
mparilloDid I miss https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/20.04.3/release/ ? Somebody alerted us on #kubuntu. I updated the Downloads and Alternative Downloads page, but could somebody test ?12:24
mparilloOK, really strange. I clicked the Update button in WordPress, but the update did not seem to "take".12:27
mparilloThe updates are there when I navigate to wp-admin, but not published for some reason.12:30
BluesKajHi all12:34
RikMillsmparillo: canonical were going to do some site updates. maybe that caused this12:49
RikMillsthe guy who said that is not online on IRC right now12:49
mparilloAnd it looks as if my updates to https://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads/ and https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ for 20.04.3 have been deployed. Testers welcome.13:47
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IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/17bca761/file_47674.jpg22:57
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Need to do some more checking on that before I put it somewhere more public and ask for testing22:59
mamarleyRikMills: Haha, too late, I already installed it. :)23:34
mamarleyFirst impressions are good.  My system is still working and didn't collapse in a heap.23:34
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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