=== XV8 is now known as xv8 [06:21] Hey guys, after latest kde update dual monitor setup is broken. At login screen both work, after login only 1. I have Nvidia. Any fix? [07:21] Good morning [08:22] Does Kubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute) support different font scaling setting per monitor already? [08:23] Or different scaling in general [12:28] Hi all === JoelJoel is now known as Joel [13:43] Hi, Does anyone know the Kubuntu equivalent of Fedora's lock group ? [13:47] Hello ? [13:53] What is Fedora's lock group? [13:58] @mparillo: I don't know. I'm trying to get a single board computer running and its web page says that Fedora users need to add themselves to groups uucp, dialout and lock. I am already a member of groups dialout and uucp. I just need to know the name of Kubuntu's equivalent of Fedora's lock group. [13:59] If it at the user admin level, then it should be the same across all flavours. I recommend you ask at #ubuntu. [14:00] But it may be Fedora-specific. I cannot find anything in Ubuntu documentation and Arch does not use it: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/users_and_groups#Unused_groups [14:01] @mparillo: I was aske at #ubuntu to try here. :-( [14:04] @mparillo: Thanks for the link, though. [14:06] Bye. === genii-core is now known as genii [17:20] sometimes when I launch a compilation job, the UI totally freezes for several seconds. I can't even move the mouse cursor. I know I could reduce the number of parallel jobs, but isn't there some simple switch to make Kubuntu/Ubuntu/kernel whatever always run every single damn non-system task at background priority, so that my desktop doesn't get [17:20] frozen like it keeps doing? [17:21] And whatever that setting is, it should be a default [17:21] Imagine if some misbehaving app uses up all your CPU cores, how is the user supposed to kill it when their keyboard and mouse stop being responsive? [17:22] Guest0: if the -generic kernel is installed that uses cooperative multi-tasking; that means all processes have to play nice to give up the CPU. For desktop it is better to use a -lowlatency kernel that does real pre-emptive multi-tasking (kernel interrupts processes forcibly) [17:22] just wait until the build job is done? why do intensive tasks while building? [17:23] this is a standard install, so yeah it's it's using generic. I didnt know there were others. [17:23] oerheks: why stare at a frozen monitor? I'd prefer to alt-tab to something to read [17:24] Since the UI is frozen, I have no choice but to wait for Kubuntu to unfreeze [17:24] Guest0: yes; I've never understood why *buntu desktop installers use the -generic kernel [17:25] TJ-: I'll read up on how to switch to the low-latency kernel. why dont they make -lowlatency the default on desktop installs? [17:25] ha! :) [17:26] Guest0: "apt install linux-lowlatency" [17:27] Guest0: that'll pull in linux-{image,headers}-lowlatency which will, in turn, pull in the version-specific linux-{image,modules,headers}-$VERSION packages [17:28] I haven't read up on that stuff yet, but on servers you'd suggest cooperative multi-tasking? [17:28] Guest0: received wisdom seems to suggest -generic on servers but I don't see why - theycan suffer starvation even more if they host multiple hungry services [17:30] oh, the low-latency kernel is much older, 5.4 vs generic's 5.11 [17:30] look for the -hwe- versions then [17:31] Guest0: "apt-cache search linux-lowlatency-hwe* " [20:21] I am new to Linux and which is better Ubuntu or Kubuntu [20:26] can anyone help [20:40] user|12: kubuntu if you like the KDE Plasma environment and applications [20:40] if you like gnome stuff, ubuntu [20:40] it's all the same underneath [20:40] right, they left of course === genii is now known as genii-core