl-C it? [17:19] nope [17:19] ioria, ^ [17:19] nope [17:19] just wait [17:20] ioria, okay. I really appreciate you being patient and helpful. Thank you very much! :) [17:20] no prob [17:26] magic_, still running ? === Madatnek- is now known as Madatnek [17:33] ioria, yes. I think it'll take about half an hour. [17:33] ok [17:58] ioria, Says 460% done. So I guess another half an hour to go... [18:44] hi Is this a ubuntu channel? [18:44] Guest33: yes [18:46] ioria, Thank you very much! I'm now logged in to new 21.04! :) [18:47] magic_, very good [18:48] "recovery mode" is fantastic! [18:49] yes it is [18:50] I hadn't shut down my machine since yesterday unaware of "recovery mode" [18:51] can i ask question about internet problem in ubuntu here ? [18:52] Guest33, yes sure [18:52] Anyways, gotta go now. Thank you very much ioria! :) [18:54] i have usb modem 4g (zte mf79U) and ubuntu 20.04.3 [18:54] when i run live [18:54] ubuntu from flash memory, internet icon (top ,right) is Question mark [18:54] and net is very slow [18:54] What should I do ? [18:54] In the case of Windows, these problems do not exist === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [19:05] any answer ? [19:06] No answer? [19:06] Guest33: sorry, there's a lot of different things that could go wrong, and it's hard to provide guesses with next to no information [19:07] Guest33: maybe it's just dns busted and it takes five or six seconds to resolve IP addresses, but the actual internet connection is quite good [19:07] Guest33: or maybe the internet connection is quite poor and dns has nothing to do with it [19:08] Guest33, are you on wifi or ethernet? [19:08] ethernet [19:08] usb cable [19:09] oh usb modem i see [19:09] Modem with usb cable connected to PC [19:10] modem is 4g with sim card [19:11] net speed in windows is 50 mbps and upload is 20 [19:11] speed dw [19:12] on ubuntu speed dw is 0.23 and upload is 20 mbps [19:17] usb modem conected to the pc with usb cable 2.0 [19:21] no answer ? [19:21] 900 people is here ? [19:23] good bye [19:25] Guys, I made a terrible mistake :/ I wanted to try out microk8s, and installed it using snap. But I fear that something broke my iptables, and now my regular docker containers can't communicate with eachother over port 443 (via the host). Is there any good way of getting back to where I were before? [19:30] Chucara: you could try a snap remove microk8s and see if that puts things back the way they were [19:31] sarnold: Unfortunately, that didn't seem to do the trick. I'm not exactly good at reading the iptables output, but I guess I could start deleting stuff until it works. But not knowing what I'm doing makes me concerned I'll make it worse. [19:32] Chucara: yeah, that's my usual feeling with iptables stuff :( [19:32] Chucara: maybe remove and a reboot and hope the 'existing' rules do the trick? [19:32] backup your iptables and try to just clean them and restart docker [19:32] Chucara: make backup of iptables config prior to edits [19:33] See. That is the kind of sensible advice I wish I had gotten before I started mucking about with microk8s :'D [19:34] :) [19:41] Chucara: how about "sudo snap revert microk8s" [19:41] Probably would need to have done that before removing it. (error: cannot revert "microk8s": no revision to revert to) [19:45] Ok. Nuclear option fixed it, and restarting the docker daemon restored the ones I was actually using. [19:45] good [19:45] Thanks a lot of the tips! [19:45] *for [19:46] Now I just need to figure out of to delete the empty chains. (Chain cali-nat-outgoing (0 references)) [19:46] (And potentially all the stuff I've broken but haven't discovered yet) [19:48] Chucara: it might be worth a bug report if snap remove leave behind empty chains [19:50] Looks like there already was one: https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s/issues/688 [19:50] Issue 688 in ubuntu/microk8s "Stoping or removing microk8s does not clear iptables" [Closed] [19:50] Oh god. I just read the actual text. [19:50] Chucara: This is from 2019 [19:51] "If you reboot the machine the rules are finally removed." === tomfarr is now known as TomFarr [19:51] Chucara: gah I hate bugs that get polluted with unrelated junk [20:17] How do I update the configuration file to change the uid of systemd-coredump? It is launching as uid 999. === GRUBwillbetheDEA is now known as LookupError [20:23] Hello! Ubuntu 20.04, apt is failing with error message "apt-get: symbol lookup error: apt-get: undefined symbol: _Z15InstallPackagesR9CacheFilebbbRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERK11CommandLine, version APTPRIVATE_0.0". I've reinstalled apt_2.02_amd64.deb and tried sudo apt install -f and sudo apt-get update --fix-missing - [20:23] still no go. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you! [20:26] LookupError: I think I'd try to fix that by reinstalling all the 'apt' packages, apt apt-utils libapt-inst2.0 libapt-pkg5.0 [20:27] OK, did the first, but need #2-#4 - will give it a shot! [20:34] Ah, found it in /ect/passwd [20:34] I'll lookup how to update existing files/folders using this uid:group. [20:34] CloudZimmermann: that won't be the only place it's stored [20:35] CloudZimmermann: check also /etc/shadow, /etc/group, look through all the systemd service files, it's probably embedded elsewhere [21:15] Success! [21:16] Thanks sarnold! [21:18] CloudZimmermann: woot! === TomFarr is now known as tomfarr === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [21:55] I'm experienceing a few symptoms; that, I'm not sure are related or not? And, there's one specific thing from among them that I want to be sure to address no matter what.. Lately my system started acting up --> [1]: While browsing the web the sound on videos will stop working after a period of time (after a few videos or so), [2]: The video part of videos will freeze (with sound or without depending [21:56] whether the sound has stopped prior to that or not) - but moving the mouse will make the video start moving again. [3]: When typing into any field (url bar for example) the characters will not be displayed even after a good bit of typing but moving the mouse will make everything that was typed up to that point appear or by hitting the enter key what has been typed will appear then immediately be [21:56] submitted. I have checked memory usage ( $ free -m ) and it appeard to be fine - only a couple mb of swap in use and more than half of total memory still availabe / unused. And I have checked my internet connection ( while sometimes as slow as a few mbits / sec Dand occasionally as fast as 30 or 35 mbits / sec it would not account for all of the anomalies I'm seeing ). Something I did a few days [21:56] after the problems started was to upgrade ( $ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ) my system. I noticed that some proprietary ( nvidia ) drivers were being held back so I intentionally installed those. During the installation process I was prompted to create a passworkd for something related to UIFI ( could that have been MOT ?? - I don't recall ). There were some instructions given during that [21:56] process and I may have missed something. When I rebooted after the upgrades I was prompted to "continue booting" or, something like, register the ( MOT ?? ), the thing I had created the password for. I chose "continue booting" and Im not sure that was the right choice. Is that other option ( to register the thing in bios ) something I need to still do? [21:56] I was trying to copy that out and put it in a paste but hit the enter key by acciden - appologies [22:01] I wish there were an easier way to describe so many things going on and I appologieze if i haven't written it correctly. [22:01] If anyone recognizes the problem I would really appreciate some help [22:02] https://pastebin.com/dcMnDRgs [22:04] blahboybaz: it's possible busted nvidia drivers might give you some crazy symptoms.. I suggest checking your logs -- dmesg, journalctl, etc, maybe there's clear errors being logged somewhere [22:04] blahboybaz: it might also be worth running a memtest86 or memtest86+ to see if the system feels okay in the absense of an OS, etc [22:06] sarnold: ok.. Can you suggest any reference (not man page) on how to use dmesg and systemctl for that? I'm a little rusty on my admin skills :) [22:06] Or even what I might use as a search term to find the relevan info? [22:08] And do you happen to think of what that acronym might have been regarding registering the password in uefi (realated to drivers after I had installed updates) -- was that " M O T " maybe? [22:08] blahboybaz: run "dmesg | less" from a terminal or "journalctl -e" from a terminal [22:08] ok, ty [22:08] blahboybaz: I haven't got a clue what 'M O T' means, I'm no help there [22:08] ok [22:09] I'm wondering if trying to do that step might solve the issue so maybe I'll go into bios and hunt around or something. Thanks for the command usage I'll see what it shows [22:10] blahboybaz: oh... maybe MOK? machine owner key thing.. [22:11] How does that show up in dmesg when there is a problem? The line is proceeded with all caps "WARN" or "ERR" or someting like that? ( I could pipe into grep then if I remembered right ). [22:11] sarnold: MOK is it - I remember now that I see it [22:11] blahboybaz: there's no clear way to know what's important from the dmesg :/ === xv8 is now known as XV8 [22:12] blahboybaz: there's a little bit of information on configuring the uefi secure boot key on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/DKMS [22:12] dmaesg is loooooong [22:12] yeah [22:12] blahboybaz: but secureboot would just outright prevent your computer from booting if it were related; properly signed kernels and drivers would load no trouble [22:13] Does anyone know if AMD RX 6700 XT runs natively under the 5.11 kernel on Ubuntu 21.04? Looking to replace my current NVIDIA card. [22:14] I just saw someting really, really cool in dmesg!! It has a line that tells you what key enters bios! That's something that people ask around about all the time and the answers always seem like guessing - but dmesg tells you [22:15] blahboybaz: really? funny I can't recall ever seeing a message about that in there :) [22:16] sarnold: " 0.000000] DMI: HP HP ENVY Laptop 17-cg1xxx/8823, BIOS F.12 02/17/2021 " <-- output in dmesg [22:17] Is that "F.12" telling me that info? [22:17] no, that is a BIOS version [22:17] F.12 is your bios version [22:17] Berlyn: Per duckhook - needs the OEM driver: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2466108 . [22:17] ohhh [22:17] Berlyn: there's an entry in the arch wiki that suggests it'd work https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/AMDGPU -- maybe install apt-file, and then run apt-file search flounder, and see if that is packaged under that name or not.. [22:17] f12 is often boot media selection [22:17] doh! [22:18] right [22:18] dunno, i don't use hp machines [22:18] Sorry I gotta run for a bit (afk) [22:25] Bashing-om: Just had a read through of that thread, makes sense. I wonder if a newer Kernel (5.14) would support it natively. [22:27] Berlyn: Quite likely the support will be picked up, AMD is real quick :D- But as I run Nvidia I have not kept a close eye on AMD. [22:30] xfce4-panel shows one of my firefox windows in the task switcher with a raised border around the icon. what could that mean? the window is neither above all others, nor visible on all workspaces. [22:33] hi all im having some probs installing ubuntu arm64 on a vmware esxi host, its saying "cdrom with install media not found" (or as much) in the past, i've handled this on live usb installs by mounting /dev/sdxX to /dev/cdrom but i cant find disks on this lsblk is cmd not found [22:33] any help on this? [22:33] fdisk -l not found as well [22:34] Bashing-om: I currently run a GTX 1070 and I've had so many performance issues with it. Actually prevents me from moving over full time. [22:34] df -T returns tmpfs on /run and devtmpfs on /dev [22:34] but cant seem to get it to return a list of connected disks [22:34] lsusb is cmd not found as well [22:35] ls /bin/sh is empty? [22:37] Berlyn: I have no issues with my Nvidia card - what is the driver status on your end - sudo lshw -C display ; lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - in a pastebin, See what we can do. [22:37] Bashing-om: I've got a few meetings this morning, but I will jump over and do some testing later today and get back to you. [22:39] Berlyn: Nvidia says the 470 version driver - I have seen many many bug reports with this version driver. [22:39] am i muted? [22:40] I basically have major performance problems with all of my UI when playing videos on Firefox/Chrome. I'll have a video playing, then if I try to move a window around or resize it, it's just extremely laggy. [22:42] Berlyn: Were me here I would fire up "top" in a terminal and watch what might be hogging resources. [22:42] Guest94: pong [22:42] Guest94: Not presently muted :D [22:42] im having some woes getting arm64 ubuntu to install on an raspberry pi vmware esxi host [22:43] Guest94: look into using the cloud guest images instead of trying to use an installer, if you've got a cloud environment they'll probably save you time [22:43] i dont have a cloud env, its just a personal hypervisor im playing around with on an rpi4 [22:43] Guest94: you have ESXI installed on a pi? [22:43] i found blkid in /sbin but its not returning any info either [22:43] yes, its esxi fling [22:43] its a technical preview [22:43] Bashing-om: Will do some testing later this morning. [22:44] leftfb: its a rpi4b 8GB [22:44] anything less is considered not worthwhile [22:44] Berlyn: When you can continue - lots of help available here :D [22:44] for virtualization [22:45] sarnold: id really like to get this iso mounted, i feel like im 99% of the way there i run into this prob all the time on liveusb installs i need to mount the install dir to /media/cdrom or bind it or w/e [22:51] is this the new spot for ubuntu since freenode is shut down? [22:51] seems so [22:51] Guest94: okay good i will save it. so i now know. i was wondering why freenode didn't work anymore [22:52] it self-destructed [22:52] ghostnik11: Freenode is still online, but everyone moved over due to a large amount of staff at Freenode leaving and general concerns about the ownership and leadership of Freenode. [22:52] they deleted all channels and accounts [22:55] Berlyn: yeah i just got lucky and someone told me. i didn't know because i have been just studying this whole time during the pandemic. but i am glad everyone is back up and running here. [22:55] will we have to eventually register? with libera.chat? or not yet? [22:55] like register nick? [22:55] You can register with Libera.chat now. [22:56] Berlyn: okay cool. thanks [22:58] man im starting to get frustrated... im following a youtube video of a guy doing the same exact thing, same exact ubuntu version and everything and it "just works" and i dont understand why im not having success here?!!? [22:59] certainly someone else has had to ran into issues when launching ubuntu live img on a virtual machine (vmware hypervisor or otherwise?) and needing to mount the install dir to /media/cdrom so that ubuntu installs correctly? === XV8 is now known as xv8 [23:28] are any of you guys getting a constant update message like once an hour or so and it fails to download each time... keeps popping up. [23:29] maybe it's a me thing and I need to switch servers for my VPN? [23:29] Hey. I need to switch from Debian to Ubuntu for a LTS job. Which Debian release is 20.04 compareable with? Buster? [23:30] I could google for you :) [23:30] velix: why do you ask? You are not going to "upgrade" from Debian to Ubuntu. It's not supported and not going to work [23:30] * JoeLlama switches IPs for the upgrade [23:31] leftyfb: I would like to estimate the timeliness of the packages. [23:31] It's an experiement maybe I will be able to download the upgrade... I will ping out shortly. [23:31] velix: Ubuntu LTS releases are supported for 5 years and are based on Debian unstable at the time of development [23:31] leftyfb: I thought LTS doesn't integrate new features, just bugfixes and security fixes? [23:32] velix: correct [23:32] leftyfb: Yeah, so when the package is from 2018... but okay. I think I need to gather the information on my own. [23:32] Thanks for help. [23:39] Ah okay, while packages only get bugfixes, snaps might get upgraded. [23:39] Can it happen that snap format changes and snap doesn't work anymore in 2-3 years? [23:39] velix: snaps do get upgraded [23:39] And what if there are snaps, which need newer dependencies? [23:39] or are they bundled ? [23:39] velix: snaps have everything they need on their own [23:39] like containers? [23:40] Sorry, don't answer. [23:40] I'll read it u [23:40] up [23:45] is the package name for dislocker `dislocker`? i have a live iso that isn't finding it when apt is told to install it. [23:46] wd50: it's part of the universe repo === scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo [23:58] leftyfb: thanks