
guiverc@teward001 Eickmeyer are you happy with what @Leokolb achieved re: failure resolving ... I doubt I'll get to it today (headache, going to take it easy today & limit time in front of screens)04:23
guivercthe testing checklist monitors calamares; lubuntu-default-settings & casper, should it also monitor calamares-settings-lubuntu? calamares-settings-ubuntu.common?  (they don't appear to change much)04:48
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> yes we're happy with it being found (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> @teward001 Eickmeyer are you happy with what @Leokolb achieved re: failure resolving ... I doubt I'll get to it today (headache, going to take it easy today & limit time in front of screens))16:41
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> guiverc: especially with the two tests - bare metal and VM - which shows its a consistent Cala/chroot problem16:41
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> and kc2bez and I have added it to the "Once JJ opens" tasks for us to dig into16:41
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> because the chroot *really* should be inheriting the live environment's networking and if it isn't then the chroot isn't being loaded right.16:41
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> it's not something that needs fixed right *now*16:42
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> but it should be looked into at somep oint in next cycle16:42
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> (the reason it was on my "If you get a minute can you confirm this" behavior was because Studio exploded hard, and this is the first evidence that explains why an Ubuntu chroot had a working apt update but an Lubuntu first install requires apt update to get repo data.)16:43
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> (and now I can point at Cala and/or chroot as the cause)16:43
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Eickmeyerguiverc: Very happy that @Leokolb found the issue. I had already done the workaround (not removing a package that isn't even there), so hopefully this will fix a bunch of other issues too.17:56
guivercthanks @teward001 & Eickmeyer..  I'll let it be (likely will be a light day today as well)..   I'd noted the lubuntu first install required apt-update; but that never concerned me...  I'd do it myself anyway on after first reboot & login (@ term) to read the results & look for anything unusual...22:12
lubot_[telegram] <kc2bez> Rest easy Chris. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> thanks @teward001 & Eickmeyer..  I'll let it be (likely will be a light day today as well)..   I'd noted the lubuntu first install required apt-update; but that never concerned me...  I'd do it myself anyway on after first reboot & login (@ term) to read the results & look for anything unusual...)22:14
guivercthanks @kc2bez 22:22
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> yeah pretty much the same on Lubuntu install for me, however now we know *why* it's failing to apt update unlike say a new Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Server installation (which still uses some chroots to write things) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> thanks @teward001 & Eickmeyer..  I'll let it be (likely will be a light day today as well)..   I'd noted the lubuntu first install required apt-update; but that never concerned me...  I22:23
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> i've always 'accepted' it but now i can point fingers at Cala here :P22:23
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> you go rest.22:23
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