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BerlynWhat kernel version is 20.04.3 at currently? Is it on par with the latest 21.04?04:42
toddcBerlyn: 5.11.0-34-generic for 20.04.3  I assume that 21.04 in newer but not looked yet04:45
toddcBerlyn: google says 21.04 uses 5.1104:46
BerlynThanks toddc04:49
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ducassemorning folks06:51
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neurochromeHey folks! I've got a weird issue, which seems to be down to a missing package (maybe).  I'm on Ubuntu 18.04, I had to upgrade from the 4 series kernel to the 5 series kernel due to a breakage with my system and nvidia.  5 works fine, but every new kernel install results in a broken boot state, and I need to install additional packages to get it to boot.08:43
neurochromeSo for the latest kernel on my system (5.4.0-84) I was missing the linux-signatures-nvidia-5.4.0-84-generic package.08:43
neurochromeWhat package do I need to install to ensure that the next version of this is installed with the newer kernel?08:44
Hanumaanapplied netplan in 20.04 but it is taking the values although configuration does not complain for eth1 : https://pastebin.com/cbpAYvvx what could be the reason?08:56
=== jordan is now known as Alabalistic
ograHanumaan, do you have any other files in /etc/netplan ? als, is that a server with network-manager installed ?09:09
ogra(see https://netplan.io/ ... "renderer: NetworkManager" effectivey hands over the managment to NM)09:10
Hanumaanogra there is another file 50-cloud-init.yaml09:19
ograwell, with any content ?09:19
Hanumaanogra, updated the paste : https://pastebin.com/cbpAYvvx09:21
ograHanumaan, so do you have network-manager installed there or why did you pick it as a renderer ? that will definitely make it default to DHCP unless you set up the device in netwrok-manager to be static (again, see the netplan.io frontpage)09:24
Hanumaanogra, ok wonderful got that after removing the renderer ..09:28
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eoli3nis there any reason why a snap package would not detect nvidia GPU with blender ?09:39
neurochromeI should probably rephrase that question... how can I ensure that the relevant `linux-signatures-nvidia-*KERNEL_VERSION*-generic` package is automatically installed with a new kernel.  There doesn't appear to be a meta package for this. Any ideas?09:40
EriC^^neurochrome: you could try a apt-cache rdepends to see what is pulling it in09:47
nikolamI just wonder, Why, while I am using HD4600 graphics in Intel i5 4570 (Hp 600 G1 twr) , whenever I start some apps whole 24" screen on DP to HDMI output, displays black screen while application is loading and then image comes back on the screen09:48
nikolamI previously had installed AMD RX480 but I moved to using integrated Intel graphics09:48
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neurochromeCheers EriC^^09:57
neurochromeThat led me to the following packages: linux-modules-nvidia-470-lowlatency-hwe-18.04 linux-modules-nvidia-470-generic-hwe-18.0409:58
Guest14I was trying to open port 22 in my ubuntu home desktop using ufw firewall tool but it doesnt open it when i try sshing to the machine? it remains closed. any help please?10:03
eoli3nGuest14 i will be helpful if you paste the command you used10:04
eoli3nyou are connecting through a local network ?10:05
Guest14ufw allow 2210:06
Guest14yes my through my home network10:06
eoli3nto test if the port is open, on the server machine run "nc -vz localhost 22"10:06
eoli3nthen same from a client "nc -vz $server_ip 22"10:07
eoli3nif port is open from server itself and from a client, then it should be a problem with you sshd config10:07
Guest14a question do I have to install open-ssh or only ssh will do ?10:08
Hanumaanwhat is the default network manager in ubuntu-xenial-16.04 and ubuntu-focal-20.04 and 21.04?10:09
Guest14the port i am sure is not open even after adding the ufw rule10:09
Hanumaanis it NetworkManager or networkd?10:09
eoli3nGuest14 what does give ufw status10:09
Guest14it shows the allowed ports10:10
eoli3nstate is active ?10:10
eoli3ntest nc commands that i gave you10:10
eoli3n"Guest14: the port i am sure is not open even after adding the ufw rule", test it10:11
eoli3ntesting a port, is not testing a server10:11
eoli3nfrom the client "nc -vz $serverip 22"10:12
Guest14i am not connected to the server now, i will try it when i go home. thank you10:12
eoli3nfrom the client(!)10:12
eoli3nthe one you use to connect with ssh10:13
eoli3noh ok, i get it10:13
eoli3nyou're not at home, so you're not trying to connect in a local network10:13
Guest14yes the problem is i have dynamic public ip at home, i need to make it static first10:13
eoli3nthat's not "local network"10:14
eoli3ndid you open the port on your box10:14
eoli3nyou need to forward port 22 to the local ip of you server10:14
eoli3non your router*10:14
Guest14yes that i did in my home router , port 22 is forwarded to my machine. I would like to know how ports are supposed to get opend, is it from the server itself or the router ?10:16
eoli3nrun the command i gave you10:17
eoli3ninstead of "ssh user@server" use "nc -vz server 22"10:17
eoli3na port needs to be 1° forwarded from wanip to local ip, 2° allowed in you host firewall, 3° listened by a ssh server10:19
eoli3nyou should also protect yourself from bruteforce with "fail2ban", just install the package and enable/start the service10:21
eoli3n22 port opened directly on internet is honey for attackers10:21
eoli3nin the sshd_config, you should not "permit-root-login", and allow only key authentication10:22
eoli3nchanging the default port will reduce a lot the number of attack attempts10:23
Guest14ok thank you10:25
varaindemianwhat can I install if I am on Ubuntu 21.04? https://www.fortinet.com/support/product-downloads/linux10:46
varaindemianI mean I have this option for 20.04 `deb [arch=amd64] https://repo.fortinet.com/repo/6.4/ubuntu/ /bionic multiverse`10:47
varaindemianbut what about 21.04?10:47
_________openfortivpn maybe10:48
Hanumaan I have set /etc/network/interfaces but the ip was not showing with "ip a" after I have done netplan it was showing what does it mean? actually this is in Ubuntu 20.0410:53
Hanumaanis ifupdown by default installed in Ubuntu-20.04?10:58
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ogravaraindemian, apt-cache search fortinet ... that should list a bunch of clients that are already maintained in the archive11:20
wwwiI am improving my linux administration/Ubuntu skills11:20
wwwiso, I am doing various tasks11:20
wwwiI created a user, a shared folder, installed an ssh server11:21
wwwiwhat else  can I do?11:21
varaindemianogra: nothing related to forticlient11:30
tarzeau_wwwi: install a webserver? add cgi support? give users possibility to use ~/public_html ?11:32
tarzeau_wwwi: create more users? learn rsync?11:33
ogravaraindemian, huh ? i doubt they have been dropped since 20,04 ... there are network-manager integrations, an openfortivpn package etc etc if you look in an LTS (20.04) install11:33
varaindemianogra: I want the client11:34
ogra$ apt-cache search fortinet|grep client11:35
ograopenfortivpn - Fortinet client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services11:35
ogra(or use network-manager-fortisslvpn for desktop integration)11:36
varaindemianogra: can I just add `deb [arch=amd64] https://repo.fortinet.com/repo/6.4/ubuntu/ /bionic multiverse` with `/hairsute` instead of `/bionic`?11:36
ogravaraindemian, no idea, if you trust fortinet enough to give them full root access to your machines ... and if they offer an actual hirsute archive (seems they do not), it migth work11:37
ograi'D just go with the packages from the ubuntu archive11:39
varaindemianogra: hmm why would i not trust them?11:39
ogradunno, i wouldnt give random people full root acces to my machines ...11:40
ograbut up to you ... though i dont think they even offer builds for non-LTS releases at all ... so this is moot anyway11:40
wwwitarzeau_, thank you for the suggestions11:44
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BluesKajHi all12:34
wwwiwhat is the Public folder about?12:36
tarzeau_wwwi: people that have $HOME/public_html get automatically a webpage at yoursite/~username12:37
wwwitarzeau_, I see, thank you12:43
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letterriphi all - any idea why kernel 5.11.0-34 would not detect usb devices but 5.11.0-31 would?13:38
letterripalso any idea why my usb devices might be getting less power with these kernels vs 4.x series?13:39
lotuspsychjeletterrip: we currently have a lot of bugs regarding 5.11, you might wanna browse around the latest added kernel bugs to see if your issue is amongst them13:39
lotuspsychjeletterrip: you can also share your dmesg in a pastebin, so volunteers can take a long for you for a deeper investigation13:40
letterripok - i didn't see anything obvious in dmesg13:40
letterripbut I'm fairly ignorant about it :)13:40
letterripwhere is the bug tracker for the kernel located?13:41
lotuspsychjelemme arrange you a link letterrip13:41
letterripnote that the debian distro has the same issue with the kernel13:42
lotuspsychjeletterrip: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=013:42
letterripso it isn't ubuntu specific (dual booting w bullseye)13:42
lotuspsychjeinteresting letterrip13:43
lotuspsychjebug #1939222 here's a displayport issue over usb bug letterrip but not sure related to yours yet13:49
ubottuBug 1939222 in linux (Ubuntu) "DisplayPort over USB-C not working after release update" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193922213:49
letterriplotuspsychje, seems most similar to this ancient bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/129196913:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1291969 in linux (Ubuntu) "No usb on resume from suspend" [High, Confirmed]13:51
lotuspsychjeyeah but thats an older bug letterrip13:51
lotuspsychjewe need some that are 5.11 specific as in your issue13:52
letterripyes - hence my statement of ancient :)13:52
letterripI'm guessing it is the same breakage mechanism13:52
lotuspsychjetry to share your dmesg letterrip so volunteers might find something13:52
letterripwill do13:52
letterrippretty sure it is a power management issue13:52
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shah519hey hey14:33
noarbis there a way to exclude files or types from the dash file search? When I enter in "Type to Search" i get a lot of characters (probably a font installation?) that I won't be searching for in the dash15:22
claygood morning everyone!15:40
iorianoarb, i guess you have 2 choices : 1) via the System Settings 2)  a gnome extension ( https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3956/gnome-fuzzy-app-search/ )15:43
noarbioria: oh great, I didn't know there was an option for filetype in the system settings. That fixed it!15:54
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szindzekshello? does this work?17:16
Mathisenszindzeks, yep17:16
pavloswhat is "this"?17:17
szindzeksit's my first time using irc and i didn't know if i connected correctly17:17
szindzeksi have a problem - i forgot my windows password. i know a how to changing using ubuntu, but the problem is that NTFS volume is mounting in read only mode, because windows is hibernated. I want to either force-mount it to rw mode or to somehow fully shutdown windows. can you help me with some of that?17:19
szindzeksomg my english is so bad17:20
szindzeksi know how to change it*17:20
Mathisenszindzeks, just a tip you dont need linux to reset the password17:20
szindzekshow can i do that?17:20
leftyfbszindzeks: that is a Windows issue. You need to boot into Windows and tell it to reboot, TWICE. Do not hibernate it.17:20
leftyfbMathisen: feel free to help szindzeks with resetting the password without using ubuntu in #windows17:21
Mathisenleftyfb, yep17:21
Mathisenszindzeks, as leftyfb said join #windows and i help you with that17:22
szindzekswhen i type "/join #windows" it joins me to #windows-please-register17:24
leftyfb!register | szindzeks17:24
ubottuszindzeks: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera17:24
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TheBigKis there a good howto out there to recompile a specific kernel module and sign it for secure boot?17:27
EriC^^SzinDzeks: if you reboot windows instead of shutting down it should properly reboot and not hibernate17:36
EriC^^SzinDzeks: "ntfsfix /dev/sdxY" can remove hibernation as well17:36
lotuspsychjeTheBigK: we usualy advice to not compile own kernels on ubuntu and use the !mainline kernels for testing purposes, but if you wanna help out on other purposes, perhaps talk to the #ubuntu-kernel guys17:40
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elhi, do you have a question for the support channel?18:18
pi___no, is this the support channel?18:18
ograyes, can we help you ?18:18
pi___i'm sorry where is the chat room18:19
elit is. you can see what channels are about by doing /topic where you type chats18:19
ograthere are #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss18:19
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timvisherIs there any way to debug slow connectivity to apt repositories? I'm assuming there isn't a general problem with that right now?19:05
leftyfbtimvisher: try a different mirror19:06
sarnoldtimvisher: you could bust out mtr to the IP addresses that you're contacting and see if you can spot a lossy / slow / route or something similar19:07
timvisherleftyfb: That's a good idea. Is there IP based rate limiting or anything involved here? Essentially I'm seeing intermittent issues with a building a docker image that does an apt install but I can only reproduce it (intermittently) in CircleCI.19:08
timvisher(The mirror).19:08
timvisherI'm also not sure whether it's really apt or something wider. I just observed 50 k/s to install the microk8s snap.19:09
jpmhI want to communicate between two servers.  Sort of ideally I would have a pipe, where one sits and waits for input from the other.  I would like to avoid writing my own sockets code.  I tried mounting using sshfs and inotifywait but the latter does not get triggered.  Ideas please19:09
leftyfbtimvisher: so now you're saying this is slowness with apt and snap repo's within docker within CircleCI? How is this in any way an issue with ubuntu?19:11
leftyfbjpmh: communicate for what purpose?19:12
timvisherleftyfb: I actually don't think it's directly related to ubuntu but how to debug the apt slowness or get more verbose logs about its operations would be.19:13
jpmhleftyfb: I need another server to receeive information that is provided to the first.  I realize this is a bit vague, but essentially I have used ssh from one to the other and that works well, BUT I would like to avoid the overhead of starting that connection19:13
leftyfbjpmh: look into rabbitmq19:16
jpmhleftyfb: TY - will check that out19:17
Ronalds_Mazitis_hey why ssh server so slow19:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_I am using putty and it just glitches on xwindows19:25
Ronalds_Mazitis_it was not doing that before19:26
sarnoldare you tunnelling X through ssh in order to run putty? I'm confused what you're doing..19:28
leftyfbwtf?  putty, xwindows, ssh?19:30
sarnoldI heard there's a putty that runs on linux19:30
leftyfbthere is19:30
leftyfbput still19:30
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: are you really trying to X forward an application running on an Ubuntu machine to a Windows machine using putty and xwindows(Cygwin)?19:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_I am trying to use putty on windows to get to ubuntu server19:33
Ronalds_Mazitis_I was unclear19:33
Ronalds_Mazitis_it was not lagging19:33
Ronalds_Mazitis_last time I used it19:33
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: why did you mention "glitches on xwindows"?19:33
Ronalds_Mazitis_forwarding for gui19:33
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: are you really trying to X forward an application running on an Ubuntu machine to a Windows machine using putty and xwindows(Cygwin)?19:34
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: or are you running putty on Ubuntu?19:34
Ronalds_Mazitis_dude I am using xming19:34
Ronalds_Mazitis_it was working perfectly19:34
leftyfbok, same idea19:34
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: it was running perfectly until ....  ?19:35
Ronalds_Mazitis_it's windows19:35
Ronalds_Mazitis_it's unpredicatable19:35
leftyfb!enter | Ronalds_Mazitis_19:35
ubottuRonalds_Mazitis_: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:35
Ronalds_Mazitis_yesterday I could not record system sounds on it, because something about this sound card was not the thing that audacity would understand19:35
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: ok, sounds like you might be having #windows problems19:36
leftyfbRonalds_Mazitis_: I really do not think this is related to openssh19:36
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ExaHi, when looking at the dependencies for the wireguard package for focal, it seems to depend on either wireguard-dkms or wireguard-modules, but I don't see the kernel packages providing wireguard-modules (or the website misses it).  I have a server with wireguard installed and running, it didn't pull the dkms dependency.  What's configured to do that on the APT side?  Thanks.20:59
sarnold$ apt-cache show linux-image-generic | grep wireguard-modules21:04
sarnoldProvides: virtualbox-guest-modules (= 6.1.26-dfsg-3~ubuntu1.20.04.1), wireguard-modules (= 1.0.20201112-1~20.04.1), zfs-modules (= 0.8.3-1ubuntu12.12)21:04
sarnoldExa: ^^ linux-image-generic and maybe two dozen other packages provide it21:05
goddardwho thought it was a good idea to make the same key you enter the grub menu to be the same key that also drops you into the grub command prompt?21:05
goddardi wanna smack that person21:05
leftyfbExa: do you have linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 installed?21:05
leftyfbgoddard: feel free to file a bug21:06
goddardleftyfb: with who?21:06
Exasarnold: thanks, I see it in dpkg -s linux-image-virtual21:06
leftyfb!bug | goddard21:06
ubottugoddard: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:06
goddardleftyfb: that isn't applicable i don't think21:08
leftyfbgoddard: ubuntu-bug grub21:08
goddardyeah but its not really a bug21:08
goddardits just a dumb choice21:08
leftyfbgoddard: this is a support channel. Feel free to rant in #ubuntu-offtopic21:09
goddardleftyfb: here https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/194388321:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1943883 in Launchpad itself "entering grub and getting to the grub command prompt should not be the same key" [Undecided, New]21:12
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ravageIf you boot in bios mode holding shift should work fine to bring up the grub menu21:38
BinarySaviori booted my laptop into safe mode, enabled networking, it worked, then i booted back into desktop and now my wifi card is not detected21:43
BinarySaviorif i type sudo lshw -c network it shows my card but the first line says *-network UNCLAIMED21:52
BinarySaviori've tried running ubuntu-drivers install21:52
geniiFind the vendor:device code by running either lsusb, which will show it without special switches, or  lspci -nn   ... the code is the part of the output which looks like 168c:002b   .. once you know the vendor:device  it will help to find out exactly what device it is and what driver it should use21:58
HashIs there a reason i am using chromium instead of chrome?22:07
HashChromium is so ridiculous it crashes if you try to upload a file, image, try to link bank to your other site, literally everything makes it crash, I don't mean a tab, like the whole browser just disappears from desktop.22:07
HashSo infuriating.22:08
HashIs there a reliable web browser in Ubuntu I can use that doesn't randomly crash? I'm very angry right now and perhaps I should go do something else. Ugh. In the meantime, I need stability in Ubuntu.22:08
Hash20.04 has not proven to be stable. Randomly things just crash and I lose data.22:09
leftyfbHash: work with people here to troubleshoot your chromium issue or use firefox or chrome. Pretty sure you already knew this answer though22:09
HashChromium is a snap package, not an ubuntu package. I just discovered22:11
Hashleftyfb: I've researched this issue and many people have it and no one has ever found a fix. Ever.22:12
HashPeople just give up and move to a diff browser.22:12
leftyfbHash: I've been using google chrome for years without issue22:12
HashI'm not just telling you here in frustration the first time it happens.22:12
HashIf it happens once. Ok, might have been a fluke. Happens twice, sure, I could still be imagnining things. If it happens countless times, it's not me.22:13
Hashonce again, chromium is not chrome.22:13
leftyfbHash: ok, then use chrome22:13
HashIs it packaged for ubuntu?22:14
Guest37__akaWolf а чо я на ру заюанен?22:14
HashDo I get it from google instead?22:14
=== Guest37__ is now known as tomfarr
leftyfbHash: you get google chrome from http://google.com/chrome22:14
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leftyfb!ru | TomFarr22:14
ubottuTomFarr: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:14
TomFarrubottu I understand it but some thing going wrong. I'm banned22:15
TomFarrand don't know why22:15
leftyfbTomFarr: you are banned from #ubuntu-ru ?22:15
TomFarrbut i dont understand why22:16
leftyfbTomFarr: feel free to ask for help in #libera22:16
HashSo, I have chromium -> google-chrome in .config22:17
HashSo when I tried to try out the chromium browser (which i've beeno n for like a year or more now)22:18
HashI made a symlink from chromium to my chrome dir22:18
HashSo now if I just install chrome again, I think it will pick it up22:18
leftyfbHash: start fresh22:18
HashOh no no no.22:18
leftyfbexport bookmarks if you need to22:18
HashThen i'd rather just deal with chromium's crashing and use chrome for what doesn't crash.22:19
HashI can't go through logging in dozens of 2FA in another browser22:19
HashThat's just entirely too painful.22:19
leftyfbHash: one of the major benefits of google chrome over chromium is being able to sync all of that with google online. I can wipe all of ~/.config/google-chrome, start chrome, login to google and get everything back22:20
HashOh yeah that's helpful and sync'd too, but things don't just xfer. Sites will require you to sign in again.22:21
HashCookies, logged in data, noone of that goes along with sync.22:21
HashOnly credentials.22:21
HashNo, you cannot share cookies across web browsers. At present, there are no services that synchronizes cookies just like how bookmarks are synchronized.22:22
HashOh that was a quote from a googly site.22:23
leftyfbHash: good luck22:23
HashThanks man22:23
BinarySaviorif i want to back up my home directory but exclude recursively all projects/[project name]/venv dirs how can i do that22:46
BinarySaviorit might be better to use exclude-tag-all and just place a tag file in all directories where i dont want to back up22:50
Bashing-omBinarySavior: Take a loog at ' man rsync ' - My use case ' sudo mount /dev/sdb6 /mnt/look/ ; rsync -aiv --exclude=".*" --exclude uwn /home/sysop/ /mnt/look/files/ ; sudo umount /mnt/look/ ' .22:51
Bashing-omBinarySavior: ^ if ya have a lot to exclude - rsync can read a external exludes file.22:54
aroonihi everyone;  after a restart will an app installed via flatpak get picked up on the launcher?23:32
leftyfb!flatpak | arooni23:32
leftyfbarooni: flatpak isn't officially supported on ubuntu23:32
matsamanI wouldn't think even something as silly as flatpak would require a full restart, for any purpose23:33
arooni:oh sad face23:33
coz_flatpak rules but not on ubunru %(23:33
sarnoldI wouldn't be surprised if you have to drag an icon from one place to another23:33
sarnoldthere's only so much space on a launcher, right?23:34
coz_arooni, yes as sarnold mentioned, it "should" be listed in the menu after logoff/logon, not sure with ubuntu23:35
coz_I will have to try this on my ubuntu ssd to see how flatpak functions23:37
=== genii is now known as genii-core
matsamanprobably just killing/restarting the launcher would suffice, then23:38
aroonii hate every pomodoro app i've tried on ubuntu so far23:46
aroonianyone have any suggestions?23:46
matsamanwhat's a pomodoro app?23:47
aroonignome-pomodoro has bugs and can't remember sessions;  matsaman : a tool for helping one focus; the idea is to work 25 minutes or 50 or x at a time23:47
aroonifor deep work ; with no distractions; and you dont get to count it unless you were able to complete the time without distraction23:47
matsamandoes it just tell you when to stop doing "deep work" and when to start again?23:48
[itchyjunk]Hi i had a bit of a convoluted question. I waned to install "qemu riscv". The instruction i am following said `sudo apt-get install qemu` should do it. i did `sudo apt install qemu` but `qemu-system-riscv*` doesn't exist for me. (i've asked in #qemu and waited 8 hours). Do you think i need to download tar and make it myself?23:56
sarnold[itchyjunk]: try installing qemu-system-misc23:58
sarnold[itchyjunk]: the apt-cache show qemu-system-misc  output looks promising23:58
[itchyjunk]ah! will try thanks!23:58

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