
daftykinsgooood morning \o/ cor i just got in under the wire10:53
zxmpiwhat time zone does the islands use? :-P 10:57
zxmpisurely back when you had a local time it was off gmt by a few mins. think dublin was around 14mins10:58
daftykinsheh that'd be neat10:58
daftykinsi'm picturing clocks at the airport10:59
zxmpithen the railways ruined it :-P10:59
zxmpi25 minutes after gmt11:00
daftykinsoh dear it's a crApple event day *and* Patch Tuesday combined12:13
zxmpiit's not a patch. it's a very naughty piece of software :-P12:14
zxmpiseems there was a bug that could turn on camera and mic without permissions12:20
daftykinswhat in?12:20
zxmpimacos i think12:20
zxmpimacos, iwatch and iphone https://boingboing.net/2021/09/13/apple-issued-an-emergency-update-for-malware-that-can-turn-on-mic-and-camera-without-the-user-clicking-anything.html12:23
m0nkey_Apple having a hard time lately. CSAN, Epic lawsuit, Korea and now this zero-day.14:41
zxmpiwell csan was their own shotgun and their own foot. they can't blame anyone else for that dumbness14:43
zxmpiepic lawsuit was a long time coming. they want a 30% cut of everyones dollar on ios. they got stupid and greedy.14:44
zxmpikorea is korea. this is the country that kept activex alive for yonks to allow ecommerce online14:45
daftykinsthat wasn't worldwide o014:47
zxmpibut i suspect other countries will look at what's happening in korea and think that might be nice in their countries14:51
daftykinscrApple event has begun17:02
zxmpion time? 17:03
zxmpithey must be desperate :-P17:03
zxmpistream crashed. that never would have happened with realplayer(tm) :-P17:17

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