
=== xv8 is now known as XV8
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== XV8 is now known as xv8
=== sysadmin is now known as Vlanx
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== xv8 is now known as XV8
IrcsomeBot<Ac1d> I have put media player widget on desktop accidentally, now i can't remove it, there is no option appearing on right click on the widget. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/49da1169/file_47600.jpg09:16
=== XV8 is now known as xv8
=== jeroen_ is now known as alterjsive
IrcsomeBot<Eric_4Z1UG> I have been running Kubuntu 20.04 for almost a year.  It has suddenly slowed down to a crawl.  I use Chromium Web Browser with lots of tabs most of the day.  I am running Dell Optiplex I7 16GB RAM on 1 TB SSD.  I am thinking of separating the /Home folder from the installation and loading the OS on its own SSD.  Can I strip out what is causing the problem, or should I just reinstall.  I have Kubuntu 20.04 on Thinkpad T440 and it just works11:21
IrcsomeBot<DPRanjiida> Click and hold for sometime... (re @Ac1d: )11:27
guiverc@Eric_4Z1UG, I find both chromium & firefox eventually slow down after a time (they'll eat up all ram I have & end up causing my system to thrash; a reboot or logout/login would fix, but I just check it out with htop, close the problem browser down, wait for system to be cleaned up then restart the browser).  I concluded it wasn't the browsers itself (they are fine if used without extensions), but12:11
guivercextensions I want to use that cause the lost of RAM... I live with it & just restart them (browsers) as required12:11
BluesKajHi all12:40
IrcsomeBot<Halis> ROEC14:16
IrcsomeBot<Halis> R0EC14:16
=== genii-core is now known as genii
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Hi all :)15:15
IrcsomeBot<DPRanjiida> You gave ping to everyone just for a 'hi' 😂 (re @Halis: Hi all :))15:33
=== richie is now known as richdin
=== richie is now known as stumpwhistle
=== xv8 is now known as XV8
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Oh sorry, does Ä°RC ping every-one, just by writing "a-l-l" without a @? Ä° am sorry, if Ä° ping accidently every-one16:20
mybalzitchnot on "regular" irc it doesn't16:23
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> IRC leak messages lol17:05
IrcsomeBot<blinkengine> That's basically what it does 😂17:05
IrcsomeBot<Eric_4Z1UG> It does not look like I am eating RAM, It causes all of my CPUs to max to 100%. (re @IrcsomeBot: <guiverc> @Eric_4Z1UG, I find both chromium & firefox eventually slow down after a time (they'll eat up all ram I have & end up causing my system to thrash; a reboot or logout/login would fix, but I just check it out with htop, close the problem browser down, wait for system to be cleaned up then restart the browser).  I concluded it wasn't the18:07
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Does someone know, how to check, if the system needs a restart?18:10
IrcsomeBot<Halis> /var/run/reboot-required is always non-existent for me. Does it work differently on Kubuntu?18:11
=== XV8 is now known as xv8
=== xv8 is now known as XV8

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